3_RP Applying for a SIN Number at a Service Canada Centre

(CLB 5)

A: AgentB: Applicant

A: Good afternoon, may I help you?

B: Yes, I’m here to apply for a SIN card.

A: Have you filled out a Social Insurance Number application form?

B: Yes, I have. I downloaded it from the website.

A: Is this your first Social Insurance Number card?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Let me check your application. You’ve checked off “Permanent Resident” under Status in Canada.

B: Yes, I’m a permanent resident.

A: Now, I need to see a proof of identity document. It needs to be a primary document, which is an official document that proves your identity and status in Canada.

B: I brought my Permanent Resident Card.

A: Okay, let me check it. Is your name on the application form the exact name that appears on your Permanent Resident Card?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Good. Please sign your name here, and write the date in the box beside it.

B: Will the government be using my SIN number to collect income tax?

A: Yes, they will. The Social Insurance Number is a 9-digit number used to identify people who earn money through work and investments, pay taxes, contribute to pension plans and use government services.

B: Do I have to show the card to a potential employer, or just write down my number on my application form?

A: No, you don’t have to show a SIN card. You also don’t have to write down your SIN on an application form.

Once you are hired, you need to show your employer your SIN card or proof that you’ve applied within 3 days of starting a new job. It is illegal for an employer to pay a person without a Social Insurance Number.

B: Do I have to wait to apply for a job until I get my SIN card?

A: No, you don’t. You can show proof that you’ve applied for a SIN card to an employer after you’ve been hired.

B: How long will it take to receive my card?

A: It takes about 10 business days.

B: Do I need to sign my card once I get it?

A: No, you don’t. The card no longer has a space for a signature. It’s no longer an identity card. A potential employer will have to ask you for your SIN card and a Canadian status document when they offer you a job.

B: That’s good to know. Are you finished with my ID?

A: Yes, here’s your Permanent Resident Card back.

B: Thank you.

A: You’re welcome. Here is a card with our toll-free number to call if you don’t receive your SIN card within 10 business days.