2016-2017: Miss Pirate Princess Pageant

Your daughter has shown interest in participating in the 9th Annual Miss Pirate Princess Pageant at Fairhope Middle School. This pageant has been a great success and we look forward to another wonderful year!

The pageant will be held on Saturday, March 11th @ 6:00pm in the FMS cafetorium. Admission will be $5.00 per person and each participant will be responsible for pre-selling at least five tickets. Each participant will need a formal, floor-length gown for the Beauty Walk and an appropriate outfit for her interview. There will not be a talent portion in the pageant. Each girl will interview with the judges on the morning of Saturday, March 11th at Fairhope Middle School. The Beauty Walk portion of the pageant will occur that evening.

During the pageant, not only will Miss Pirate Princess be crowned, but we will also have a winner from each grade level (8th Grade Princess & 7th Grade Princess), as well as Miss Congeniality, Most Photogenic, Best Interview and Most Poised.

Each contestant will need to complete and email me a copy of the Contestant Biography and Contestant Interview forms-the editable form can be found on the school website-; and complete and return the signed ‘Permission Form’, as well as a $15 non-refundable entry fee to Mrs. Lanicek no later than Friday, February 10th.

There will be an informative parent meeting on Thursday, January 26th @ 3:00 in the FMS cafetorium. This meeting is not mandatory, but will be used to answer any questions that you may have regarding the pageant.

We look forward to working with all of the Princesses! If you have any questions, please contact me at 928-2573 or .


Kelly Lanicek

Permission Form

I, ______, will participate in the Miss Pirate Princess Pageant. I understand that I am representing my school and will maintain respect and good taste throughout the competition. I will also have fun and enjoy myself! J

Student Signature: Date:

I am allowing my daughter to participate in the 2016-2017 Miss Pirate Princess Pageant. I have read and understand the expectations required for participation.

Parent Signature: Date:

Contact Information:



Participant Checklist:


Homeroom Teacher:______

The following items must be given to Mrs. Lanicek by Friday, February 10th.

_____$15 Non-refundable entry fee

_____Signed Permission Form

_____ Contestant Biography Form (emailed)

_____ Contestant Interview Form (emailed)

_____Photo for Most Photogenic (optional)

Thursday, January 26th - Parent Meeting Information


·  Pageant: Floor length evening gown & “walkable” shoes

·  Interview: Age-appropriate

Semi-dress rehearsal (Contestants only please)

·  Immediately after school on Friday, March 10th until 5:00

·  Only bring pageant shoes

Interviews (Contestants only please)

·  Will be held in the FMS library on Saturday, March 11th beginning promptly at 8:00 and are scheduled in 5 minute intervals

·  Specific times will be given after the Feb 10th deadline.

·  Be at least 10 minutes early

·  Miss Congeniality will be voted on by each contestant after their interview

·  The girls will be given a list of Possible Top 10 Questions as they leave from their interview!

·  Judge’s questions during the interview will be based on the information that you included on your Interview Form.

·  Interview Hints:

2016-2017: Miss Pirate Princess Pageant

o  Dress appropriately


o  Make eye contact

o  Speak clearly

o  Be poised

o  Use appropriate language (no slang)


o  Be yourself!

o  Practice at home

2016-2017: Miss Pirate Princess Pageant

Pageant Night

·  Dressing Rooms (Contestants only please)

o  Contestants will be allowed into the dressing rooms @ 4:30.

o  Hair/make-up should be done BEFORE arrival. Supplies for touch-ups only please! Keep the amount of “stuff” to a minimum. PLEASE COME FULLY DRESSED- this will help to eliminate last minute emergencies in the dressing rooms.

o  Adult volunteers will be assigned to each room to help- parents will not be allowed into the dressing rooms prior to the pageant.

·  Contestants must be COMPLETELY dressed and ready for pictures by 4:45.

·  During the Beauty Walk, contestant information will be read directly from the provided Biography Form.


·  Individual and group photos will be taken @ 4:45. Additional photos will be taken throughout the pageant. These will be available for viewing and purchase following the pageant.


·  Miss Pirate Princess, 8th Grade Princess, 7th Grade Princess, Most Poised, Best Interview, Miss Congeniality, Most Photogenic

Pageant Tickets

·  Admission will be $5.00 per person and each participant will be responsible for pre-selling at least five tickets.

·  Due to limited seating, PLEASE pre-sell tickets to family and friends that are planning on attending! We will begin selling tickets on February 20th.


·  Available in front & side lots- as well as overflow into the Fairhope High School teacher parking lot.

·  PLEASE no parking on the grass.