Advanced English Toefl
Prof. Maria Graza Cavallaro
Course objective: students will acquire a series of language competences needed in order to reach a higher standard of English and to up-grade their level of language. Through attendance and class participation, students will reach a higher level of English and gain command of fluency which will enable them to successfully succeed in future job interviews. Students may also try independently to successfully pass the iBTToefl exam, as the course prepares for this exam, but it is NOT a graduation requirement. The course offers 8 credits.
M.G. Cavallaro ,Down to Business and Legal English, , CEA Edizioni.
Money, Eric Lonergan, Acumen.
Fifty ways to Improve your Intercultural Skills, Bob Dignen with James Chamberlain, Summertown Publishing.
More information on reading will be given during first week in class.
Recommended but not for class: The Official Guide to the New Toefl iBT, Princeton Review (anyedition), cd rom with authentic Toefl test sections.
Test Builder for TOEFL iBT, Tests that Teach, Pamela Vittorio, Macmillan Test-builders.
The course focuses on essay writing: how to write an essay, correct English usage and expressions along with correct register; synonyms and antonyms. Much emphasis is placed on speaking: being assertive, defending one’s own opinion/position, developing ideas and answers, etc. The ENTIRE course is based on speaking and in-class participation and role-plays, therefor it is essential that students take an active part in the lesson in order to up-grade their level of English.
Students will be required to take the university exam at the end of the course, speaking and no written exam. Students must pass with minimum 18/30. Students will be assessed accordingly to the work and participation done in class along with the final speaking exam, meaning that class participation is an integral part of the final university mark. Students will also be tested during the final mark on their proper use of English and the ability to produce in spoken form what has been carried out in class all at a B2-C1 minimum level.
Required entrance level: a good competence of the English language, possibly an upper-intermediate-advanced level (B2-C1) will be necessary in view of the final exam requirements.