PTO Minutes April 9, 2014

1. Welcome - Vicki

2. Cruisin’ for Conestoga Labels - Emily Forrey - Thank you to all at the meeting who helped fold and put on labels:) Extending label deadline. Can still earn classroom participation prizes-treats need 80% participation. Thank you to Bobbie Sue and Ali for making all the copies

3. Budget update - Lori Adelman

4. Teachers' report - Mr. Mattern and Mr. Schettler are doing the flip classroom again.

5. Mrs. Baker’s report - just finished most PSSA testing. Science is coming up for 4th grade; field trips are coming up; new playground balls were just purchased

6. Penny Extravaganza- Pam Shroyer - total raised was $821.77 (this will help support the ROCK program) & Easter gift cards.

7. ROCK - John Michener organized police food drive - currently helping 6 families

8. Upcoming/Ongoing Activities

a. Garden update/activities - Beth Horst & Hannah Thomas - Started to plant; Bob Martin built an extra raised bed-thank you Bob (15 beds now); Benches are in and will be installed soon. We NEED GARDEN HELPERS to sustain long term, sign-ups for summer and more (see Beth or Hannah) & will possibly have a book with instruction so anyone can do it

b. Talent show - May 2nd - Judy Phillips is coordinating & deadline has been extended

c. Yearbook - Bonnie Martin - yearbooks ordered. Contract is signed for next year to keep costs down.

d. BJ's renewal program – Dee Greenawalt – She had a few renewals.

e. Spring Book Fair - Bria VanCleve & Erin Smith co-chairs - May 12-16 sign-up has been sent out to volunteers free books this year will be done with book order sheets in each classroom $5 or less

f. End of Year Picnic- June 6th 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

g. Teacher appreciation - Ali Neuman - Vicki has paper on what is being done each day; Theme is super heroes & help needed for decorating 5/5 & donations for daily treats

h. May PTO ideas - more basketball backboards; have a children’s author come in during book fair; have firemen/police come in and talk to students so they are familiar (have done in the past)

9. Additional Business

a. Gaga pit- using perma mulchfor bottom cost $3561 - leveling of ground and installation is set; materials donated for pit construction; done by May

b. PTO executive officers & committee chair vacancies - Please contact Vicki or other officers if interested.