37th Iowa FFA Alumni Annual Conference

January 16, 2010

FFA Enrichment Center

Ankeny, Iowa

8:00 am Registration & Silent Auction begin

9:15 amWelcome & Introductions given by Clyde. Announcements on Live and Silent Auction.

Introduction ofed the Iowa FFA Alumni Board MemebersMembers.

80 registered members and guests.

Greetings from Members:

IIowa FFA Association Greetings – Ryan Augustine, State President – thanks for all the support that everyone has given throughout the year.

Iowa FFA Advisor Greetings – Mr. Dale Gruis – Reminder that the building is not paid for, seeking additional sponsorship for the balance of the building.

Foundation News – Wayne Nattress – Facility is wonderful. State officers look good when they are at the table. Get a chance to walk through the facility. Tim Wright donated the furniture in the Committee room. Thanks for all the help from the Alumni and the State officers. We still have the sharing with pride program.

Outstanding Alumni Scrapbook Award – Ashley gave us the highlights of the scrapbook program. We didn’t have anyone apply.

Greeting from BREAK – Flag raising on the outside polls

Rob Denson, President of DMACC. He is an Aalumni member from MaringoMarengo, IA. They believe in leadership, FFAffa and the agAg program. Let them know if they can do anything further for us.

Outstanding Achievement Award – Dave Whitman gave the award to Dan Smicker. Jane gave the announcement ofannouncement of requirements.

Washington LeadershipConference – Clyde introduced folks. Three receipientsrecipients are Taylor Miller from Indianola FFA, Megan Meissen from New Hampton FFA, Karland Karl Nicholas from Algona FFA.

Karl,Karl attended the third weekk 3. He gave a presentations, showed pictures some of some of the events that took place. Did a community service project, clean-up and mowing while and the conference. They had to write a letter when they were there and they just received it in the mail about a week ago. Karl fFlew out with others.

Megan,Megan attended the third week. Got a booklet of agenda. Took the Iowa bus out. Had hancesdances, meetings, site seeing, lights had to be out by 11:30. See a lot of the monuments while out there. Gave powerpointPowerPoint presentation. Got a picture with Senator Grassley. Seen the changing of the guard at the unknown tomb. Roommates were not from the same area. Mostly different states. Made many friends.

We will be Aable to send four students to attend the WLC in 2010. One to New Hampton, , to the Pioneer Affiliate, and one to an eEstablished alumni affiliate. Nick Bassett if health allows will also attend.

Scholarship Recipients Presentations

Sponsors Recognition – Amy gave brief message for our two conference sponsors. Sponsors .

Iowawere Iowa Farm Bureau Federation & Farm Credit, t Services of America and Linn County Co-op.

Alumni Distinguished Contributors Award – Amy gave announcements of award to Harry Stine and his contribution..

Local Program Support Grant – Sonny announced, Cascade received award.

Iowa FFA Scholarship – Ann presented – Mary Kolthoff, New Hampton and Kimberly Jordan from Linn-Mar FFA were the recipients.

Iowa FFA Degree Scholarship Recipients – Ann presented -presented - Patrick Fagan from Cascade FFA was the recipient.

Iowa FFA SAE Grant – Aann presented – Dustin Johnson, West Bend FFA and Robert Trumm from Cascade were recipients.

BREAK * Please sit by districts following break.

Delegate Session

Minutes of 2009 Annual Meeting

1st Craig McEney2ndSsonny DdekeMinutes approved.

Resolutions & By-Laws – Clyde JohnsonrRead through Resolutions and By-Laws.hrough

Resolution #1 – add addition to article 4 under membership – opened for questions and discussion.

It was voted by majority ballot, to 50 yes and 10 no. Resolution was approved.

Resolution #2 – amend to article XI: Dues –

It was voted by ballot, to 52 yes and 10 no. Resolution wWas approved.

Motion to set state dues for aAnnual at $5 and lLife members at $50.00.

1st Vick Bassett2nd Brett Spurgeon Motion approved.

Motion to aApproveal of 2010 bBudget – .

1st Dan Classen2nd Mack RankinMotion approved.

Need to have plan set in place as to what we are going to do with the $50.00 we receive from the State life dues.

We also need to remember that whatever we decide we need to think about the where do we need to add a few to use of thethe Enrichment Center.

Entertain a motion to adopt a line item to add a facility line item to budget.

1st. Dan Smicker2nd Craig McEnvy . Motion approved.

A suggestion to address to folks that are already life members they may also pay the state fee of $50.00 if they wish. already life members they could also pay the extra 50.00 even if they are already a life member.

Motion approved to pass 2010 budget.

MotinMotion to accept Amy Classen as President

1st Craig McEnvy2nd Dan ClassenMmotion approved.n passed

Election of President-Elect:

Nominate Mack Rankin and he accepts,

Nominate Jane Schmidt and she accepts

Jane Schmidt is our President – Elect via majority ballet voting.

EElection of District Representatives:

North Central –Ann Bassett

Northwest District – Brian Vanderhoff

Northeast District –Cindy Kolthoff

South Central District – Mack Rankin

Southeast District – Dave Whitman

Southwest District –Dale Spencer

At-large needneeds two for two year terms and two for one year terms

Two year term of At-Large:

Nominated were: Bret Spurgin, from Moravia

Zach Classen, from

Bob Goodall frmDeWitt

By majority ballot vote it was aApproved that Bret Spurgin and Bob Goodall were elected to two year term of At-Large Reps.

One year term of At-Large replace Ashley Fitzgerald (that has stepped down and Jane Schmidt that was elected as President – elect).

Nominations were: Mike Cooley

, Zach Classen,

Dan May,

Bryan Whitman

Approved At Large one yearApproved by majority ballot vote it was approved that

Bryan Whitman and

Dan May were elected to one year term for the At-Large Reps.


Meal was donated by the United Boone FFA Alumni, Boone, IA.

We witnessed the Ffirst time the flags wereill be raised at the Enrichment Center by the officer team..

12:45 pmMembership Awards – Increase of 10% Plus – Jane Schmidt presented

Alumni Affiliate with 10% Increase, 2008-2009

United - Boone FFA Alumni

Anamosa FFA Alumni

New Hampton FFA Alumni

Linn-Mar FFA Alumni

Midland-Wyoming FFA Alumni

De Witt Central FFA Alumni

Lucas County FFA Alumni

Past State Officers FFA Alumni

New Affiliates - Jane Schmidt Presented

Alumni New Affiliates, 2008-2009

Columbus FFA Alumni

Coon Rapids FFA Alumni

Rebel FFA Alumni of Sioux Central

Jacket Reimbursement Program – Mack Rankin presented.

Boone A&M FFA

Sioux Central FFA

Osceola FFA

DeWitt FFA

North Scott FFA

Columbus Junction FFA

Villisca FFA

Iowa FFA Pioneer Affiliate -Affiliate - Midland-Wyoming FFA the winner presented at National – presented by Dan Classen from National.

Iowa FFA Outstanding Affiliate – DeWitt Central FFA the winner – presented by Dan Classen from National

Craig McEney comments from Ag Education program. Thank you for helping your own local chapters being successful. A large number of Ag Teachers are retiring this year. A cChallenge to us is to help the young teacher that comes in asto an Ag teacher close to you. See the value of the Alumni that can help them. They can’t do it themselves. Goals of first year teachers isGoals of first year teachers are to teach. Iowa is an agricultural state. Challenge is to help the agAg teachers. If you have a strong administrative program you will have a, strong teacher, Goals of first year teachers is to teach. Iowa is an agricultural state. Challenge is to help the ag teachers. If you have a strong administrative program, strong teacher, Goals of first year teachers is to teach. Iowa is an agricultural state. Challenge is to help the ag teachers. If you have a strong administrative program, strong teacher, a strong ffa program.

you will have a strong FFA program.

BREAK * Silent Auction

Guest speaker “Mark Pearson” fromWHO radio.

Iowa FFA Alumni Hall of Fame - Clyde presented award towinner was Dan Classen as recipient.

Live Auction – Basket Winners aAnnounced – by Clyde Johnson

President’s Choice was Hawkeye West Bend

and People’s Choice is United – Boone FFA Alumni – they will represent a basket at the National FFA Convention.

Retiring President’s cComments – Clyde Johnson

Announcements - by Amy Classen, new president.

The 38th Annual Conference to be held Saturday, January 15, 2011.

Adjournment at 2:14 p.m.

Live Auction to Follow

Local Leaders Conference – United – Boone Alumni

February 13, 2010 – See Flyer

The 38th Annual Conference to be held Saturday, January 15, 2011