Ideas for Safe Schools Week
Daily Dress-Up Activities
Today students please wear yourcraziest socks and pledge not to bully others and “sock out” the whole idea of treating others in the wrong way. You should never giggle, laugh, point, whisper, or make fun of anyone. As far as social media is concerned please don’t “like” a post that is unkindabout someone. Remember to treat others the way you want to be treated. Everyone can get involved by not bullying others. It won’t be easy but the rewards are great!
This is the day to put on your walking or tennis shoes and instead of putting on two that match, mix them up and put on two different shoes. This will show that each student is an individual. That is what makes a person unique, like flavors of ice cream. Get involved and try to help someone or several students that are not treated with respect. No one deserves the bully treatment. You can be the beginning of the end for this problem. You will be the winner and feel the reward within you.
Do you like to be on a team and feel you are important and you really matter or count? Put on your favorite sports team shirt with a number and this will be a way of saying everyone counts and is a part of a team at your school. Today, if you see someone that is left out and not included in an activity, get involved and include that person. Lunch is really a sad time for some students because of the way others treat them. Be the bigger person and go over and invite them to sit with you or just move over and join that person. This will be a great move in the right direction and will make that person not feel left out and alone. Pat yourself on the back if you do this – you are moving in the right direction! Hooray for you!
Wear your favorite cap to school today and think of it as your “thinking cap”. This will make you stop and think when someone is being picked on or there is the appearance of bullying. Ifyou don’t know what to do, many times your “thinker” could start working toward a solution. Telling an adultcould be the answer and then he or she can work toward a fix for that problem. You can be a fantastic help for that person by caring and getting involved by telling an adult. Put a star on your cap if you did this today.
Thinking cap stars:
If you have not already taken the pledge against bullying, please do so today! As the week comes to a close – thank you for being involved in the solution to stop bullying. As a school we all unite against that problem and wear our school colors today to show that we are all in agreement and stand together to put an end to any form of bullying! You are all the solution and you can get involved! Wow – just think this could be the year that bullying is gone in our school! Thank you again for all the nice things you did this week! You are awesome and your involvement is what counts! Good for you! Keep up the good work! Have a great weekend and stay involved in solving bullying!!!