CBA 1 Review

1. What new invention led to the end of cattle drives from Texas?

Barbed wire

2. The American Protective Association was particularly interested in ending immigration by members of what religion?


3. The growth of railroads created…

Expanded markets, improved communications, new cities, large corporations

4. Which region of the US experienced the greatest amount of urbanization?


5. Businesses turned to forming holding companies in reaction to what legislation?

The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

6. What were the contributing factors to urbanization in the late 1800s?

Immigration, industrialization

7. From what part of the world did most immigrants leave to come to the US?

8. The Immigration Act of 1882 affected what group of immigrants the most?


9. In order to make land available for white settlers, Native Americans were removed to…


10. What reform amendments were added to the Constitution after the Civil War?

13th, 14th, 15th

11. What political party made up the “solid South”?


12. Economic growth in the late 1800s led to the growth of what social class?

Middle class

13. Which amendment ended slavery?


14. This amendment guaranteed all citizens equal protection under the law?

The 14th

15. This amendment made it illegal to deny a citizen the right to vote based on their race.

The 15th

16. Industrialization led to an increase in migration to cities resulting in …


17. The property rights of Great Plains settlers included the control of this natural resource on their land…

Water supply

18. Settlers taking advantage of the Homestead Act of 1860 put themselves into direct conflict with this group who did not practice private property ownership.

Native Americans

19. Electricity and the Bessemer process were post Civil War…


20. The innovation that brought settlers out to the West was

The railroad

21. The first industrial revolution relied on steam, the second industrial revolution on


22. The steamboat was a pre-Civil War innovation in transportation, what was the major transportation innovation post-Civil War?


23. The Americanization movement favored assimilation of immigrants through what kind of classes?

English language

24. What woman is most associated with founding the medical organization called the American Red Cross?

Clara Barton

25. Breaking up monopolies that limited free trade was the purpose of what legislation?

Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

26. In what ways did immigrants of the late 1800s differ from earlier immigrants?

Place of origin and religious belief

27. In 1887, Congress passed a law to assimilate Native Americans into white culture called

The Dawes Severalty Act

28. Poor working conditions, often resulting in workers’ deaths, led to the formation of

Labor unions

29. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 was caused by…

Pay cuts

30. As a result of the industrial revolution/industrialization, the relationship between the federal government and industry changed as government began to…

Regulate business

31. Mary Harris Jones, also known as “Mother Jones” was known for advocating…

Child labor laws

32. In the late 1800s/early 1900s, immigrants often settled into ethnic neighborhoods in cities because they were looking for…

A sense of security

33. Dividing reservations into individual farming plots was one way the Dawes Severalty Act of 1877 tried to …

Assimilate Native American

34. As more white settlers moved West, what was the reaction of most Native Americans?

The refused to leave/fought the settlers

35. The cotton gin, iron plow, reaper and steel plow all helped revolutionize…


36. She was an advocate of improving conditions in mental health facilities in the 19th century.

Dorothea Dix

37. Immigrants in ethnic neighborhoods remained immersed in their original culture, which slowed their


38. A Constitutionally delegated power to the ______government by the power to coin money.

39. The ______includes the freedom of religion, right to bear arms and right to a speedy trial

40. Checks and balances were put in place in the Constitution to prevent

The President or Congress from becoming too powerful

41. The Declaration of Independence included______the colonists had against England/ George III


42. A ______form of government is based on the election of officials who make and enforce laws


43. Put the following in order

A. Kansas Nebraska Act

B. Election of Lincoln

C. John Brown’s Raid

D. Compromise of 1850

D, A, C, B