2016 GVP Summer Book Club 6/14/16

Book Pass Activity

Today we will conduct a Book Pass to review and evaluate books we may read in later weeks. Students will pass books in a circle, examining each in turn, then discuss and rate them.


In your box are several books for your group to consider for future group reading or individual checkout.

Tell your group they will be doing a book pass to help pick the book that the group will read next week. Before you distribute the books, explain and demonstrate what they will do (some girls may already be familiar with the process; review anyway so everyone does the same thing).

1. Intro.Each member of the group will look at one book at a time. Everyone willget to look at every book.

2. Review.(Model this step as you explain) When the books are handed out, everyone should

--look at the front cover of his/her book

--look at the back cover & read the summary (if any)

--look at the inside flaps of the dust jacket (if any)

--look at the Table of Contents (if any)

--leaf through the book and look at illustrations (if any)

--open to first page of text and start reading

--(optional) open the book at random and start reading

3.Pass.Allow 2 minutes per book; then ask students to pass the books o the person on their right. Keep time with a phone. Adjust time if needed

4. Pair Share.After every two books, ask the students to pair and share by turning to the person next to him/her and sharing what they thought about the book they both looked at.

To share, they could just complete one of these sentences:

One thing I like about this book is _____.

I notice ______.

I'd like to know more about ______.

The listener could reply:

I agree.

I noticed that too.

I would also like to . . .

5.Vote.After all books have been previewed, ask the group to vote on what to read next and record below. If they like more than one book, please indicate—they can read them all! Return form to Anne, Mary Lou or Karen.

6: Adaptations:Adapt your language expectations for student levels. Beginners might juts look at pictures. Newcomers might look at pictures while you help them name objects in the pictures, etc. Advanced students might give reasons for their preferences.

06/14Book Pass Results (Return form to Anne, Mary Lou or Karen.)



Book/s we liked best: