Chloe’s Rain.
48 Counts,4 Wall, Intermediate level linedance.
Choreographer- Martie Papendorf. South Africa. July 2012.
Music- Vivaldi's Rain. Chloe Agnew. Walking in the Air. 2:14
140 bpm
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1 tag
1 restart
Start - on vocals
Links to YouTube demo and music videos –
Music video-
1 Side, Behind, Side, Across, Side, Touch, Side ¼ left, Touch
1,2,3,4 Step R to right side, Cross L behind R, Step R to right side,Step L across R,
5,6 Step R to right side, Touch L next to R,
7,8 Step L to left side making a ¼ turn left, Touch R next to L 9.00
2 Back, Side ¼ left, Cross, Back ¼ right, 1½ turn right
1,2 Step R back, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn left, 6.00
3,4 Step R across L, Step L back making a ¼ turn right, 9.00
5,6 Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, Step L next to R, 3.00
7,8 Step R fwd making a ½ turn right, Step L next R making a ½ turn right 3.00
Option. Counts 5-8 can be replaced by a ½turn right –
5,6 Step R to right side making a ¼ turn right, Step L next to R, 12.00
7,8 Step R fwd making a ¼ turn right, Step L next R 3.00
3 Step and sway fwd back, Fwd, Back ¼ right, Fwd ¼ right, Left side ¼ right
1,2 Step and sway R diagonal fwd,
3,4 Step and sway L diagonal back,
5,6 Rock R diagonal fwd, Recover L back making a ¼ turn right, 6.00
7,8 Step R fwdmaking a ¼ turn right, Step L to left side making a ¼ turn right 12.00
Restart here on wall 2 making a ¼ turn left to start wall 3 facing 6.00
4 Sweep step behind, Side, Cross, Fwd ¼ left, Fwd, Ball turn ½ left, Fwd ½ left, Touch
1,2 Sweep and step R behind L, Step L to left side,
3,4 Step R across L, Step L fwd making a ¼ turn left, 9.00
5,6 StepR fwd, Make a ½ turn left on ball of R, 3.00
7,8 Step L fwd making a ½ turn left, Touch R to L 9.00
5 Side ⅛ left, Diagonal kick, Back, Sweep R, Step, Sweep and step L, Sweep and step R,
1,2 Step R to right side making a ⅛turn left, 7.30
Kick L diagonal across R [styling - bring R shoulder fwd],
3,4 Step L diagonal back,
Sweep R from front to diagonal behind L,
5 Step R back keeping on diagonal,
6 Sweep and step L back keeping on diagonal,
7 Sweep and step R back keeping on diagonal,
8 Step L next to R
6 Step, Brush across, Cross, Point, Cross, Back ¼ right, Side, Cross
1,2 Step R diagonal fwd, Brush L across R,
3,4 Step L across R to face 6.00, Point R to right side, 6.00
5,6 Sweep and step R across L, Step L back making a ¼ turn right,
7,8 Step R to right side right, Step L across R 9.00
Restart : Wall 2, after section 3 - making a ¼ turn left to start wall 3 facing 6.00
Tag: After wall 3, facing 3.00-
1,2,3,4 Rock R fwd, Recover L back, Rock R back, Recover L fwd,
5,6,7,8 Step R long step to right side[5,6,7], Step L next to R[8]