Name ______#______Date ______

6.4.4 Deep-Sea Danger

Directions: First, read each sentence. Then fill in the bubble next to the word that is spelled correctly. If none of the choices are correct, fill in the bubble next to the choice “none.”

1. She wrote a ____ for her mother.
 poom
 poem
 peom
 none / 2. Her words were quite ____.
 peotic
 poettic
 poetic
 none
3. Would you like to ____ the play?
 dirrect
 direct
 direkt
 none / 4. What is the first ____ to take?
 direction
 direktion
 direkshun
 none
5. I don’t know the ____ of her fear of snakes.
 orrigin
 origin
 origen
 none / 6. This is an ____ song.
 original
 orriginal
 originel
 none
7. Will you ____all the ingredients?
 commbine
 combine
 combin
 none / 8. I forgot the ____ to my lock.
 combination
 combinashun
 combenation
 none
9. Please ____ after me.
 repeet
 repeat
 repeate
 none / 10. Sometimes ____ can help you learn.
 repetition
 repettion
 repetetion
 none
11. The ____ did not like the show.
 critik
 critec
 critic
 none / 12. Why do you always ____ me?
 criticise
 criticize
 critecize
 none
13. Her favorite subject is _____.
 histry
 history
 historry
 none / 14. This is an ____ event.
 historic
 historric
 historik
 none
15. He went to a military ____.
 acadamy
 acaddemy
 acadmy
 none / 16. She is good at ____ subjects.
 acadimic
 academik
 acadmic
 none
17. Let the music ____ you.
 inspir
 inspirre
 inspire
 none / 18. What is the ____ for his poem?
 inspiraton
 inspiretion
 inspiration
 none
19. We will ____ at nine.
 deparrt
 departe
 depart
 none / 20. Our ____ was late.
 departure
 deparshure
 deparrture
 none
21. The cliff will ____ in the rain.
 erodde
 erod
 erode
 none / 22. We studied ____ in school.
 erosion
 eroson
 erosoin
 none
23. You must ____ your home.
 manetain
 maintain
 maintian
 none / 24. Who does the ____ work?
 manetenance
 maintenanse
 maintinance
 none
25. Dad will ____ the candy.
 confisscate
 confescate
 confiscate
 none / 26. The ____ of the game was punishment for playing in class.
 confescation
 confiscaton
 confiscation
 none

Dictation Sentences: Listen as your teacher gives you a sentence. Write the sentence down on the lines below. Make sure you check your capitalization, punctuation, and the spelling.


