Ceri Morton
Contact: Mrs. S Wallace
Tel: 01302 734454 option 2
Fax: 01302 734373

Dear Miss Morton

Thank you for your e-mail dated 10th January 2011 regarding your previous Freedom of Information request regarding information about occupiers of specific commercial premises within the Doncaster MBC area. I am now able to give further information based on the details supplied in your e-mail.

1. Question

Details of the occupiers of Brooke Hanson Motors Ltd, Wheatley Hall Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire property reference number 0309601062008 and The Eldred Group, Hexthorpe Trading Park, Cherry Tree Road, Doncaster, property reference number 0006200343041.


I can confirm that the occupier of the property listed as Brooke Hanson Motors Ltd, WheatleyHall Road, Doncaster, South Yorkshire property reference number 0309601062008 is as advised in my original response.

Regarding your request for information regarding HexthorpeTradingPark, property reference number 0006200343041, I can confirm that this assessment is registered as The Eldred Group Hex.Trad.Park, Cherry Tree Road, Hexthorpe, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, DN4 0BJ. This assessment was included in the rating list for the period 01 September 2002 to the 31st March 2003. During this period the property was occupied by Eldred (1982) Holdings Ltd.

I hope that this information is useful to you.

Reviewing any decisions made:

You can ask us to review any decisions made about your request. You do this by writing to

Freedom of Information Manager,

Council House,

Floor 2,

College Road,




You can apply to the Information Commissioner for a decision about our compliance or otherwise with the Freedom of Information legislation. Please contact the Commissioner for details on how to do this - telephone 01625 545700, address: Information Commissioner, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. Internet:

Yours sincerely,

Mrs. S Wallace

Senior Business Rates Officer

Doncaster Council, Revenues Department, 1st Floor Colonnades House, Duke Street, Doncaster DN1 1ER