4th Grade Progress Monitoring Tool
Student’s Name: ______
#1 ___ out of 20 Date: ____
Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on
NWN Score __out of 81. “Start counting forwards from 597. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop the child at 605.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
2. “Start counting stop backwards from 112. I will tell you when to.” Stop the child at 97.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
3. Write the number 2,008 and ask, “Read this number.”
o Correct & Fluent, easy task (2)
o Any Delay but Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
4. Write the number 1,249 and ask, “Read this number.”
o Correct & Fluent, easy task (2)
o Any Delay but Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
Structuring Numbers Score __out of 6
5. “What goes with 13 to make 20?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
6. “What goes with 8 to make 17?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
7. “Can you tell me two numbers that add up to make nineteen? Can you tell me another two numbers that add up to make nineteen?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction and Place Value Score __out of 6
8. Write the problem 14 + 9 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 104 + 9 under 14+ 9 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.”“
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
9. Write the problem 23 + 9 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 32 + 9 under 23 + 9 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 42 + 9 and have student solve mentally.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
10. Write the problem 77 + 9 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 68 + 9 under 77+ 9 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 95 + 9 and have student solve mentally.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
#2 ___ out of 20 Date: ____
Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on
NWN Score __out of 41. “Write the number I say…517…92…270…306…12.”
o Correct & Fluent, easy task (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
2. “Start counting backwards from 304. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop student at 288.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
Structuring Numbers Score __out of 8
3. Write 12-4 and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
4. Write 16-13 and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
5. “Can you tell me two numbers that add up to thirteen? Can you tell me another two numbers that add up to thirteen?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
6. “What is 6 plus 13?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction and Place Value Score __out of 8
7. Write the problem 131 + 99 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 555 + 99 under 131+ 99 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 97 + 99 and have student solve mentally.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
8. Write the problem 103 + 99 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 355 + 99 under 103+ 99 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 769 + 99 and have student solve mentally.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
9. Write 53 + 19 and ask student to solve using a mental strategy. Record the strategy child uses, if only using one way to solve all problems ask, “Can you solve another way?”
o Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o Incorrect (0)
10. Write 76 – 68 and ask student to solve using a mental strategy. Record the strategy child uses, if only using one way to solve all problems ask, “Can you solve another way?”
o Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o Incorrect (0)
#3 ___ out of 20 Date: ____
Materials: piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on
NWN __out of 81. “Start counting forwards from 989. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop child at 1005.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
2. “Now count backwards from 1005. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop child at 989.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
3. “Start at 120 and count backward by 5’s. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop child at 75.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
4. “Start at 539 and count backwards by 100’s. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop child at 139.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
Structuring Numbers Score __out of 8
5. Write and read the problem 12 + 7 to student and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
6. Write and read the problem 20-11 to student and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
7. “What is eight plus nine?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
8. “What is six plus five?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
Addition and Subtraction/ Multiplication and Division Score __out of 4
9. Write the problem 327 + 99 say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy.” Now write 82 + 99 under 327 + 99 again say, “Solve the following problem using a mental math strategy. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 777 + 99 and have student solve mentally.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
10. Say, “After school, Jan helps her neighbor with her new baby and earns 2 dollars each day. How much does Jan earn if she helps for 4 days? 7 days? 3 days?” Allow student to solve if needed allow child to use paper. Record if the child uses repeated addition or multiplication to solve as this is significant.
o Solves using multiplication strategy (2)
o Solves using repeated addition (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
#4 ___ out of 20 Date: ____
Materials: numeral cards 5, 7, 2 and 3, piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on
NWN Score __out of 41. Show numeral cards (5 7 2 3) “Use these cards to make the largest 4 digit number.”
o Correct built 7532 quickly, easy task for child (2)
o Correct but required some think time for child to understand task (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
2. “Now use these cards (5 7 2 3) to make the smallest 4 digit number.”
o Correct built 2357 quickly, easy task for child (2)
o Correct but required some think time for child to understand task (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
Structuring Numbers Score __out of 6
3. Write and read the problem 16 + 2 to student and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
4. Write and read the problem 18-6 and ask student to solve.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
5. “What is eight plus eight?”
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
Multiplication and Division (M/D) and PV Score __out of 10
6. Write the problem 3 X 4 say, “Solve the problem.” Now write 3 X 40 under 3 X 4 again say, “Now solve this problem. Please explain your thinking.” Now write 3 X 400 and have student solve mentally. Ask student what they notice about these problems.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
7. Write and read the problem 5 X 7 to student. Ask to solve. Write 35 ÷ 7 under 5 X 7 and ask, “Can you use this problem 5 X 7 to help you solve 35 ÷ 7?” If needed ask student to explain thinking.
o Correct & Fluent, used relational thinking (2)
o Correct but Solved Problems Separate (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
8. Write 2 x __ = 4 and ask what number would go here pointing to __ to make that number sentence true. Repeat with __ x 8 = 24 and 6 x __=36
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
9. Write 4 x __ = 16 and ask what number would go here pointing to __ to make that number sentence true. Repeat with 7 x __ = 70 and 3 x __ = 33
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
10. Say, “Tell me two numbers that would equal 11 when multiplied together.” If needed write __ x __=11
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
#5 ___ out of 20 Date: ____
Materials: Piece of paper or white board and marker for child to write on
NWN and Place Value Score __out of 101. “Count backwards by 10’s, starting at 442. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop student at 382.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
2. “Count by 100’s, starting at 111. I will tell you when to stop.” Stop the student at 1011.
o Correct & Fluent (2)
o Any Delayed Yet All Correct (1)
o Any Incorrect (0)
3. Write the number 90 for student. “Read this number please…What number is ten more than this? Also ask same for 62…273…304…495.
o Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o Incorrect (0)
4. Write the number 50 for student. “Read this number please…What number is one hundred more than this? Also ask same for 105…996…17…1007.
o Correct, uses non-count-by-ones strategy (2)
o Correct but uses count by ones strategy (1)
o Incorrect (0)
5. Have students write the following words as numbers, six thousand nineteen (6,019), two thousand three hundred forty-one (2,341) and two hundred one thousand five hundred two (201,502)
o Correct easy task for child (2)
o Correct but required some think time (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
Addition and Subtraction Score __out of 4
6. Write the problem 356 + 231 and read to the student. “Solve the problem and tell how you got that answer.” Ask, “Can you solve this problem another way?”
o Uses multiple strategies efficiently (2)
o Has only one way to solve the problem (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
7. Write the problem 151 + 673 and read to the student. “Solve the problem and tell how you got that answer.” Ask, “Can you solve this problem another way?”
o Uses multiple strategies efficiently (2)
o Has only one way to solve the problem (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
Multiplication and Division Score __out of 6
8. Write and read 2 x 3 for student and ask to solve. Now write 4 x 3 under 2 x 3 and ask student if they could use 2 x 3 to help solve 4 x 3. (Looking to see if student sees 4 is double 2, so 4 x 3 is double 2 x 3).
o Correct & Fluent, used relational thinking (2)
o Correct but Solved Problems Separate (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
9. Keep 2 X 3 and 4 x 3 written so student can see. Write and read 4 x 9 for student and ask to solve. Be sure to ask child if they used 2 x 3, 4 x 3 or a different problem to help them solve 4 x 9. Now write 8 x 9 under 4 x 9 and ask student if they could use 4 x 9 to help solve 8 x 9. (looking to see if student sees 9 is three times as big as 3, so 4 x 9 must be 3 times as big as 4 x 3 or 9 is close to 10 so they might use 4 x 10 same kind of thing for 8 x 9).
o Correct & Fluent, used relational thinking (2)
o Correct but Solved Problems Separate (1)
o Unsuccessful (0)
10. Write and read 64 ÷ __= 8. Ask student to solve and explain their thinking. Repeat with 81 ÷ 9 =__ and again ask student to explain their thinking.
o Correct & Fluent, Automatic Response (2)
o Correct yet Not Fluent, Some Problem Solving Takes Place (1)
o Incorrect (0)
#6 ___ out of 20 Date: ____