Genetic Processes - Grade 11 University Preparation Biology
Group Members:
Artimis Soltanidji, Benjamin Liu and Ahamed Basheer
The purpose of this case study investigation is to learn about human disorders associated with chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic mutations in terms of chromosomes affected; their physical effects and treatments. As a part of this case study, we will investigate various societal, ethical, legal and economical implications associated with various treatment options.
As a class, we will be compiling a database of genetic disorders. Each student will conduct research, design and create an information pamphlet on a particular genetic disorder. In addition, you will present the information on your pamphlet to the class during a 10-15 minute presentation.
Part A:
Sign your name beside one of the genetic disorders on the signup sheet. Please note the preselected Assessment-Interview and Class Presentation date associated with your genetic disorder recorded in the Class Wall-Calendar.
Part B:
Please design and construct your Information Pamphlet according to the criteria listed below:
Title Page / Include creative title page, date of submission, name of the student and the course codeOrganization / Organize your pamphlet with relevant headings and subheadings; include pictures and illustrations
Content / See below for more information
Communication / Proper spelling and grammar and draft
is included with necessary corrections
Reference / Use a variety of resources with APA
style format
The Content part of your Genetic-disorder pamphlet should include the following:
1. Provide general information about the genetic disorder such as number of people affected worldwide, time spent on research, medical/research facilities available around the world etc.
2. Explain the physical characteristics such as symptoms (phenotype) and/or complications associated with this genetic disorder
3. Indicate the chromosome affected and/or gene involved. Further discuss:
a. The inheritance pattern of the disorder, if known, including the probability of inheritance.
b. Where the gene is located (if known) and what is its function at the
cellular level.
c. If there is variable expressivity i.e. different expression for alleles.
4. Discuss possible technology and/or techniques for treatment, including:
a. Whether the disorder can be detected before birth and whether carriers can be identified.
b. The available treatments and/or preventions.
5. Describe actual cases of other individuals with the disorder and how their lives are affected socially, emotionally and psychologically including clinical findings.
6. Explain Societal, ethical, legal issues and/or economical implications of having the disorder
NOTE: Make sure that your information pamphlet contains at least 600 words. Use a variety of resources such as websites, books, journals and articles for your research. You need at least 3 websites, 2 books, and 1 journal article from an academic source.
Also, please consult Genetic Disorder Pamphlet Rating Scale (see Appendix A) to achieve maximum success.
How to Reference?
Reference your sources using APA format for embedded citation and bibliography. Please use following link for interactive tutorial on APA style reference:
Part C: Assessment/Evaluation
You will be assessed as you work on this case study investigation to check for progression in your research work. Please check your preselected Assessment Interview Day recorded in the Class Wall-Calendar.
On this Assessment-Interview day, please complete self-assessment checklists form (see Appendix C) and show your up-to-date research work. Your teacher will provide constructive feedback on your work to enhance your final product.
You will be evaluated using Pamphlet Rating Scale (see Appendix A).
You will present the information on your pamphlet to the class during a 10-15 minute presentation. Please consult Presentation Rubric (see Appendix B) to ensure you have met all criteria.
Instructions: Sign your name beside the genetic disorder
NOTE: Please check your preselected Assessment Interview Date AND
Presentation Date recorded in the Class Wall-Calendar.
Turner’s Syndrome / Cri-du-chat / Hemophilia
Red-Green color blindness / Cystic Fibrosis / Huntington’s Disease
Muscular Dystrophy / Sickle Cell Anemia / Jacob’s Syndrome
Patau Syndrome / Fanconi Syndrome / Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome
Prader-Willi Syndrome / Fragile-X-Syndrome / XXX Syndrome (Triple X)
Tourette Syndrome / Wilson’s Disease / Costello Syndrome
Nail Patella Syndrome / Retinoblastoma / Hereditary Angioedema
Paraplegia / Incontinentia Pigmenti / Homocystinuria
Shwachman Syndrome / Barth Syndrome / Acoustic Neuroma
Friedreich Ataxia / Alagille Syndrome / Albinism
Autism / Lymphedema / Mannosidosis
Case Study - Teacher Guide/Notes
Course: Grade 11 University Preparation Biology
Overall Expectations addressed with this Case Study activity:
D1 Students will evaluate the importance of some recent contributions to our knowledge of genetic processes and analyze social and ethical implications of genetic and genomic research.
D3 Demonstrate an understanding of concepts, processes, and technologies related to
the transmission of hereditary characteristics.
Specific Expectations addressed with this Case Study activity:
D1.1 Analyze on the basis of research some of the social and ethical implications of research in genetics and genomics.
D1.2 Evaluate on the basis of research, the importance of some recent contributions to knowledge, techniques and technologies related to genetic processes.
D2.1 Use appropriate terminology related to genetic processes
D3.4 Describe some of the genetic disorders caused by chromosomal abnormalities or other genetic mutations in terms of chromosome affected, physical affects and treatments
Case Study - Teacher Guide/Notes (continues)
Description of Case Study Activity
This activity uses a case study strategy to teach about human disorders associated with genetics.
The purpose of this is to help students to appreciate and comprehend the genetic basis of various disorders and investigate various societal, ethical, legal and economical implications.
The students will select a particular genetic disease for their case study to initiate their research. They will investigate chromosomal abnormalities, nature of genetics and how mutated and altered genes cause various changes in cellular processes and activities. The students will also analyzed overall symptoms (phenotype), complications and prognosis in humans for each particular disorder. Finally, the students will investigate various treatment options and other alternatives available to people who are affected by genetic disorders.
In order to enhance the overall learning experience and promote student success, the teacher needs to ensure that students have good understanding of Mendelian Genetics, mitosis, meiosis, protein synthesis, chromosomes, DNA and genes. This can be accomplished by assessing for prior knowledge of students through diagnostic assessments such as Jeopardy, mini quiz etc.
For this case study investigation, students will prepare an informative pamphlet about a particular disorder according to the kinds of criteria discussed in Part B and present their research to the class in a 10-15 minute presentation (see Appendix B).
The students will be assessed for their learning by preselected Assessment Interview Day over this two week period to check for progress and provide constructive feedback to improve their overall learning experience. Students will be reminded of this Assessment Interview at least a day in advance. They will be required to complete Self-Assessment Checklist form (see Appendix C) and provide up-to-date research work in order to promote student learning and self-reflection.
The students will be evaluated for their Genetic Disorder Pamphlet and Class Presentation using Rating Scale (see Appendix A) and Presentation Rubrics (see Appendix B) respectively.
Pre-Planning Activities
- Please assign Computer Lab time for students to complete some part of the work during class
- Ask a librarian to conduct a workshop for your class on research techniques and accessing appropriate materials
- Provide username and passwords to access electronic databases to conduct research effectively
Case Study - Teacher Guide/Notes (continues)
1. Setup “Writing Clinic” before and/or after school to assist and accommodate ESL/ELL learners with their writing skills.
2. Provide alterative evaluation strategies for students in Level 1 and Level 2 ESL classes e.g. evaluate ESL/ELL students by encouraging to them use their native language to demonstrate their learning experience
3. Students in ESL classes (Level 3 and 4) will be paired with native English learner to provide further assistance for their written work.
4. Seek assistance from ESL teachers to discuss various strategies to promote learning
5. Consult Special Education teachers for students with special IEP accommodations for supporting students in this program
Rating Scale for making the Pamphlet – Appendix A
Student Name:______
Criteria / Possible Points
Title Page / The title page is creative and includes the date of submission, name of the student and the course code / 0 1 2
Organization / Pamphlet is organized with relevant headings and subheadings;
Pamphlet is legible;
Pamphlet includes pictures and/or illustrations / 0 3 5
Content / Includes complete, accurate, up-to-date information on the genetic disorder according to specific criteria in Part B of the investigation / 0 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17
Communication / Grammar and spellings;
Includes a draft with necessary correction / 0 2 4
Reference / The resources are referenced properly;
variety of resources are used / 0 1 3 5
TOTAL / / 33
Appendix B
Oral Presentation Rubric : Genetic Disorder
Student Name: ______CATEGORY / Level 4 (4 marks) / Level 3 (3 marks) / Level 2 (2 marks) / Level 1 (1 mark) / Level R (0 mark)
Content / Shows a full understanding of the topic. / Shows a good understanding of the topic. / Shows a good understanding of parts of the topic. / Shows some understanding of parts of the topic. / Does not seem to understand the topic very well.
Comprehension / Student is able to accurately answer almost all questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is able to accurately answer most questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is able to accurately answer good number of questions posed by classmates about the topic. / Student is able to accurate answer a few questions posed by classmate about the topic / Student is unable to accurately answer questions posed by classmates about the topic.
Vocabulary / Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Extends audience vocabulary by defining words that might be new to most of the audience. / Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. Includes 1-2 words that might be new to most of the audience, but does not define them. / Uses vocabulary appropriate for the audience. / Uses vocabulary somewhat appropriately for the audience. Does not include any vocabulary that might be new to the audience. / Uses several (5 or more) words or phrases that are not understood by the audience.
Making Connections
Societal/ethical issues / Assesses key factors thoroughly offering insightful interpretation and support / Assesses key factors competently offering sound interpretation and support / Assessed key factors with moderate competence offering some interpretation and support / Offers limited, often inaccurate assessments of key factors with little interpretation and support / Offers inaccurate assessments of key factors with limited interpretation and support.
Preparedness / Student is completely prepared and has obviously rehearsed. / Student seems prepared and appears to have rehearsed. / Student seems quite prepared but might have needed a couple more rehearsals. / The student is somewhat prepared, but it is clear that rehearsal was lacking. / Student does not seem at all prepared to present.
Enthusiasm / Facial expressions and body language generate a strong interest and enthusiasm about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body languages generate a strong interest bout the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language sometimes generate a strong interest and about the topic in others. / Facial expressions and body language are used to try to generate enthusiasm, but seem somewhat faked. / Very little use of facial expressions or body language. Did not generate much interest in topic being presented.
Time-Limit / Presentation is 10-15 minutes long. / Presentation is 3 minutes long. / Presentation is 10 minutes long. / Presentation is less than 8 minutes. / Presentation is less than 5 minutes.
Props / Student uses several props (could include costume) that show considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. / Student uses at least two props that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. / Student uses 1 prop that shows considerable work/creativity and which make the presentation better. / Student uses 1 prop which makes the presentation better. / The student uses no props OR the props chosen detract from the presentation
KU /12
MC /4
COM /12 / Overall Comment
Appendix C
Assessment Interview Date: ______
Self-Assessment Checklist
Instruction: Please complete this checklist and provide up-to-date work on your research for your Assessment Interview. Place a check mark under the appropriate column.
Yes / NoUse of Resources
· Do I have a plan for researching my topic
(i.e. genetic disorder) ?
· Have I researched print (books, journals) electronic resources (internet)
Qualify of Information
· Have I considered different point of view while researching about this genetic disorder? (e.g. different opinions on genetic technology etc.)
· Is all my information clearly related to my genetic disorder?
Recording Information
· Have I summarized the main ideas in my own words?
· Have I identified the sources of information?
· Have I summarized the information in an organized way?
Use of Information
· Have I included my own ideas and opinions and supported them with the information I researched?
· Have I outlined my work using APA style reference?
NOTE: This checklist is adapted from Nelson Biology 11 Teacher Resource