Update 1.3.0004

Student System



Grade Reporting

Graduation Plan




Special Education

Test Scores

May 1998 1

Copyright © 2013 by Texas Computer Cooperative

All rights reserved

Education Service Center, Region 20

1314 Hines Avenue

San Antonio, TX 78208-1899

This manual was prepared and published by Education Service Center, Region 20, San Antonio, TX in concert with participating Texas Computer Cooperative members.

Made in the United States of America

May 1998 1



Please read the installation checklist provided on the SharePoint Web site.

Known Issues

A list of known issues for TxEIS is available on the SharePoint Web site. From the Home tab, select Documents > Releases and Updates > TxEIS to access the Known Issues document.

Update Documentation

The Student Changes documentation only includes changes that are being released in the current update. For information on previous updates, see the Student Changes document for the specific update.

Effective June 2013, the release/update documentation, training guides, and other associated documentation will be identified by the version/release/update number (e.g., 1.1.0001) instead of the month and year. Note that interim updates and patches will include the build number at the end (e.g., 1.1.0001.0001).

Student Help

The Help files for TxEIS are included in this update. Student Help topics that were significantly revised or added are indicated by an asterisk in the SDR number (e.g., txeis123*). Other Student Help topics that were significantly revised or added include the following:


q  Reports, Discipline, Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification Report (SDS1700)

Grade Reporting

q  Maintenance, Gradebook Options, District, Reading Levels

q  Utilities, Copy Control Options


q  Maintenance, District Profile, Tables, Local Use Codes

External Processes

A batch process was created to extract enrollment and course completion data for students enrolled in Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) courses. TxVSN courses are coded with noncampus-based instruction codes 04 (TxVSN online school program) and 05 (TxVSN state-wide online course catalog). This process is run outside of the TxEIS Student system, but uses database records from the system. The necessary files are located on the Texas Computer Cooperative (TCC) FTP site under TxEIS > StudentSQL & Files > SQL Utilities > TxVSN. The extract file follows the format indicated by the TxVSN provider specifications, and can be imported by TxVSN providers. The process can be scheduled to run automatically. (txeis22173)

New Development


Reports, Discipline, Discipline Suspension Attendance Verification Report (SDS1700)

This is a new report that provides data from a student’s discipline and attendance records allowing the user to review for possible discrepancies between the two, and provide notifications as needed. The user can retrieve attendance data for specified days on which a student was assigned in-school suspension (ISS) or out-of-school suspension (OSS), which allows the user to verify that a student who was assigned ISS was not counted absent (for district ADA reporting purposes) if he was present in the ISS classroom, or a student who was assigned OSS was not counted present, as he should not be in attendance on the assigned days. (txeis22398*)

Grade Reporting

Maintenance, Gradebook Options, District, Reading Levels

This is a new tab that allows the user to create a list of district-defined reading levels. Teachers can select a reading level on the Cycle Grades page in txGradebook to set custom reading levels for students in elementary English language arts courses (i.e., courses that have an ELLA service ID type). (txeis22346*)

Utilities, Copy Control Options

This is a new utility that allows the user to copy campus control options from one campus to one or more campuses. This utility is useful if the user is creating a new campus. (txeis22132*)


Maintenance, District Profile, Tables, Local Use Codes

This is a new tab that allows the user to maintain a table of district-specific labels (i.e., field descriptions) for the Local Use and User Defined fields that are displayed on the Maintenance > Student Enrollment > Demo2 and At Risk tabs. Additionally, the user can designate specific fields as required. (txeis22419*)

Student System


Maintenance, Student, Student Posting, By Date/Course

The program was modified to display a warning message prompting the user to save any changes when entering or editing comments, and then selecting a different menu option (e.g., Reports). Additionally, the message will be displayed if the user edits the attendance code and comments, and then selects another menu option. (txeis15375)

Attendance, Maintenance, Letters, Print, Letter

The program was modified:

q  To add the 30 Per Page, Student Name and 14 Per Page, Student Name options to the Label Format drop down. The student name label options print the following: “To the Parents of Student Name.” (txeis15958*)

q  To remove the Student ID, Campus, and Grade fields from the 30 Per Page, Student Name and 30 Per Page, Parent’s Name label options. (txeis15958)

q  To increase the label font size to ten points per the United States Postal Service (USPS) label guidelines. (txeis15958)

Reports, Attendance Reports, Student Detail Report (SAT0600)

The program was modified:

q  To correct the problem that caused a student’s GT (gifted and talented) indicator to not be displayed if the student withdrew, and then later reenrolled at the district. (txeis22549)

q  To prevent a program error from occuring if the user ran the report for attendance track 1 on any campus. (txeis23083)

Reports, Attendance Reports, Schedule of Age/Grade Distributions (SAT1400)

The program was modified:

q  To correct the spacing on the report. Previously, the word “Period” was cut off from the A.2 and 3 column descriptions if the user ran the Principal’s or District Period Reports. (txeis6316)

q  To print all report data on one page. Previously, the report data was printed on two pages, and the data on the second page only printed on the bottom half of the page. (txeis6318)

Reports, Create Attendance Report

The program was modified:

q  To disable the fields in the Count of Absences/Tardies section if the user selects a field in the Attendance by Date section, and vice versa. (txeis21781)

q  To remove the Prior SSN field in the Enroll Tabpage section. The data is no longer required by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). (txeis21875)

q  To add the Masked SSN field in the Enroll Tabpage section, which allows the user to include masked social security number data. (txeis21875)


Maintenance, Student, Maintenance

The program was modified to display the following message in the upper-right side of the free-form area if the user creates an incident record using data from a discipline referral record: “Student(s) assigned to this incident have been saved with basic information from the teacher referral. Modify each student record, comment(s) and assign action(s).” (txeis22436)

Maintenance, Student, Restraint Information

The program was modified:

q  To automatically populate the ID field with leading zeros if the user types fewer than six digits when retrieving a student record. (txeis21516)

q  To rename the Edit column heading to Details. (txeis21516)

q  To remove the word “Restriction” from the options listed in the Restraint Type drop down (i.e., st_restraint_typ table). The word does not apply to the options. (txeis22050)

q  To correct the problem that caused the user to have to click a drop down twice to display the available options. Now, the user can click a drop down once, and the available options are displayed. (txeis22271)

q  To allow the user to edit existing data in the Restraint Reason, Restraint Staff Type, and Restraint Type fields. Previously, if the user made a change to existing data and clicked Save, the changes were not saved. (txeis22271)

Reports, Discipline, Discipline Student Restraint (SDS0250)

The program was modified to correct the validations for the Restraint Date and Reporting Period parameters. Previously, if the user ran the report with a value in the Reporting Period parameter, an error message was displayed indicating that a value was required in the Restraint To Date parameter. However, if the user typed a value in the Restraint To Date parameter, another error message was displayed indicating that the Restraint To Date should be left blank if a value was typed in the Reporting Period parameter. The two validations contradicted each other, which prevented the user from running the report with the Reporting Period parameter. Now, the user can successfully run the report using either the Restraint Date or Reporting Period parameters, but not both. (txeis22052)

Reports, Discipline, Discipline Audit Report (PEIMS Edits) (SDS1300)

The program was modified:

q  To restore functionality to the Filter and Refresh buttons. Previously, there was no response if the user clicked either button. (txeis21917)

q  To remove the report headers when the report is exported to CSV format. (txeis21917)

Grade Reporting

The program was modified to rename the course description for service ID 3152600 from MUS2APL2 to MUS1APL for all school years per the PEIMS data standards. (txies22411)

Maintenance, Tables, District Control Table, EOC Conversion Table

The program was modified to remove the Scale Score and Academic Performance Cut Code columns per new Texas Education Agency (TEA) standards. The following message is displayed at the top of the page directing users to the applicable information: “See links in HELP for STAAR Raw Score Conversion Tables to view Scale Score and Academic Performance Cut Codes.” (txeis22458*) (1.3.0003.0469)

Maintenance, Student, Individual Maint, Demo

The program was modified to display “EP” in the Special Ed field if the student exited a special program with an EP (exit program) reason code. Previously, the student’s primary disability code was displayed. (txeis21914)

Maintenance, Student, Individual Maint, Assignments

The program was modified to correctly retrieve assignments for courses that have a four-digit weight value in the sr_sec_categ table. Previously, only assignments for courses that had a two- or three-digit weight value could be retrieved. (txeis22260)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports

The following programs were modified:

q  To accommodate eight-character course numbers. Previously, only four-character course numbers were accommodated. (txeis21985)

·  SGR1920 - Pass/Fail Verification List

·  SGR1925 - Student Course Information

·  SGR1940 - Student Course List

·  SGR2046 - Invalid Course Sequence Codes

·  SGR2055 - Student Schedules

·  SGR2550 - Teaching Assignments

·  SGR2600 - Student Grd/Crs Override Proof List

·  SGR3500 - Transfer Course Discrepancy Report

·  SGR4600 - txGradebook Disallowed Weight Type

·  SGR5000 - Count of Special Ed Students per Teacher

·  SGR5500 - Student Schedule Change Audit Report

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Master Schedule PEIMS (Grd Rpting) (SGR0110)

The program was modified:

q  To add the sort and filter functionality, which allows the user to sort and filter report data. (txeis21924*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21924)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Master Schedule Sched Info (Grd Rpting) (SGR0120)

The program was modified:

q  To add the sort and filter functionality, which allows the user to sort and filter report data. (txeis21966*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21966)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Master Sched Section and Grd Rpting Info (SGR0130)

The program was modified:

q  To add the sort and filter functionality, which allows the user to sort and filter report data. (txeis21967*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21967)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Class List (Student Demo Info) (SGR0400)

The program was modified:

q  To add the filter functionality, which allows the user to filter report data. (txeis21968*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21968)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Class Rolls (Student Grade Information) (SGR0900)

The program was modified:

q  To correct the problem that caused an error message to be displayed, even if the user entered a valid value in the Selected Period (00-11, Blank for All) parameter. (txeis21947)

q  To replace the word “respecify” with “reenter” in the following error message: “Invalid Period entered for requested campus: 02. Please respecify.” (txeis21947)

q  To add the filter functionality, which allows the user to filter report data. (txeis21975*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21975)

q  To add the Non-Campus Based Instruction Code (00-10,99) parameter, which allows the user to limit report data to display only information for students enrolled in Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) courses. TxVSN noncampus-based instruction codes are 04 (TxVSN online school program) and 05 (TxVSN state-wide online course catalog). (txeis22085*)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Blank, Failing and Incomplete Grades (SGR1000)

The program was modified:

q  To add the sort and filter functionality, which allows the user to sort and filter report data. (txeis21970*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report format to not save properly when exported to CSV format. (txeis21970)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Interim Progress Report (Plain Paper (SGR1150)

The program was modified to add a View Fail List button, which allows the user to generate a list of students who have one or more failing grades. (txeis22406*)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Interim Progress Report from Grade Book (SGR1160)

The program was modified:

q  To add a View Fail List button, which allows the user to generate a list of students who have one or more failing grades. (txeis22405*)

q  To correct the problem that caused the report to not generate if the specified campus for which the report was run did not have any existing report card comments. (txeis22441) (1.3.0003.0469)

q  To correct the problem that caused the current average value to not be displayed when running the report with the Std Sel parameter set to F (i.e., failing) or B (i.e., failing and blank). (txeis22446) (1.3.0003.0469)

Reports, Grade Reporting Reports, Secondary Report Cards (2 Semesters) (SGR1300)

The program was modified:

q  To add the sort and filter functionality to the report that is generated if the user clicks the View Fail List button on the report page allowing the user to sort and filter report data. (txeis22499*)