Chalk Talk Thinking Routine


Look at the photos and the question written on middle of the chart paper.

Respond to the photos and question individually.

Share your thoughts with your group.

The Chalk Talk Thinking Routine:

What ideas come to mind when you consider these photos and the question?

What connections do you make to others’ responses?

What questions arise as you think about the ideas and consider the responses and comments of others?

CHART ONE: Lifestyle and Worldview

Compare the two photos.

How did life change for the children that went to residential school?

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools:

CHART 2: Identity

How would attending a residential school far away from home change you?

CHART 3: Loss

School boys. These children live too far away to go home in the summer. [Students at the Anglican mission’s residential school]. Aklavik. 1940-42. Saich / NWT Archives / N-1990-003: 0223

What would it be like to go to school somewhere far away from your family? What would you miss?

Chart 1: Lifestyle and Worldview

Compare the two photos.

How did life change for the children that went to residential school?

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools:

Chart 2: Identity

All Saints Indian Residential School. New arrivals, Aklavik, NWT. The General Synod Archives / Anglican Church of Canada / P7538-848

Group of students at Aklavik. Missionary Oblates of the R.C. Diocese of Mackenzie-Fort Smith. Photo #360.

How would attending a residential school far away from home change you?

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools:

Chart 3: Isolation

School boys. These children live too far away to go home in the summer. [Students at the Anglican mission’s residential school]. Aklavik. 1940-42. Saich / NWT Archives / N-1990-003: 0223

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools:

What would it be like to go to school somewhere far away from your family? What would you miss?

Chart 4: Loss

Shirley says, “This suitcase was bought for me when I was going to the Dorm to put my stuff in for the winter. All my winter supplies came in that. […] That’s what I took all my winter clothing in, whatever that I needed.” Photographed by Jeff Thomas.

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools:

What was lost?

Marjorie says, “I didn’t want to go by the rules but yet I knew if I didn’t then I would be in trouble. So I would write these letters home to my parents and make little teardrops. I wanted them to see how sad I was and I thought if I did that, or if I didn’t do well in school then maybe they would let me come home.” Letter and envelope provided by Marjorie Flowers.

Photo source: We were so far away The Inuit experience at residential schools: