2005-2006 File Structure (Field Descriptions) Nonpublic Schools DBF

DISTCODE: Two-digit ISD Code plus Three-digit School Code number

BLDGCODE: Building Code number

SCHNAME: Name of nonpublic school

ADDRESS: Address of nonpublic school

CITY: City of nonpublic school

ZIP5: ZIP Code

ZIP4: Extended ZIP Code

AREACODE: Area Code of nonpublic school

PHONE3: First three digits of phone number

PHONE4: Last four digits of phone number

BLDGTYPE: Identifies grade level of nonpublic school

DENOM: Identifies denomination of nonpublic school

ISDCODE: Intermediate school district code number

COUNTYCODE: County Code number

ADMIN: Contact person for nonpublic school

CNTEMAIL: E-mail address of contact person

SCHUPDATED: Date of nonpublic school data update

MEETREQ: Nonpublic school met reporting requirements for the school year (should be "YES"). A "YES" in this field indicates that:

1.  Nonpublic school submits enrollment figures.

2.  Nonpublic school uses certified teachers (unless they opt-out for religious reasons).

3.  Nonpublic school provides education in basic courses.

SPEDCOUNT: Number of special education students

PRTTIMECNT: Number of part-time students

NEEDYCOUNT: Number of needy students

INSTRHOURS: Number of hours per week instruction is given

INSTRDAYS: Number of days per year instruction is given

RELIGYES: "YES" indicates nonpublic school claims objection to teacher certification based upon a sincerely held religious belief. (If answered "YES," no teacher qualifications are required.)

RELIGNO: "YES" indicates nonpublic school does not claim an objection to teacher certification based upon a sincerely held religious belief.

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CRTPRMYES: "YES" indicates all teachers hold a Michigan Teaching Certificate or Permit

CRTPRMNO: "YES" indicates not all teachers hold a Michigan Teaching Certificate or Permit

CRIMCKYES: "YES" indicates nonpublic school complies with the criminal history check requirements.

CRIMCKNO: "YES" indicates nonpublic school does not comply with the criminal history check requirements.

MICERT: Number of teachers with a Michigan Teaching Certificate

MIPERMITS: Number of teachers with a Michigan Teaching Permit

NOHSDIPL: Number of teachers with less than a high school diploma

HSDIPLOMA: Number of teachers with high school diploma but less than a bachelor’s degree

BACHELORS: Number of teachers with a bachelor’s degree

OTHERCERT: Number of teachers with a teaching certificate from another state

TOTALTEACH: Total number of teachers

PRE_K: Pre-kindergarten enrollment

GRADE_K: Kindergarten enrollment

GRADE_1: First grade enrollment

GRADE_2: Second grade enrollment

GRADE_3: Third grade enrollment

GRADE_4: Fourth grade enrollment

GRADE_5: Fifth grade enrollment

GRADE_6: Sixth grade enrollment

GRADE_7: Seventh grade enrollment

GRADE_8: Eighth grade enrollment

GRADE_9: Ninth grade enrollment

GRADE_10: Tenth grade enrollment

GRADE_11: Eleventh grade enrollment

GRADE_12: Twelfth grade enrollment

TOTALENROL: Total enrollment (Pre-K through 12th grade)

ENGREAD: Basic courses English/Reading are being taught (should be "1")

MATH: Basic course Mathematics is being taught (should be "1")

SOCSTUDIES: Basic course Social Studies is being taught (should be "1")

SCIENCE: Basic course Science is being taught (should be "1")

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USCONST: Constitution of the United States is being taught for grades 10, 11, and 12 (should be "1")

MICONST: Constitution of the State of Michigan is being taught for grades 10, 11, and 12 (should be "1")

HISTORY: History and present form of civil government of the United States, state of Michigan, and the political subdivisions and municipalities of the state of Michigan are being taught for grades 10, 11, and 12 (should be "1")

TCOUNTPRK: Number of Pre-K teachers (full-time equivalency)

TCOUNTK8: Number of K-8th grade teachers (full-time equivalency)

TCOUNT9_12: Number of 9th -12th grade teachers (full-time equivalency)

TOTTCOUNT : Total number of teachers (full-time equivalency)

PCOUNTPRK : Number of Pre-K principals (full-time equivalency)

PCOUNTK8: Number of K-8th grade principals (full-time equivalency)

PCOUNT9_12: Number of 9th -12th grade principals (full time equivalency)

TOTPCOUNT : Total number of principals (full-time equivalency)

OCOUNTPRK: Number of Pre-K other instructional (full-time equivalency)

OCOUNTK8: Number of K-8th grade other instructional (full-time equivalency)

OCOUNT9_12: Number of 9th -12th grade other instructional (full-time equivalency)

TOTOCOUNT: Total number of other instructional (full-time equivalency)