Crime & Law
R1. Constitutional Law
The Laramie County Republican Party urges the Wyoming Legislature to mandate the exclusive use of the U.S. Constitution and Wyoming Constitution in the review and adjudication of all cases and controversies arising in the state courts of Wyoming, so as to ensure the protection of all rights, liberties, and privileges and immunities guaranteed to all citizens and legal residents by the United States Constitution, as amended, and the Wyoming Constitution, as amended.
R2. Duty to Retreat
Whereas the duty to retreat is a part of the Wyoming law of self-defense, Be it Resolved that the duty to retreat be stricken.
R1. Common Core
LCRP affirms the Every Student Succeeds Act, which prohibits any requirement, direction, or mandate to adopt Common Core Standards and assigns the determination of standards and curriculum to local school districts and the parents.
R2. Diversity in Student Needs
The Laramie County Republican Party urges the Wyoming Legislature: To recognize the diversity of needs, learning styles, and achievement objectives in educating Wyoming students in the K-12 educational system, as well as the important roles historically played by parents, teachers, and local and state officials in that system, and therefore to reject and repeal the mandatory universal adoption and implementation statewide of the so called “Common Core Standards” in mathematics and English language arts, Science and History the standardized tests associated therewith developed by the “Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers” (PARCC).
R3. State Board of Education
LCRP supports election of members of the State Board of Education by districts allowing for one member to be appointed by the Governor.
R1. Elimination of the Department of Energy
Whereas the Federal Department of Energy has surpassed its original purpose of reducing our nation’s dependency on foreign energy, and whereas the Federal Department of Energy has increased unnecessary and burdensome regulations upon American citizens, Be It Resolved that the LCRP calls for the elimination of the Federal Department of Energy.
R2. Favorable Policy Environment.
The LCRP believes that government should create a favorable policy environment that enables all industries and businesses to thrive. The free market and the public’s preferences should determine the industry outcomes; government should not pick winners and losers in the energy marketplace. We call for all other domestic energy exploration and production to proceed without Federal obstruction.
R3. Energy Exploration and Production
Whereas an independent, secure, reliable source of energy is in the best interest of the United States of America; and Whereas sources of employment are in great demand; therefore, Be It Resolved that the LCRP calls for all domestic energy exploration and production to proceed without government obstruction.
Foreign Policy & Defense
R1. A Sufficient Military Budget
The LCRP believes in a budget necessary to carry out the mission of the United States Armed Forces and support our active duty military, military veterans and their families to include assurance of quality medical care.
R2. Defense Budget
Whereas the United States of America must remain a super power with increased personnel, armaments, technology and support persons, Be It Resolved that the LCRP requires that, in military affairs, we must provide adequate funding to maintain a strong military for our national defense, with an armed force of high morale, integrity and a national commitment of support, full funding of promised benefits, to serve as a deterrent from foreign aggression.
R3. Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Whereas the presence of on-duty, heterosexual or homosexual romance in the military greatly weakens the effectiveness of the military; and Whereas social engineering and social experimentation have no proper place in the military environment; and Be It Resolved that the Republican Party demands the reinstatement of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Policy of the U.S. Armed Forces.
R4. Foreign Aid
Be It Resolved that the United States should reduce foreign aid and eliminate foreign aid to countries that do not enhance our security, safety and economy.
R5. Hostile Nations
Be It Resolved that the LCRP believes that the United States must use all options to defend against acts of aggression from hostile nations and people.
R6. Subordination of American Troops
Be It Resolved that the LCRP opposes the subordination of American troops to any foreign or multinational organization.
R7. United Nations
Be It Resolved that the LCRP calls for the immediate withdrawal of the United States from the United Nations (UN), the immediate cease of all fiscal, material and troop support from the United States to the UN as this organization has proven itself to be a complete failure and has entered into social engineering undermining the sovereignty of member and non-member nations. Be it further resolved that we do not adopt the UN Agenda 21.
Government & Budget
R1. Attorney General
LCRP supports the election of the State Attorney General.
R2. Closed Primaries
LCRP supports maintaining closed primaries within the state.
R3. Executive Orders –Federal
Be It Resolved that the LCRP believes Presidential Executive orders subvert the legislative process and all current executive order will be subjected to legislative review and otherwise become null and void if not approved.
R4. Gun Free Zones
LCRP supports the elimination of all government affiliated gun free zones.
R5. Metropolitan Planning Organization
Be it resolved that Plan Cheyenne and the MPO are not supported.
R6. Party Affiliation
We believe anyone interested in changing political affiliation must do so before the candidate filing period begins in May.
R7. Power of Recall
LCRP supports the ability of Wyoming voters to have the power of recall for elected officials.
R8. Voter ID
LCRP supports requiring U.S. issued photo ID & proof of citizenship in order to be permitted to vote.
R9. Term Limits Federal Level
LCRP Supports requiring term limits for all U.S. Congress, and Senate members.
Health & Society
R1. Healthcare Mandates
The LCRP believes that it is the inalienable right of individuals to determine how they will approach their own health care and insurance; therefore, we oppose any healthcare mandates.
R2. Medical Reforms
Whereas affordable healthcare and affordable healthcare insurance is important to every citizen, Be It Resolved that to reduce the cost of health care and health care insurance the LCRP calls for; tort reform, health insurance portability and allowing for the purchase of health insurance across state lines.
R3. Obamacare Repeal
The LCRP believes that the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act,” (PPACA) commonly known as “Obamacare” should be repealed.
R4. Religion
The LCRP believes the separation of church and state describes the prohibition of an official, state sanctioned church, not the expulsion of religion from public life. We must keep in mind the Judeo-Christian principles of the founding Fathers when they wrote it; the practice of faith under this tradition encourages good moral behavior and the development of character that helps secure the other fundamental bases of national citizenship. We believe in freedom of religion for every citizen and expect the protection of government in securing to us this unalienable right. We affirm the right to religious expression.
Immigration & Immigrants
R1. Enforcement of Existing laws by Federal State and local authority
Whereas the LCRP believes that illegal immigration is a burden to Wyoming state resources; therefore, Be It Resolved that the LCRP believes that existing laws concerning illegal immigration need to be enforced.
R2. Proficiency in English as a Citizen's Duty
Whereas English should be the official language of the state of Wyoming and the United States; Be it resolved that it is a citizen’s duty to obtain proficiency in English.
R3. Refugee Resettlement Program
The LCRP believes that we should refuse to provide a refugee resettlement program in the state of Wyoming.
R4. Subsidies for Illegal Immigrants
Whereas illegal immigration is causing financial strains on our states’ and federal governments; Be It Resolved by the LCRP that LCRP supports work visas and legal immigration. Be it also resolved that LCRP supports the removal of benefits that draw illegal immigrants into the country, such as free healthcare, free education, and citizenship to babies born to illegal immigrants on U.S. soil. Be It Resolved that we believe in securing U.S. borders.
Job & Economy
R1. Construction Projects
Be It Resolved that the LCRP calls for the repeal of the Davis-Bacon Act and prohibit the State of Wyoming from using any form of wage determinations in any construction project.
R2. DWS Union Questions
The LCRP supports prohibiting the Department of Workforce Services from asking any questions related to union membership, union participation or any other activity related to unions on ANY questionnaire, survey, etc. used to collect data/information in any form.
R3. Right to Work
The LCRP opposes the unionization of public employees and supports the Right to Work Law.
R4. Unemployment Benefits
Be It Resolved that the LCRP calls for personal responsibility in acquiring job and getting off welfare by requiring that individuals receiving unemployment benefits take action to increase their job skills to make them more employable and limit unemployment benefits to six months.
Land, Agriculture and Environment
R1. Fee Increases
The LCRP opposes fee increases for hunting and fishing licenses.
R2. Personal Property Rights The right of individuals to keep and enjoy their own property is foundational. Individuals have the right to develop property to their own potential, to use and enjoy their own property, physical or intellectual, and pursue their own interests, free from the restrictions of arbitrary force.
R3. Taking Back Public Lands
LCRP supports the return the return of Federal Lands to state control as promised to all states east and west of Colorado in their statehood enabling contracts.
Sanctity of Life
R1. Planned Parenthood
Whereas Planned Parenthood does not believe in the sanctity of life; Whereas Planned Parenthood sponsors and supports abortions, Whereas abortion is an act of murder, Be It Resolved that federal tax and state tax dollars not be used in the funding of abortions including those performed by Planned Parenthood or any other Title X clinics; Be it further resolved that federal and state tax dollars not be used in the funding of Planned Parenthood.
R2. Reproductive Services
Whereas reproductive services are not a province of the government; Be It Resolved that no tax dollars shall be allocated to any aspect of reproduction including abortion, sterilization, birth control devices or medications, or fertility treatments.
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