Edgartown School 4th Grade
Expectations, Classroom Information, andCurriculum
Student expectations
- Come to school rested, fed, and ready to learn.
- Treat others with respect at all times.
- Participate in class.
- Try your best all of the time.
- Ask for help when you do not understand.
- Make mistakes- mistakes help me know what you are learning.
- Take care of school materials.
- Take responsibility for your behavior.
- Complete their homework and bring it to school daily.
- Have parent initial assignment notebook when nightly homework in complete.
What You Can Expect of Your Teachers
- We will respect you and be friendly towards you.
- We will support and guide you in your learning.
- We will give you feedback about your behavior and your academic progress.
- We will be organized and prepared for class.
- We will help you in any part of your school day.
- We will take time to get to know you.
Responsive Classroom
The Edgartown School has been implementing the Responsive Classroom Approach for many years with amazing results. The goal is to create a safe and positive atmosphere, which will enable students to optimize their potential. The following are some components of the Responsive Classroom:
Morning Meeting
We start each day off with a Morning Meeting. This includes a greeting, sharing, a class activity/game and then the morning message. The meeting sets the tone for the day. Its purpose is to help the children to make connections with their teachers and classmates.
Classroom Rules
The children will work together to create our classroom rules. They will be stated in the positive, so we are enforcing what should be happening in regards to behavior. Throughout the year, we will review our rules and what they should look like in our classroom. It is known that students who help create the rules are more apt to follow them.
Logical Consequences/Take A Break
We will have a “take a break” spot in our classroom for students who need to refocus their behavior. Once they feel as though they are ready to return to the group they may. Should “Take a Break” become a habit, a conference between the student and teacher will happen and other consequences may occur.
Assignment Notebook
Every child is required to bring his/her Assignment Notebook to and from school every day. Each day, the children will copy their assignments into their Assignment Page notebook. Please check your child’s Assignment Notebook to see the daily homework or reminders. When their homework is completed neatly and to the best of their ability, please initial the Assignment Notebook. It needs to be initialed every night.
It is important that students have a consistent time for completing their homework. They should do it in an area that is free from distractions and quiet. If your child does not understand an assignment, please feel free to contact your child’s teacher. You can email, call or write a note in the Assignment Notebook. Students should be responsible for organizing their things. They need to bring their homework into school each day in a homework folder (no crumpled papers are accepted).They also need to bring their independent reading book back and forth each day!
4th Grade Homework Expectations
1. 15-30 minutes of reading
2. Math Assignment
3. Weekly Spelling Words/Vocabulary
4. Journal writing as assigned
5. Long Term Projects: Book Reports/Social Studies/Science Reports
Remember the Assignment Notebook goes home every night and is to be initialed by a parent/guardian when homework is completed. Please use the Assignment Notebook to inform your child’s teacher of any difficulties or concerns.
4th Grade Homework Policy
1-3 missed assignments-
-Student will miss Morning Meeting to complete homework
4 or more missed assignments
-Student will miss Lunch/Recess to complete homework
-Students will fill out a missed homework letterto be signed by their parents.
-Meet with the principal
-Phone call home to discuss steps to improve homework performance
Newsletters will be posted on the Edgartown School Website. The newsletter will include what is happening in our classroom and important reminders. Please also check the Edgartown School Website for any other notices.
Our classroom can be reached by calling 627-3316 ext. 211(Bridget Mello), and ext. 216 (MaryEllen Guyther) or via email at or . Please do not leave an important message on the voicemail, as we cannot always listen to the messages prior to the end of the school day. Please try to call back or call the office.
Students are only allowed to use the phone for important issues. If they want to make plans to go to a friend’s house this needs to be done before school.
4th Grade Curriculum
Your child will be using the math program called Math Expressions. This program interweaves abstract mathematical concepts with the everyday experiences of children. This helps children to understand math better.
In Math Expressions, your child will have fun learning math by:
- working with different objects and making drawings of various math situations.
- working with other students and sharing problem-solving strategies with them.
- writing and solving problems that connect math to their daily lives.
- helping classmates learn by explaining how they solve math problems.
This math program is directly linked to the Massachusetts State Mathematics Frameworks. You can find the 4th grade framework at the following site( We will be working hard to meet the needs of all of our students. Math manipulative materials will be used to enhance understanding. In the classroom, students will be working on the daily assignments, and then they may work at their own pace on enrichment activities. In addition, we will be using IXL, which is an online computer based program that enhances our math curriculum.
It is very important that student master their addition and subtraction tables, and master their multiplication and division facts through their 12’s tables. We start out the year reviewing these and it is imperative that your child study/practice/memorize the tables at home. These facts are important to know, as they are a foundation for topics covered throughout the year. We will be spending minimal time in class on memorizing facts. If your child does not know their addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts automatically they should be working on them at home on a daily basis.
The children will work on improving their reading ability by reading independently, with partners, in small focus groups and as a whole class. We will be focusing on four major areas: Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanding Vocabulary.
In addition, we use the Houghton-Mifflin reading program as a resource for our reading instruction. The program includes a fourth grade reader, and leveled guided readers. Our reading instruction will be supplemented with other high quality non-fiction readings, literature and research based support programs such as Read Naturally.
During Read Aloud, we will model the thinking and processing of information that occurs when someone reads. We will discuss and model the many strategies readers use to improve their Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and to Expand their Vocabulary. Your child also will be selecting and reading their independent reading books, and completing their Reading Homework each day. For consistency, it is important that they bring their books to and from home each day.
Writer’s Workshop
In our 4th grade classroom, your child will be learning a lot about the writing process during Writer’s Workshop. The writing process includes prewriting, drafting, editing, revising, writing a final draft and sharing. Several times a week, we will have writing mini-lessons that will focus on Ideas, Voice, Organization, Sentence Fluency, Word Choice, and Conventions!
Your child will be writing personal narratives, persuasive essays, and informational pieces. In addition, students will learn how to write to a prompt, so to be prepared for the writing portion of the 4th Grade MCAS. We also will write poetry, reports and several other styles of writing.
We have a list of spelling words that are called Priority Words. The students are required to always spell these words correctly. The words are posted on the wall in the classroom. The learning goal for spelling is to have students spell and proofread correctly in their daily writing. They will be asked to make spelling corrections in their writing on a daily basis.
During our Wonderful Words lessons, we will be teaching the rules of syllabication, reviewing phonics, and the many rules of spelling. Students will also complete several activities each week based on these lessons.
Science/Social Studies
The 4th grade Science/Social Studies Curriculum is based on the Massachusetts State Social Studies Frameworks. We will be focusing on many topics. These topics can be found at We will be reading from a variety of high quality sources, completing projects and researching to expand our knowledge.
MCAS Testing
In Massachusetts, all 4th graders are tested in the spring in Math and English Language Arts, which includes a long composition. Throughout the school year, we will be teaching the students a variety of strategies that will help them to be successful on these tests.
We look forward to a year full of learning and growth! Please contact us at anytime with questions or concerns. Together we can help your child reach their full potential.
Bridget Mello and MaryEllenGuyther
4th Grade Teachers Edgartown School