Language Futures Spring Term Plan (Primary)

Lesson / Topic
Session 1 /
  • We Love Our School Project: introduce new theme for the half term. Read information sheet.
  • Pupils discuss what information would be helpful for visitors to the school, what information would be most helpful to include on display or in a video to go on the school website.
Resources:We Love Our School information sheet.
Session 2 /
  • Pupils plan out a design of their display and think about what language they need to include. Decide which parts would be in each language.
  • Word splash vocabulary in their target language.
  • Pupils to split into groups/pairs and decide which section of the display they are going to do.
Session 3 /
  • Pupils start to create display in their target language. For example, a map of the school with labels in their TL, photos of the school with TL labels. Provide pupils with cameras to take photos around school.
Resources:Cameras, display paper, coloured paper, scissors, glues, pens.
Session 4 /
  • Continue with display
Resources:Display paper, coloured paper, scissors, glues, pens.
Session 5 /
  • Continue with display
Resources:Display paper, coloured paper, scissors, glues, pens.
Half term
Session 1 /
  • Traditional Tales from around the World project: share task –pupils have to retell a traditional tale in their target language.
  • Pupils to organise themselves in groups and select their favourite traditional tale. Research in target language. (Find resource in TL – either YouTube or book version.)
  • Listen to story with mentor – are there any key words we recognise?
Resources:Traditional Tales from around the world in Target Language – library/book shop/YouTube.
Sessions 2 - 4 /
  • Pupils to consider what part of the story they are going to retell and how. For example, can they video themselves, act out a scene, tell it with the aid of a story map with key words labelled. Is there a part of the story that is repetitive? (E.g. Fee, Fi, Fo, Fum but in TL.)
  • Once pupils have decided the part and how they will perform it, they will need to learn it/make the resource/practise performing.
Resources:Laptops /iPads, library books, props for drama, paper, pictures and pens for story map.
Session 5 - 6 /
  • Pupils to continue practising their Traditional Tale performance.
  • Arrange a time, when they can perform it and who to e.g. parents/Year 1/Foundation Stage or a lower year group.

Language Futures was originally developed by Linton Village College as part of a Paul Hamlyn Foundation initiative. Management of the initiative passed to the Association for Language Learning in summer 2015. When using and/or adapting resources, we would ask you to acknowledge the Language Futures initiative and the Paul Hamlyn Foundation as the original publishers of the material