57th College Day Report - 2010-2011

29thJanuary 2011

Respected Chief Guest and our illustrious alumnus Dr.P.V.Ramesh, I.A.S., Principal Secretary to the Government of Andhra Pradesh, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Respected Rev.Fr.A.Stanley, SJ, Rector and Vice-Chairman of the Governing Body of Andhra Loyola College, Rev.Fr.Dr.D.Showraiah, S.J., Correspondent, Rev.Fr.Dr.G.Jayaraj, SJ, Vice Principal (PG), Rev. Fr.Rex Angelo, SJ., Vice Principal (Degree), Dr.V.Vallabha Rao, Vice Principal (Degree), Rev.Fr.S.Raju, SJ, Vice Principal (Intermediate), Dr.P.Ramanujam, Dean of Humanities, Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Dean of Sciences, SriS.A.B.Nehru, Dean of Student Affairs, Dr.M.Venkateswara Rao, Chairman, ALC Staff Association, Heads of the Departments, Rev Fr.G.M.Victor Emmanuel, S.J., Controller of Examinations, Rev Fr. D.Papaiah, S.J., Director of Gogineni Hostel, Rev Fr M Louie Doss, SJ, Director of New Hostel, Rev.Fr.Anthony Theckemury, Director of Alumni Association, Rev.Fr.J.Thainese, Director and Correspondent of our Engineering College, distinguished members of the Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff, Rev.Fathers and Brothers of the Management, beloved Principals from neighbouring colleges, Mr.CH.Surya Prakash, the Student Council Leader and Miss Anindita Nath, the Girls’ Student Council Leader, beloved retired staff of yester years, Alumni and Alumnae of our college, Friends, Invitees, Parents and Members of the Electronic and Print Media and my dear young Friends! Ladies and Gentlemen!

I am privileged to present the 57th Annual Report of Andhra Loyola College.

At this moment, I would like to express my gratitude to all great men and women in the past who rendered tireless and dedicated service to make Andhra Loyola College what it is today.

The third millennium has established once again the supremacy of humans over the destiny. The publication of the mapping of the human genome has thrown open flood gates of genome riddle. Labelled as the “Book of Man” the decoding has revealed many surprises. One is that humans have only 30000 to 40000 genes. There is no wonder that our genome is synonymous with “humanness”. As a centre of higher education, we are overwhelmed by laying bare genetic secrets and dream what direction the destiny of man will take in the light of these discoveries.

The supremacy lies shattered by the vile instinct of man. Vandalism, mind-boggling corruption, hardened hatred and disrespect for value of life are perpetrated despite the dream discoveries. But how true the words of Winston Churchill:

“The task which has been set before us is not above our strength, its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our cause and unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us”.

New Appointments:

During this academic year, as many as thirty teaching staff have been recruited in the Degree and Intermediate sections, fifteen in the Postgraduation section. Seven non-teaching staff have also been recruited.

Students’ strength:

The total number of the students in the college is 3287. Of this, 850 are in the Intermediate section, 1950 in the Degree Section and 487 in the postgraduate section.

Examination Results:

Here is an overall picture of the examination results of the previous academic year with respect to the Intermediate, Degree and Postgraduate sections.

The results of Intermediate Public Examinations registered 80% passes.

Degree Results:

Section / Pass Percentage
DSC / 100.00
DCS / 80.65
DML / 87.18
DP / 83.87
DC / 86.96
DB / 83.33
DZ / 90.00
DCP / 80.39
DBM / 90.91
DEC / 86.49
DBZ / 100.00
DVC / 88.87
DBC / 100.00
B.Com., / 87.84
BCA / 80.00
DEH / 75.00
DET / 85.71
DGH / 90.91
DEM / 84.62

and the overall results of the Degree sections is 88%.

P.G. Results:

Course / Pass Percentage
MCA / 95.00
MBA / 95.00
M.Sc., Botany / 100.00
M.Sc., Chemistry / 77.00
M.Sc., Biotechnology / 100.00

The overall result is 93.4%.

I congratulate the Vice Principals as well as the faculty members of the Intermediate, Degree and P.G. sections for making it possible to achieve good results. I also thank the Controller of Examinations, the Assistant Controller and his team for their careful work in bringing out the results on time.

At the beginning of the academic year with the help of Dr.G.Sahaya Baskaran and other staff members, a survey of the academic and financial background of our first year degree students was conducted. It clearly revealed that the best students opt for engineering streams and only the next best come to the portals of Andhra Loyola College. Hence, we set about a mid course correction act viz. fully concentrating on English in the first year. I am extremely thankful to the dedicated staff of the English Department which responded with a magnanimous heart to man the burden. Hope this will bear abundant fruit in two years!

New officials:

1.Dr.V.Vallabha Rao, Head, Dept. of Hindi, is appointed Vice Principal (Degree) with effect from 10th June 2010.

I thank immensely SriKV Vijaya Babu for his effective and affectionate services rendered to the college and student community for two years as the Vice Principal of Degree sections.

2.Rev Fr.M.Louie Doss, SJ, joined the Department of English as Lecturer in June 2010 and he is also the Director of New Hostel.

I acknowledge with gratitude the tireless effort made by Rev Fr.Dr.D.Showraiah, SJ, the Correspondent, the PRC team members, Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Sri A.V.Ravi Kumar, Dr.G.Murali Krishna, Sri PVS Sairam and Dr.M.Sivaram, ALC Staff Association and SriG.Sambasiva Rao, SriPV Srinivasa Rao, Office Assistants, in successfully bringing the UGC-PRC scales to Andhra Loyola College staff.

Grants received from the U.G.C. – 2010-2011

Grant / Amount in Rs.
CPE II Phase / 75,00,000
Basic Scientific Research / 60,00,000
Swimming Pool / 1,00,00,000
Major Research Projects / 7,40,000
Minor Research Project / 2,00,000
Sports Equipment Grant / 5,00,000
Total / 2,49,40,000
Grants yet to be Released
400 mts 8 lane track / 40,00,000
2f & 12b additional grant / 25,00,000
Grand Total / 3,14,40,000

The management of Andhra Loyola College, the staff and the students are extremely grateful to the UGC for the generous grant accorded to the college.

Andhra Loyola College Alumni Association (ALCAA):

ALCAA School Building: The long cherished dream of ALCAA to build a school for the poorest of the poor has come true. The ALCAA school building was inaugurated by Sri Lagadapati Rajagopal, MP, on 7th November 2010. The school building is located behind the Girls Hostel on the college campus. Sri Rajagopal, who himself donated Rs.25 lakhs for the school, emphasised the need to extend good educational opportunities to the children from economically backward sections. Later, the donors who contributed for construction of the ALCAA school were felicitated by the ALCAA. Andhra Loyola College acknowledges with gratitude the generosity of the former students towards the alma mater.

Research activities:

1.Ph.D Awarded:

1.Sri B.Elia, Dept. of Zoology, was awarded a Ph.D. in Zoology for his thesis entitled “A study of Systematics, Phylogeny and Biogeography of Bathynellacea (Crustacea, Malacostraca, Syncarida) of peninsular India, the description of eight new species” by Acharya Nagarjuna University, in the month of April 2010.

2. Dr.K.Job Sudarshan, Dept. of Value Education, was awarded a Ph.D. in Theology from Hebron Open University for his thesis on “A comparative study of the ethical teaching of Vemana and the Proverbs of the Bible.”

3A scholar guided by Dr P Ramanujam (English) was awarded the PhD degree in English Language Teaching at Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderbad, in June 2010.

4A scholar under the guidance of Prof. Durga P. Ojha, (PG Dept. of Physics), G.Srinivas has been awarded Ph.D. degree entitled “Theoretical Studies upon Long-Range and Short-Range Intermolecular Interactions in Liquid Crystals” by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, in November 2010.

2.UGC Major/Minor Research Project:

1.Dr.B.Venkateswara Rao, Dept. of Chemistry, has been awarded a Major Research Project by the UGC. The title of the project is “Organophosphoric acids as complexons, antibacterial and anti fungal agents”. The grant of Rs.2,40,000/- is for five years.

  1. Dr.Durga P.Ojha, PG Dept. of Physics, has been sanctioned by the University Grants Commission a Major Research Project titled Computational Studies on Molecular Interactions in Liquid Crystals with a project grant of Rs.5,00,000/- The duration of the project is three years i.e. from 2011-2014.
  1. Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, completed an UGC-funded Minor Research Project titled “Synthesis and Characterization of Lithium Cobalt Oxide Thin Films for Microbattery Application” in July 2010. Grant Sanctioned: 1.5 lakh.
  1. Dr..M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, is working on an UGC-funded Project titled “Synthesis and Characterization of Nickel doped Lithium Cobalt Oxide Thin Films” and is being assisted by his Research Scholar Sk.Muntaz Begum. The project grant is Rs.2 lakh per annum for a period of 5 years.

3.M.Phils Awarded:

  1. Sri B Johnson, Lecturer in Physics, was awarded an M.Phil degree in Physics for his dissertation entitled, ‘Thermodynamic and Spectro - Scopic Studies of Intermolecular Interactions in Nitrobenzene and Methanol System’ by Acharya Nagarjuna University in March, 2010 under the guidance of Dr G Srinivasa Rao of the same Department.

2.Smt.Ch.Bhargavi, Lecturer in Chemistry, has been awarded an M.Phil, by Acharya Nagarjuna University, Guntur, in May 2010 for the Topic “Heavy Metal Contamination in Water”.

3.Ms. G Syamala, Lecturer in English, was awarded an MPhil degree in English for her dissertation entitled, ‘An Insider’s View of Afro-American Life – A Study of Select Novels of Toni Morrison’, by Madurai Kamaraj University in October 2010.

  1. SriP.Venugopala Rao, Lecturer in Mathematics, was awarded an MPhil degree in Mathematics for his dissertation entitled ‘Fuzzy s-ideals of Seminearrings by Acharya Nagarjuna University on 15th December 2010.
  1. SriM.Srinivas, Lecturer in Statistics, was awarded an M.Phil degree in “Queueing Theory” by Periyar University for his dissertation titled “A stationary solution to fluid queue fed by an M/M/1 queue”.

6. Mrs.Manjula, Dept. of MCA, was awarded with an M.Tech degree

4. Research Guidance:

1.Two scholars guided by Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao (Physics) were awarded MPhil degree in Physics, one in March by Acharya Nagarjuna University and another in May by Bharathidasan University.

2.Two of the scholars under the guidance of Dr G Sahaya Baskaran, (Physics), were awarded M.Phil degree from Acharya Nagarjuna University during this academic year.

3.Three M.Phil scholars of Dr G Srinivasa Rao, (Physics), submitted their dissertations to Sri Krishna Devaraya University and Acharya Nagarjuna University during this academic year 2010-2011.

4. Four of the scholars guided by Dr.Ch Srinivasu (Physics) submitted their M.Phil dissertations to Acharya Nagarjuna University and SKD University in July and December 2010 respectively

5. One of the Scholars under the guidance of Dr.N.Srinivasa Rao (Statistics) submitted his M.Phil dissertation to Acharya Nagarjuna University.

6.Dr.CH.Srinivasu, Dept. of Physics, is guiding six M.Phil. Scholars and two Ph.D. scholars.

7.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, is guiding two M.Phil. Scholars and one Ph.D. scholar.

5. Submission of M.Phil thesis:

1.Mrs Ch Kalpana, Lecturer in Physics, under the guidance of Dr Ch Srinivasu, Reader in Physics, submitted her MPhil dissertation entitled ‘Study of Molecular Interactions on Binary Mixture Anisaldehyde and Toluene from Acoustic and Thermodynamic Parameters at Temperatures 303.15 K-318.15k’, to Acharya Nagarjuna University in July.

2. SriPVS Sairam, Lecturer in Physics, under the guidance of Dr G Srinivasa Rao, Reader in Physics, submitted his MPhil dissertation entitled, ‘Ultrasonic Velocity Studies in 1-Heptanol and Benzene Mixture at Different Temperatures’ to Sri Krishna Devaraya University in September.

6. Registration:

1. Sri B Johnson, Lecturer in Physics, registered for Ph.D. (part-time) in the area of glass science (Physics) at Acharya Nagarjuna University under the guidance of Dr G Srinivasa Rao, Reader in Physics, in June 2010.

2.SriKola Sekhar, Lecturer in Telugu, has registered for Ph.D.

3.Smt.Ch.Bhargavi, Lecturer Chemistry, has registered for Ph.D.

4.SriK.M.Nagarjuna, Lecturer in Statistics, registered for M.Phil programme in Acharya Nagarjuna University during October 2010.

7. UGC Teacher Fellowship:

The following lecturers who have been granted the Teacher Fellowship of the UGC are doing their research as full-time scholars.

SriB.Raju, Dept. of English, SriD.Bala Karuna Kumar, Dept. of Chemistry and SriD.V.Satish, Dept. of Physics, have been awarded Faculty Development Programme for carrying out their Ph.D. research.


1. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on ‘Computer Simulations of Ordering in a Nematogen -The Role of Dielectric Medium’ in the international journal Z. Naturforsch., 65a, 555 (2010).

2. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on ‘Ordering of a Strong Polar Nematogen 6CBB in Dielectric Medium-A Computational Analysis’ in the international journal Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystal528, 175 (2010).

3. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Ms.N. Ajeetha published a research article on ‘The Influence of Oxygen on Mesomorphic Behaviour of Benzylidene Anilines-The Effect of End Chain’ in the international journal Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystal, 528, 96 (2010).

4. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on ‘Molecular Order-Disorder Phenomenon of a Nematogen-A Computationa Analysis’ in the international journal Molecular Crystals Liquid Crystal,533, 92 (2010)

5. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Ms.N.Ajeetha published a research article on ‘Computer Simulation of ordering in a Bipolar Nematogen H6CBP at Phase Transition Temperature’ in the international journal Materials Chemistry and Physics 123, 147 (2010)

6. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri P.Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on, ‘Molecular Ordering in a Nematogen Based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces-A Computational Analysis’ in the international journal Asian Journal of Chemistry, 22, 4075 (2010).

7. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar, published a research article on ‘Electronic Transport and Thermodynamical Properties of Binary Alloys: ab initio Approach’ in the International Journal Material Transactopms. B, 41, 574 (2010)

8. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar, published a research article on ‘Superconducting State Parameters of MgB2: Ab initio Study’ in the international journal of Super Conductors & Novel Materials (2010) In-Press

9. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on ‘Influence of Dielectric Medium on a Cyano Containing Mesogenic Compound-A Statistical Study Based on Quantum Mechanics and Intermolecular Forces’ in the international journal Russian Journal of General Chemistry(2010) In-Press.

10. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar published a research article on ‘Study of Electronic Density of States of Zintl alloys’ in the international journal Communications on Theoretical Physics, 52 (2010)

11. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar published a research article on ‘Estimation of Configurational Entropy and Stability of Nematic Phase in Mesogens-Role of Molecular Interactions’ in the international Journal of Molecular Liquids, 158, 27 (2011)

12. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar published a research article on ‘Role of Molecular Rigidity on Phase Organization of a Smectic Liquid Crystal-A Theoretical Model’ in the international journal Materials Chemistry & Physics, 126, 248 (2011)

13. Dr.Durga P.Ojha and Sri Ashwani Kumar published a research article on ‘A First Principle Study of Cd-Zn Binary Alloy’ in the international journal Armenian Journal of Physics, 3, 203 (2010).

14. Dr.Durga P.Ojha, Ms.V.Gayatri, and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen published a research article on ‘Computer Simulations of Molecular Organization in a Nematogen – The Role of Thermodynamical Parameters’ in the international journal Russian Journal of General Chemistry, 80, 2048 (2010).

15.Dr.B.Venkateswara Rao, Dept. of Chemistry, has published a Paper entitled ‘Reflective practice-A creative means of Teaching’ in the International Journal on New Trends in Education and their Implications, Vol.:1 Issue: 2 (2010) 67-79.

16.Dr.M. Venkateswara Rao, Dept. of Chemistry, has published a paper entitled “tungstate as synergist to phosphonate based formulation for corrosion control of carbon steel” in Journal of chemical science, Vol. 122 (4), 2010.

17Dr N.V.Ramana Murthy and Mrs.BN Padmavathi, Dept. of Mathematics, published a paper on “S–pure injective modules over commutative Rings” in an International journal “Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences” Vol.2 (2009), 189-196.

18.Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Vibrational Spectral Analysis of Structural Modification of Cr2O3 containing oxyfluoroborate glasses” in the journal of Non Crystalline Solids, 356 (2010) 2211-2217.

19.Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Infrared spectral study of the structure of oxyfluoroborate glasses” in the Journal of Materials Letters, 65 (2011) 378-380

20.Dr.G.Srinivasa Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Spectroscopic studies of Lead arsenate glasses doped with nickel oxide” in the Journal of Non Crystalline Solids, (2010)

21. Dr.G. Sahaya Baskaran, Dr.Durga P.Ojha, and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen, Dept. of Physics, published a research article on ‘Ordering in Nematogenic p-n-Heptyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Computational Study’ in the international journal Asian Journal of Chemistry,22,5730(2010).

22. Dr.G.Sahaya Baskaran, Dr.Durga P.Ojha, and Sri P. Lakshmi Praveen, Dept. of Physics, published a research article on ‘A Computational Analysis of Ordering in p-n-Octyloxy Benzoic Acid-A Nematogen’ in the International Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, 6, 127 (2010).

23.Dr.G.Sahaya Baskaran, Dept. of Physics, published a research article titled ‘Electrical and spectroscopic properties of LiF–Bi2O3–P2O5:TiO2 glass system’ in the international journal Material Chemistry and Physics (in press - 2010)

24.Dr.G.A.Prasad Rao, Librarian, published a research article in “Grandhalaya Sarvasvam”, a Library and Information Science Journal, in January 2011.

25.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Growth and microstructural features of laser ablated LiCoO2 thin films’ in the Journal of Crystal Growth, (2010)

26.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Optical absorption studies of LiCoO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition’ in the International Journal of Pure & Applied Sciences (2010).

27.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Temperature dependent surface morphology of Laser ablated nanocrystalline LiCoO2 thin film cathodes’ in the journal of Macromolecules (2010)

28.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Microstructural and electrochemical properties of LiNixCo1-xO2 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition’ in the journal of Optoelectronics & Advanced Materials (2010)

29.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Raman investigations on laser ablated LiCoO2 and LiTixCo1-xO2 thin film cathodes’ in the journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials (Rapid Communication) (2010).

30.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Effect of doping on the electrochemical performance of LiCoO2 thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition’ in the journal of Materials Science (2010).

31.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Spectroscopic investigations on laser ablated LiNixCo1-xO2 thin films’ in the journal of Instrumentation (2010).

32.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Fabrication of LiCoO2, LiTixCo1-xO2 and LiNixCo1-xO2 thin film cells for rechargeable lithium microbatteries’ in the journal of Instrumentation (2010).

33.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘LiNixCo1-xO2 Cell Grown by Pulsed Laser Deposition’ in the journal of American Institute of Physics, (2010).

34.Dr.M.C.Rao, Dept. of Physics, published a paper titled ‘Grain size effect on the growth of LiCoO2 thin film cathodes’ in the journal of Instrumentation (2011).

Awards/ Recognitions: