2007 BaytownTownship Annual Meeting Minutes

The annual Town Meeting was called to order by Clerk, Connie Fredkove at 8:10 p.m. at BaytownCommunityBuilding – 4020 McDonald Drive N. , Stillwater, MN 55082 12 citizen were present.

Election of moderator (by the electorate)

Kent Grandlienard nominated Maynard Kelsey, seconded by Norm Dupre. All in favor, motion passed.

Reading the 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes (Clerk)

Ron Fredkove moved to approve the 2006 Annual Meeting Minutes with the following corrections: Minutes Approval “red” should be “read” Set Time for next Annual Meeting “ March 12” should be “March 13”, seconded by Bill Nelsen All in favor, motion passed.

Reading of Treasurer’s Report

Mike Amundson moved to read a synopsis of the Treasurer’s report, seconded by

Ron Fredkove. All in favor, motion passed.

Ron Fredkove questioned the insurance cost. The insurance has now been grouped together. There was general discussion as to the increase in the Professional Fees and Street Expense. The Board had decided to do the road work in 2006, such as resurfacing of 44th St and 30th St.. It was felt that the Board used good judgment in handling the road expense. A clarification was suggested in the Profit and Loss statement to clarify categories for ease in budgeting.

Bill Nelson moved to accept the report subject to Audit, seconded by Mike Amundson. All in favor, motion passed.

Ron Fredkove moved that the suggestions to re-label street categories for clarification be accepted and used starting in the 2007 budgeting year, seconded by Bill Nelsen.

All in favor, motion passed.

Road report

Bill Nelson suggested that the street Improvements and Maintenance will be approximately $80,000 for 2007. This amount includes Repair and Patching, Culvert on Omaha, Major work on Neal Ave., and yearly street repairs.

Kent Grandlienard suggested that we should make sure we do the upgrading work on Osgood Avein 2008 and get it into the 2008 budget. Bill Nelson suggested that in 2007 all the preliminary work, including the right a ways get done for the upgrading of Osgood Ave.

Mike Amundson would like to get a road inventory going to be used for future Street Maintenance budgeting.

Setting Levies for taxes. Road and Bridge, fire, general etc., 2008

Penny Huonder moved to set the 2008 levy at $323,118.00, seconded by Bonnie Beecroft. All in favor, motion passed.

Report of Annual Election

There were a total of 1166 voters in Baytown, 28 ballots were cast. Seat No. 3 - Ron Fredkove received 28 votes, Seat No. 4 - W. E. Nelsen received 27, Pete Miller received one write in.

The Election judges were thanked for their time.

Select a depository (Bank or Banks to keep funds in)

Treasurer, Bonnie Beecroft said the Township has accounts in Bayport Bank, Lake Elmo Bank, Washington County Bank and Central Bank.

Ron Fredkove moved to keep the same banks as we currently have, seconded by Norm Dupre. All in favor, motion passed.

Select a paper for publishing and posting places

Clerk, Connie Fredkove suggested that we continue using The Valley Press as the Township Legal newspaper as this is the one most of the residences of Baytown receive. Ron Fredkove moved to continue using the Valley Press as our official newspaper for publishing, seconded by Norm Dupre. All in favor, motion passed.

Set time for next Annual Meeting (March 11, 2008 second Tuesday in March)

Norm Dupre moved to set the annual meeting to March 11, 2008 at 8:00 p.m., seconded by Bill Nelson. All in favor, motion passed.

Reduction of Letter of Credit for Audubon

Town Clerk, Connie Fredkove, presented the information approved by Dave Magnuson, from Tom Prew for the developers of Audubon to have their letter of credit reduced. Mike Amundson moved to approve the request by the developers Audubon Investments, LLC, to reduce the escrow for Audubon to $83,740.00, seconded by Penny Huonder. All in favor, motion passed.

Other Business

Penny Huonder presented a suggestion to change the annual township election to fall election to coincide with the General Elections. The cost of the 2007 township election was approx. $600.00. WashingtonCounty has suggested that the Township change our elections. Don Dunlap and Maynard Kelsey agreed with Penny’s suggestion. After a through discussion by the residents present, no decision was made at this time.


Penny Huonder moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:25 p.m., seconded by Bonnie Beecroft. All in favor, motion passed.


Organizational Meeting March 19, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.

Submitted by:

Connie Fredkove

Connie Fredkove

Baytown Clerk