Name: Shannon Slate

IRA STANDARD / Artifacts / Rationale
1. Foundational Knowledge. Candidates have knowledge of the foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. As a result, the candidates:
1.1Demonstrate knowledge of psychological, sociological, and linguistic foundations of reading and writing processes and instruction. / Informal Reading Inventories
Practicum / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge and ability to apply the foundations of the processes of reading and writing to improve instruction and student learning.
1.2Demonstrate knowledge of reading research and histories of reading. / Action Research
Beginning Readers and Writers Exams / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge of reading research to enhance students learning and the history of reading.
1.3Demonstrate knowledge of language development and reading acquisition and the variations related to culture and linguistic diversity. / Practicum / These artifacts show my knowledge of how language and reading skills are developed and acquired as well as my ability to address diversity within the learning environment.
1.4Demonstrate knowledge of the major components of reading (phonemic awareness, word identification and phonics, vocabulary and background knowledge, fluency, comprehension strategies, and motivation) and how they are integrated in fluent reading. / Action Research
Beginning Readers and Writers Exams / These artifacts demonstrate my research and knowledge of how reading progresses as readers become fluent. It also shows my ability to develop fluent readers.
Standard 2. Instructional Strategies and Curriculum Materials. Candidates use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, methods, and curriculum materials to support reading and writing instruction. As a result, the candidates:
2.1 Use instructional grouping options (individual, small-group, whole-class, and computer based) as appropriate for accomplishing given purposes. / Text Set / This artifact shows my ability to address different learning styles and allow students to work in different settings to accomplish set goals.
2.2 Use a wide range of instructional practices, approaches, and methods, including technology-based practices, for learners at differing stages of development and from differing cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Web Page
Practicum / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge of differing learning stages and differing backgrounds. They incorporate technology and variety to better meet the needs of diverse learners.
2.3 Use a wide range of curriculum materials in effective reading instruction for learners at different stages of reading and writing development and from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Web Page
Practicum / These artifacts enable me to show a variety of materials and options to engage students of differing reading and writing stages into the learning process and promote success for all learners.
Standard 3. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Evaluation. Candidates use a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective reading instruction. As a result, candidates:
3.1Use a wide range of assessment tools and practices that range from individual and group standardized tests to individual and group informal classroom assessment strategies, including technology-based assessment tools. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Action Research
Informal Reading Inventories / This set of artifacts demonstrates my ability to assess individuals and small groups on their performance, ability, and given tasks in a variety of ways.
3.2Place students along a developmental continuum and identify students’ proficiencies and difficulties. / Practicum
Informal Reading Inventories / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge to evaluate children and determine their individual strength and weaknesses. This knowledge then gives me the ability to place students on track according to their developmental needs.
3.3Use assessment information to plan, evaluate, and revise effective instruction that meets the needs of all students including those at different developmental stages and those from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. / Text Set
Informal Reading Inventories / This collection of artifacts allows me to use information collected during assessments to carefully plan, deliver, and reflect on instruction. Through these artifacts I am able to meet the needs of students from multiple backgrounds and stages efficiently and effectively.
3.4Communicate results of assessments to specific individuals, (students, parents, caregivers, colleagues, administrators, policymakers, policy officials, community, etc.). / Diagnosis Letter
Web Page
Informal Reading Inventories / This set of artifacts enables me to discuss with parents students, educators, and other appropriate individuals, assessment results in order to make needed improvements for students.
Standard 4. Creating a Literate Environment. Candidates create a literate environment that fosters reading and writing by integrating foundational knowledge, use of instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments. As a result, candidates:
4.1 Use students’ interests, reading abilities and backgrounds as foundations for the reading and writing program. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Web Page / These artifacts demonstrate my ability to create appropriate reading and writing instruction based on students varying backgrounds, interests, and abilities. I am able to base this instruction on the foundational data of reading and writing.
4.2 Use a large supply of books, technology-based information, and non-print materials representing multiple levels, broad interests, cultures and linguistic backgrounds. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Hmong Presentation
Author Study
Web Page / These artifacts show my capability to present lessons and facilitate instruction in multiple ways. They show my use of printed and non-printed material, technology, and books to reach learners of varying levels and backgrounds and of differing interests.
4.3Model reading and writing enthusiastically as valued life-long activities. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Author Study / This set of artifacts demonstrates my ability to engage myself as a learner and relay this to my students. I instill in my students that we all should be life long learners and through modeling they are able to see this. This also shows my ability for modeling reading and writing in an exciting and interesting manner.
4.4Motivate learners to be life-long readers. / Text Set
Multi-genre Project
Author Study / These artifacts demonstrate my enthusiasm and encouragement for becoming a reader for life. These artifacts engage students in reading in a way that is captivating and memorable.
Standard 5. Professional Development. Candidates view professional development as a career-long effort and responsibility. As a result, candidates:
5.1Display dispositions related to reading and the teaching of reading. / Practicum
Action Research / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge of the theories and philosophies of reading and teaching reading. This knowledge enables me to further develop as a professional while understanding the background of reading research.
5.2Continue to pursue the development of professional knowledge and dispositions. / Hmong Presentation
Action Research / These collections of artifacts demonstrate my desire to engage in professional development in order to better my instruction and teaching practices. Pursing professional development will allow me to learn and understand more to better meet the needs of my students.
5.3Work with colleagues to observe, evaluate, and provide feedback on each other’s practice. / Practicum
Informal Reading Inventories / These artifacts demonstrate my knowledge and ability to work with colleagues to discuss, evaluate, and offer and receive supportive feedback on educational issues and instructional practices.
5.4Participate in, initiate, implement, and evaluate professional development programs. / Hmong Presentation / This artifact indicates my ability to engage in and initiate professional development programs. I was able to grow as a professional and individual by participating in these programs.