3rd Newberg Youth Lacrosse Board Meeting
February 2, 2015
Opening Remarks: 6:37
- Fred Osborn
- Brian Kirschner
- Kara Rayburn
- Madison Paskett
- Mark Martin
- Brian Wood
- Jeremy Hayden
- Terry Paskett
Meeting called to order
- Call for approval of the minutes of the second meeting on January 19, 2015. Passed.
- Calendar check
- February 1- Coordinator meeting for refs, 9 am Beaverton
- February 28- Registration closed
- March 1- Team Registration deadline
- March 2- Boys Registration
- March 6- OGYLA deadline for Registration
- March 18- Scheduling night for girls, rosters due March 27th
- Scheduling night for ¾, 5/6 boys
- Public Participation- no remarks
- Continuing Business
- Coordinator meeting update- Mark Martin
- Dates- Feb 21- Grant High, Feb 22- OC, 28- Canby, March 1- Sherwood, March 7- S Ridge. More dates and times to come
- Free class to youth coaches, or $40 for those getting certified
- Mark was surprised that there are no equipment checks required. Mark wants our refs to do checks anyway. He is most concerned about helmets as 70% of helmets are being recalled.
- Brian is wondering if we can enforce the specs of equipment.
- We should train our refs to look for the right stamp on the helmet at a minimum. They need to have the new R.
- Meeting recommends putting best refs on 5-6 team.
- Lightening- wait 30 minutes from last strike and restarts every strike.
- Interested refs for our league
- 7-8 boys (3 freshman, 1 never played), 4 girls (only wanting to do girls)
- We need only 6 or 7. Jeremy has the list
- They need to supply own jerseys
- Last year’s refs get first choice
- Two kids interested in J2. This board must recommend.
- Logo/Youth Apparel
- Jeremy could not do anything with the current logo. We have a choice of 4:
- Newberg LAX with Tiger with blue background.
- Two choices- small tiger or larger
- Brian showed it is Townsends Tiger
- Newberg Tigers with roaring Tiger over top
- Newberg Lacrosse with roaring Tiger over top
- Brian W proposed the existing Newberg Lacrosse from last year with texture filled in
- Jeremy will ask to remove the blue and lessen the black around Newberg on choice #1.
- Mark M will put the existing Newberg logo in yellow on the registration banner
- Waiting on official logo from email from Jeremy
- Committee Assignments, update
- Jeremy has not sent out emails
- Equipment Coordinator-no volunteers yet
- Terry asked if we have enough equipment to start a rental
- Too late for this season to start a program
- At this point Jeremy, Brian, and Terry are just handing out what we have
- Mark Will send out roster and we will try to determine who might need equipment on a one off basis
- We need to inform at the registration desk, that if the parent has an issue to contact Terry or Jeremy
- Brian K indicated that at the end of the season, he would have space to store and will be the equipment coordinator
- Coach of Coaches- Brian and Terry filling this role
- Girl, Terry will just go through basics with girls team
- Just need concussion and first aid certs
- Brian is taking care of boys team
- Fundraiser Coordinator- no email sent yet
- At this point we might only have Apparel sales online and we need to get to $2500 to start a profit
- Newberg High School boosters will let us use their concession sales for 15%. Terry will talk to the High School.
- We can use CPRD snack shack but that is more work
- Information Table at basketball games, update
- Terry, Fred, Steve, and Jeremy
- Fred got one lady from east coast
- We have handed out 40-50 fliers
- Email list is growing as a result
- We need to send out new fliers from schools. Mark M will send Brian W the registration files so he can get it re-approved and into E-news. Fiddle sticks is approved in E-news.
- Jeremy will send email to get more parents for volunteer table
- Girls Lacrosse, Parent Coach Update
- Terry still working on Kelly for ¾ team and a new father for the 5/6.
- Schedule is Updated
- Girls Schedule
- Terry and Mark need to fill out league doc on travel, etc. Still working on parent coaches for ¾ and 5/6.
- Boys Schedule
- Jeremy emailed out field calendar
- 5/6 boys wants to mirror ¾ at Mountain View.
- We need to line Mountain View, CV , and maybe PCC. Undecided on new goals
- Website-
- Up and running and will go live tonight without logo. We can change the logo when we approve one.
- Not linking to an apparel store yet.
- New Business
- Need new Parent info night and registration to be scheduled for Feb 18th at Mountain View at 7pm. Mark M will check on date and time
- Western Oregon Game
- Priced same as a football game. Free High school, 9th and under $3 and adults are $5.
- We are running concession stand
- Will send out fliers
- Player that wants to leave. No word from OYLA Lacrosse league on email Jeremy sent. They do have to approve as well as us and Tualatin. Brian W texted the dad on what he wants to do. Has heard nothing.
Meeting called: 8:37
Next meeting February 23rd, 6:30 PM at CPRD Administration Building.