Culpeper County School Board 12/21/2006 ~ 2:14:13 PM

December 18, 2006

Page 3



December 18, 2006

A disposition meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held December 18, 2006 in the School Board Central Office (Colin Owens Conference Room) at 450 Radio Lane at 6:30 p.m.

Present were Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District), Chair; Robert Jenkins III (Catalpa District); Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Claudia Vento (West Fairfax District), Vice Chair; George Dasher (Stevensburg District); Jennifer McCauley (Salem District); Division Superintendent Dr. David Cox, Clerk of the Board Jeff Shomo, Executive Director of Administrative Services Dr. Larry Carter, Parliamentarian Eric Conti, and Deputy Clerk Pearl Jamison.

At 6:32 p.m. Ms. Hutchins called the meeting to order and Dr. Cox called the roll.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board went into closed session immediately regarding:

[a] Discussion of a disciplinary matter of Named Student A (Expulsion) as permitted by the Code of Virginia [2.2-3711 (A) (2) of the Code of Virginia]

Motion carried 7-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Jenkins, the Board ended the closed session at 7:34 p.m. and certified by the following roll call vote that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only the items included in the motion to go into closed session were discussed:


George Dasher

Elizabeth Hutchins

Leanne Jenkins

Robert L. Jenkins III

Jennifer McCauley

Robert Beard

Claudia Vento


Mr. Beard left the meeting at 7:35 p.m.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. McCauley, the Board approved the agenda. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Mr. Dasher, the Board approved the consent agenda. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

(a)  Personnel Recommendations

(b)  Disposition of Named Student (A) – Expulsion for a minimum of 365 days

Proposed 2007/2008 School Calendar

Dr. Cox said the school calendar is scheduled for second reading in January 2007. Dr. Cox said a lot of consideration has been given to the calendar. He said the main focus is making the best of instructional time. He said they have tried hard to gather input from everyone. He said it has been reviewed, commented on, and refined.

Dr. Carter said the calendar mirrors the calendars from the past two years with a few minor exceptions. He reviewed the minor changes.

Ms. Hutchins asked if the teachers have reviewed the calendar. Dr. Carter said principals have shared the information with their faculty and teacher’s have provided input.

Ms. Jenkins asked if we received parent comment. Dr. Conti said in the past parents liked having a full week at Spring Break and Thanksgiving.

Ms. McCauley reiterated that the graduation date has not changed since the first reading on December 11. Dr. Carter said that is correct.

Ms. McCauley asked that the parent connection and school newsletters include an invitation to provide comment on the calendar. Dr. Carter said we could place something on our web site and do a press release as well.

The board observed a 5 minute break.

Division Improvement Plan

Dr. Cox said one version of the Division Improvement Plan was distributed in the packet; however, an updated draft version is being presented tonight. He said the items in bold print are new items. He said this is still a work in progress document. He said the safety and security and communication items from the retreat have been incorporated into the document. He referred members to page 3 which reflects the Health and PE curriculum. He said the intention is to update the board on where we are. He said staff will ask for approval of this document at a later date.

Ms. Hutchins asked that a column be added that could indicate when items are finished.

Ms. McCauley asked why there are no performance measures for some of the communication items. Dr. Cox said they are being considered but are not yet final. Dr. Conti said we currently have customer service feedback cards and are putting together a survey for staff to complete regarding their principal.

Ms. McCauley said she has seen improvement in communication; however we still have a ways to go.

Ms. Jenkins said staff should check their e-mail twice daily.

Ms. McCauley asked why teachers in the Annex do not have voice mail. Ms. Hutchins said she had heard the same thing. Dr. Cox said he would check into the issue.

Mr. Beard rejoined the meeting at 8:04 p.m.

Student Services

Ms. McCauley shared a video clip regarding student services to those present. She said we need to offer broader services to our students; i.e., character education and health services.

Ms. McCauley offered the board members the opportunity to review the tape later at their leisure.

Mr. Beard left the meeting at 8:14 p.m.

Ms. McCauley said we need to be proactive in preventing violence. She said in the video they presented several examples of ways to prevent violence.

On motion of Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Vento, the board voted to adjourn at 8:38 p.m.

Ms. McCauley requested that Alan Rasmussen be invited to a future meeting to discuss Healthy Life skills.

Mr. Jenkins said everyone on the board is concerned about what is taking place in the schools. He said a lot of stuff reflected on the video is already taking place in our schools.

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
