Horizon Coordinates
What is your position in the room? Count the number of seats from the left side (farthest from the doors) ______and the number of desks from the front of the room (first row is row one) ______This pair of numbers gives me your starting location.
Using the idea that the width of your fist at the end of your arm covers ten degrees (10o), measure the altitude of the following points from the place you listed above:
the EXIT sign at the back of the room ______
the top of the white boardat the front of the room ______
the line where the ceiling and wall meet at the left side of the room _____
Move to a new location (at least a few seats and desks away) and list that location ______, ______(seats from the left, desks from the front)
Repeat the measurements of the three places listed above.
EXIT sign ______white board (t0p) ______ceiling/wall line ______
What do you notice when you compare measurements from different places?
Which direction in the room is north? ______
What is your current position? ______, ______
What is the azimuth (as estimated by your fist on your outstretched arm) of:
the “no food or drink” sign? ______the poster of the Milky Way?______
the red fire alarm signal? ______
What are the azimuth and altitude of the projector? ______, ______
Now let’s go have a look at some objects in the actual sky…
First, you need to find a good place from which to make observations. This means that you have a clear view of the sky, without structures or trees blocking the view in any direction. Then, you need to determine which way is north so that you can figure out the cardinal directions. If you have a GPS unit, that should tell you which direction you are facing. Otherwise, use the method we discussed in class that uses maps.google.com.
What is the time and date? ______
Where are you observing from? Listing the city is fine; listing the longitude and latitude is better: ______
What are weather conditions like? (List the approximate temperature, amount of wind, and amount of cloud cover.) ______
List 5 objects that are visible, along with the other information requested. If one of the objects is the Moon, tell what phase it is in:
Name / Cardinal direction / Altitude / Other details (color, amount of twinkling, brightness)