Our Aryan Heritage: Learn about your real spiritual heritage
Topic started on 26-4-2009 @ 08:02 AM by Indigo_Child+2 more
This is one conspiracy that is seldom discussed, that is because it is the mother of all conspiracies, so successful is this conspiracy that barely anybody knows that this conspiracy exists.
I want this thread to be an informative and positive one which will re-introduce your Aryan heritage to you, and you will be able to learn about the deepest spiritual secrets that have been deliberately hidden from you and kept suppressed by your elite masters that run the world. I will present this thread in the form of a Q&A and give you the unadulerated truth.
Aren’t the Aryans Hitlers master race?
No, the Aryans were not a master race that were blue eyed, blonde and white. This was a racist interpretation that developed out of Western occutlism and Theosophy in the early 19th century, though Theosophy itself did not condone this interpretation. When the West came into contact with India, they came into contact with Vedas that were composed by the Aryans. They were shocked to learn that Vedic culture was similar to Western culture and that European languages shared common ancestry with Sanskrit. There were clear links between the ancestors of the West and the Aryans. This lead to many Western philosophers and intellectuals concluding that the Vedic Aryans were the forefathers of all there cultures and there was a sudden love for everything Indian.
However, Christian missionaries were not at all happy with the sudden love and affection for Vedic culture and saw it as a threat to their civilisation. So they fabricated theories the Aryans were actually nomadic European warlords that originated from the Steepes in Russia and spread by conquest, conquering much of Europe and India. This idea was attractive to Social Darwinists and white-supremacists and they popularized the notion of a master-race that owing to its genetic superiority conquered much of the world and civilised everybody.
More here:
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So who are the Aryans really?
The word Aryan is a Sanskrit word meaning “Noble” and refers to a particular noble culture which was once practiced all around the world before the destruction of the last civilisation during the cataclysm 5000 years ago. This lead to a massive rupture in the world and everybody was separated, with only remnants of their Aryan heritage. Their heritage consisted of religion, language, myths, symbols and sciences. The common symbol of the Aryans is the Swastika which can be found in virtually all cultures. It represents good fortune and prosperity, and it is still widely used by Indians.
Aryan culture was a beautiful, prosperous and spiritual culture. They were nature-worshippers, but they did not necessarily worship idols, but the spirit of the universe that animated everything. The Aryans saw the entire universe as conscious and saw man as existing in harmony with the universe. Does this sound familiar? Yes, it is the so-called Pantheists/Pagan/idolaters detested by the Abrahmic religions.
You’ve have heard all kinds of lies spread about the Pagans. You’ve been told they sacrificed humans and animals, they were savage barbarians . Were the Celts, the Greeks and the Persians barbarians? No, they were advanced spiritual cultures that wrote great literature, created very colourful and vibrant art, and excelled in science and philosophy. They were demonized by the Abrahmic religion because their Aryan-values were anathema to the Abrahmic values of control, power and domination. The Aryan culture was a liberal, democratic and enlightened culture that promoted individual freedom and divinity, taught us to respect nature and live in harmony with it and that everything in this universe was divine and this divinity is within us all.
The Aryan homeland was the Indian subcontinent and their official language was Sanskrit, which itself mean the perfect language, it was a language especially constructed for spiritual and intellectual discourse. After the cataclysms 5000 years ago, the Aryans were separated into many parts dispersed throughout the world from India to Europe. This lead to the birth of what is known as the Indo-European languages: Avestan, Lithuanian, Greek, Latin and Germanic etc
What was the Aryan religion?
The word religion as it is commonly understood is understood be something negative, stifling, irrational. In that sense the Aryans had no religion, but instead practiced pure spirituality. The Aryan religion was a spiritual religion and is known as the Vedic religion, whose scriptures were the Vedas. The Vedas literally mean the books of knowledge. They were composed by sages of superhuman intelligence. The entire Aryan society was based on the knowledge of the Vedas.
Vedic religion is also known as Hinduism, but this term is actually a complete fabrication by Christian missionaries who ignorantly put every single religion and sect of India under one umbrella term - “Hindu” and tried to make it look primitive and savage by mistranslating the Vedas and perverting them. There really is no such thing as Hinduism. The true religion of the Hindus is the Vedic religion, and few Hindus today can claim they are Vedic and know what the Vedas really teach.
What do the Vedas teach?
Pure and pristine spirituality. They reveal the secrets of creation, of spirit and being, the principles of nature, the universal laws and values. The kind of nobility they express, the sheer divinity contained with them is unparalleled. They are not a man-made religion. They are cosmic in every sense of the world. There is absolutely no compartmentalization in the Vedas. They teach science, metaphysics, cosmology, spirituality, art, philosophy and ethics, virtually every subject.
Even hearing the Vedas invokes cosmic feelings. This is no accident, the Vedas consist of mostly Mantras, and Mantras are constructed by a special dialect of Sanskrit known as Vedic Sanskrit. The Mantras is meticulously constructed and encoded with a meaning which can only be revealed in higher states of consciousness.
Listen to the most glorious Mantras of the Aryans - the Gayatri mantra - and you will understand yourself what I mean by cosmic:
YouTube Link
The words:
om bhur bhuva suvaha tat savitur varenyam bhargo devasya dhimahi dhiyo yo na prachodayat
"I invoke the Earth Plane, The Astral Plane, The Celestial Plane, The Plane of Spiritual Balance, The Plane of Human Spiritual Knowledge, The Plane of Spiritual Austerites, and The Plane of Ultimate Truth. Oh, great Spiritual Light which is the brilliance of all Divinity, we meditate upon You. Please illumine our minds."
The Vedas being cosmic have no affiliation with any one human group. Although it is generally thought the Vedas belong to the Indians, this is not true. The Vedas are truly cosmic and belong to everybody. They are our heritage and the Indians have been caretakers of this heritage. Many people are reawakening to them irrespective of their caste, creed, sect, race:
The scene above was once playing out all over the world. This world was ruled by Aryan culture and spirituality was widely being practiced. It is great to see people rediscovering their Aryan past, and hopefully you too will rediscover it.
Perhaps there are a few questions about what the Aryans teach. The main purpose of this post is to inform about the main Aryan teachings.
Do Aryans teach about god?
Yes and No. Yes, because they do teach of a supreme being known as BRAHMAN, an infinite and absolute divinity that is pure consciousness, but this is unlike the personal creator god of Abrahmic religion. It is more like an absolute reality that underlies all of existence, a profound mystery but which is the source of all wisdom, love and knowledge. The Aryans called this Sat-chit-ananda - existence, truth/pure consciousness and pure bliss. This is the only true reality, everything else is a virtual reality.
See more here:
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What rituals do the Aryans practice?
The Aryans practiced many rituals to celebrate the divine, but the most prevalent of these rituals was nature-worship. As the divine and supreme being is beyond ones imagination, the Aryans made use of symbols to represent the divine. These symbols were known as Devas, literally meaning the shining ones. From Devas come our words for diva, day, divine. The Devas represented the highest and various manifestations of how the divine appears to us, each divinity had their own qualities and were either masculine, neuter or feminine. These became known as the nature gods or nature spirits. The Aryans had a very deep reverence for these divine ones and much of the Vedas is dedicated in praise of them expressed in the form of poetry beautiful beyond words.
[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]
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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 08:34 AM by Cthulwho
I thought the Kurgan hypothesis, which suggests Indo Europeans originated in modern day Ukraine, was more widely accepted than the "out of India" theory.
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reply posted on 26-4-2009 @ 08:43 AM by Indigo_Child
Some of the principal Devas and hymns dedicated to them:
Surya: The sun god. His qualities are consciousness, illumination and light.
The sun divine, the leader of all in the solar system. Spreads his immortal, all benefiting light. Being the eye of all natures bounties, he becomes the source of all creativity and makes all regions visible.
O sun on thy coming, all livings beings are awakened and the wing birds flock around from the boundaries of skies to greet thee.
Usha. The goddess of Dawn. Her qualities are wisdom, enlightenment
Right in her movement, sublime by eternal law, true to eternal law, red-tinted, refulgent. The divine dawn has come, bringing the light; to her the sages sing the welcome of hymns.
Saraswati. The river goddess. Her qualities are inspiration, poetry, music, life-force, speech.
May Sarasvati, the purifier
rich in wealth - the intellect
Her treasure - desire our sacrifice.
Inspirer of the truthful,
rouser of the noble minded, may
Sarasvati accept our worship.
Sarasvati, mighty ocean,
she rouses up with her light
And brightens all intellects
The Vedas hold in reverence virtually everything in nature, sun, moon, stars, sky, Earth, rains, nature, time. They are full of praises for nature. The Aryans were especially sun-worshippers, because the sun represented the supreme being or centre of the cosmos itself and consciousness.
The Aryan rituals mainly consists of prayers to the various nature spirits. They also conducted fire-rituals to cleanse the atmosphere of all impurities and pollutants. In the fire ritual they would recite Vedic Mantras and invoke the various spirits. The reason they used fire was because fire/light is believed to be the messenger between this phenomenal world and the celestial world and fire invokes other celestial energies.
What are the Aryan answers for the questions of life?
How and why was the universe created?
It wasn’t. The universe has existed eternally, is unchanging and infinite. What you perceive to be a physical and separate world out there is nothing more than an appearance, an illusion, a holographic projection of the self-similar absolute reality. You are really existing within the cosmic-mind and the cosmic mind has many levels of consciousness, of which this material plane is one level. Everything in this universe are the thought-forms of this cosmic mind and you are participating in its mental constructions. The universe is unimaginably vast and infinite, universes within universes, universes on top of universes, you are just inhabiting one part of this infinite reality.
A Vedic Mantra that is dedicated to this point:
That is infinite
This is infinite
The infinite arises out of infinite
If the infinite is taken away from the infinite
The infinite still remains
Infinite is interchangable with perfect and absolute.
Who are we?
You are living entities, spiritual beings, sparks emanating from the divine absolute that have descended from the celestial realm into the material realm and become entangled in the material world. You have forgotten who you really are because you have misidentified yourself with your body. You are not your body, you verily are spirit itself experiencing reality through the vehicles of mind and body. It is desire that brought you here, and it is desire that will bring you back here.
Reality does not just mean this earth plane or phenomenal world, reality means the entire spectrum of experience and its various levels. You are experiencing reality at various levels - physically, mentally, emotionally.
What is our purpose?
Your purpose is to return to the supreme spirit, but you cannot return until you are free of all desires. As long as a desire remains in you to experience, you will continue to incarnate in the world. You can end this vicious cycle of rebirth by controlling your desires. The Aryans created scientific methods to enable you to do this called Yoga. By practicing a form of Yoga you can gain control over your senses, over your mind, and thereby control over your desires. This is not a short and easy process, it takes innumerable life times and austerity and perseverance living a Yogic or spiritual life, but the more you practice, the more you will evolve spiritually.
All desires lead to thoughts. If there are no desires there would be no thoughts. Note the connection between desire and thought, it means that all thoughts that you have, whatever they maybe, are fashioned out of your desires. You can never perceive reality as it really is, because you are perceiving reality as you want it. You are caught up in your mental constructions and fantasies. In your world, you are the one that decides what is right and wrong, you are the one that decides what your purpose is, what history is, what is true and what is false, and because of this your reality is a false reality. You’re like a child playing with his action figures enacting out self-created dramas, but you’re the child that gets so caught up in playing, that you forget reality.
Whatever you think is not neutral, it is construction. If you want to know real reality, you need to stop thinking and simply become a silent observer of reality. This does not mean you cease to act in the world, you still act, but you do not become entangled in your actions. To help you develop this power of observation the Aryans developed meditation. Every time you are meditating you are sharpening your observational powers. Your powers become so acute you can instantly discriminate between truth and false.
This is why your masters have kept you away from your Aryan teachings. For if you practiced them you would instantly catch all the clever lies your masters tell you. You would not for a minute accept the world as it is today.
Do not remain under the illusion that you can think yourself to the truth using logic. Your biggest mistake is you think it is possible to use logic to arrive at the truth. Your logic will never reach the truth, because your logic occurs within your constructed world. You can know about your constructed world, but not the real world. Even knowing your constructed world by this method is pain streaking and slow. The scientific method of learning bit by bit has taken thousands of years to learn even basic laws of our phenomenal world. The truth is your mind is severely limited by biology and sociology. You can only reach a certain limit using logic and after that you are stumped.
We see ourselves as carrying the burden of working out all the mysteries of life by ourselves using our puny mind. Why do we beat ourselves up so much? There are no mysteries. All exists in plain sight if you have eyes to see. All you need to do is just open your eyes and everything will be revealed to you.
So if there is something that you can really take from this thread is: MEDITATE. As soon as you start meditating sincerely and regularly, the world will begin to change in front of your eyes. You will begin to see it with new eyes and gain new insights and understanding. Again your masters do not want you to meditate, because if you do, the reality they have constructed for you will begin to disintegrate.
The Abrahmic religion preaches against meditation. This is no accident, they know about meditation and in elite Abrahmic circles meditation is practiced, but they don’t want their masses to start meditating. They tell their masses that meditation is a satanic practice and meditators open themselves up to Satan and demonic attacks. They instead prescribe to the masses prayer to be done in a methodical manner and for self-interest. They tell their masses all they need to do their rituals to get salvation. They keep their masses ignorant of true spirituality.
The Abrahmic religion is the source of all evil in this world, they are behind the wars, the economic exploitation of the poor, behind the misery that pervades much of the world. They are the reason why your Aryan heritage has been concealed from you. There has been a concerted effort by the Abrahmic religion to suppress, distort and pervert Aryan heritage from as far back as Sumerian times.
The truth is: You are the descendents of the great Aryans and your heritage is Aryan - NOT Abrahmic/Sumerian/Elohim/Illojim. You can once again reclaim your Aryan heritage and your Aryan title. Do the ultimate act of denying ignorance and embrace your Aryan heritage.
This thread is not designed to be controversial(though it will most likely generate controversy) but only to make known a master conspiracy against humanity for the last few thousand years to suppress its spiritual heritage.
[edit on 26-4-2009 by Indigo_Child]