2017 Negotiations FAQ for Local 2019
- Why are there contract negotiations at EBMUD?
Local 2019 is one of four unions representing EBMUD employees. The District has a legal obligation to negotiate with the union on a regular basis. The current contract expires on April 16, 2017.
- When will negotiations begin?
In the past, negotiations usually have started in late January or February before the contract’s expiration date. However, the negotiating team could decide to start talks at any point as long as the District is willing to meet either earlier or later than the usual mid-winter timeframe.
- What issues are negotiated?
The big three items are wages, medical benefits and retirement issues, but anything related to working conditions is fair game.
- What happens if negotiations go past the contract’s expiration date?
Usually both Local 2019 and the District agree to honor the terms of the existing contract while continuing to negotiate. The last time a contract was settled before August was in 2000.
- Will I have to go on strike?
During the fight to obtain a meaningful raise,maintain affordable healthcare, and a reliable retirementplan, sometimes action is needed to get Management tomove at the negotiation table. Strikes are one of myriadactions at our disposal toexpress to the Board of Directors that Management'soffer is unacceptable. The last strike at EBMUD occurred in 1985 and since then, actions such as wearing the AFSCMET-shirt, attending the EBMUD Board of Directors'meeting, and picketing (in front of theNAB and GM's house) have been sufficient. Strongparticipationfrom Union members in non-strike actions willincrease our likelihood of success and reduce the need for astrike. But know that should a strike be needed, all unionmembers get to vote toauthorize a strike, before it happens.
- Will wage increases be retroactive to the expiration date of the contract?
Retroactivity has been granted to Local 2019 on all contracts negotiated inthe past 20 years. The EBMUD Board of Directors is well aware of the importance of retroactivity to Local 2019 in terms of maintaining peace with labor.
- How can I help our union before negotiations begin?
Without YOU, Local 2019 is nothing. YOUR participation in the pre-negotiations survey, YOUR involvement in the upcoming Local 2019 “Show Your Union Pride” T-shirt days to be held weekly and YOUR attendance at our general membership meetings during the build-up to negotiations will send a clear message to the Senior Management Team and the EBMUD Board.
- How can I help our union during the negotiations' process?
We need you to continue to attend membership meetings, to read the regular updates distributed by leadership during negotiations and provide your reactions and feedback concerning the direction of negotiations. If needed, your presence at rallies or meetings of the EBMUD Board will be vital to advancing OUR cause.
- What should I do if I am on probation or have an “at-will” job status?
You do need to be careful if you are not a permanent civil service employee. Attending union meetings, filling out surveys and voting to ratify or reject the contract are safe activities for you. Attending Board of Directors’ meetings, participating in rallies and wearing your Union T-shirt on “Spirit Days” could be risky to your continued employment.