L&E Class Room Activities;

Week One

·  Logging in and introduction to WebCT Learning Environment and Pebble Pad – e-portfolio.

·  Introduction to the three disciplines as defined by QAA and subject teams – highlighting that major focus is on the demonstration of cognitive and subjective specific skills. Through question based approach, draw out the difference between degree and GCSEs and A levels where often it was the acquisition of knowledge which was being tested.

·  Email Etiquette –

·  In Pebble pad, complete exercise - your choice of degree subject.

·  In pebble pad complete exercise on Expectations of HE study.

·  Managing your own learning and its relationship to process of PDP - a ‘rich story of your learning’

·  In pebble pad complete self assessment exercise on Reflective Practice

·  Students asked to think and record the things that they are being asked/expected to do…particularly in relation to preparation for seminars and assessments. Make note of what is proving hard.

Week 2 – Skills, Personal and Academic?

·  In twos, look again at question 15 in Reflective exercise, - ‘how do you feel about lectures and seminars, and what might appear to be a lack of structure to lectures and seminars – the often abstract and conceptual ideas.

·  Discuss your experience, and come up with one good thing and one bad thing about H.E Study?

·  What is a skill?

·  In twos tell each other one skill/attribute you have and what evidence you have for believing you are good/competent in that skill.

·  Pebble pad exercise - Audit of Current Interpersonal Skills and Attributes?

·  Pebble pad exercise - Academic Skills Audit;

·  Look at Benchmark statements for Criminology, try and match them up to those detailed in the Academic Skills Audit.

·  Select key academic skils and detail them as priority development skill area.

Week 3 – Listening and Note-Taking

·  Pebble Pad activity – creation of blog, ‘ What do you find difficult about listening and taking notes from lectures’

·  Tape of radio 4 current affairs (relevant to discipline and curriculum of differing degree programmes) – questions posed to test listening and comprehension skills.

Week 4 – Academic Reading

WebCT area – Run through materials;-

“You do not have to read all of this book – just have a quick look at it” – demonstrate this with a key course text book or reader.

The importance of developing strategies to enable engagement with complicated and high level text and materials.

Go through previewing the book.

Look at practices to avoid.

Introduce importance of referencing sources

·  Pebble pad activity – assessing reading.

·  Reading three reading exercises;-

·  Read newspaper article and in groups think up one question to test other groups comprehension.

·  Text book reading – Comprehension Exercise, varies according to subject.

·  More advanced reader – student makes notes and attempts to identify key arguments, evidence, opposing arguments etc.

Week 5 – Essay Writing

·  Example Essay Exercise; - Assess and award a mark to three essays. Match actual mark and feedback for each and discuss any difference between class/students assessment and those actually given.

·  WebCT materials –identifying critical areas to consider when writing an essay.

·  WebCT materials on Plagiarism- tutorial ‘How to Recognise Plagiarism’ –

·  Five minute quiz - short quiz.