2½ miles. At most, an hour and a half of very easy walking.

From Stoney Street opposite The Market Porter pub take the far left hand entrance into Borough Market. Walk diagonally left out of the back of the market and emerge on to Winchester Walk. Turn right. Go left shortly afterwards, passing Southwark Cathedral to the right.

Fork left in Cathedral Street and head for The Golden Hinde in St Mary Overie Dock (you can see it from just opposite the cathedral). Then walk to the right down Clink Street. Turn right after going under the railway.

Now walk along the Thames frontage passing The Anchor Inn on the left. Pass the Financial Times building on the left. Carry on towards Southwark Bridge and go under. Turn left up the steps on the far side of Southwark Bridge. Go ahead on pavement, away from the bridge.

Turn right very shortly, at next set of steps, by a signpost, and go down the steps to walk to the right. Turn right on New Globe Walk. Turn left at end of New Globe Walk.

Walk out on to The Millennium Bridge to about the halfway point. Walk back off the bridge (Tower Bridge visible in the distance) then carry on along the riverside walk. Turn left after The Founders Arms (named after an old local iron foundry) and before the railway bridge, to walk down a ramp.

Bear left across a cul-de-sac and then go right along Hopton Street. Cross over, passing a building on the left with a roof garden (development company). Pass the Almshouses to the left.

Go over Southwark Street at the first zebra crossing. Walk along Bear Lane. At the end go right along Great Suffolk Street, crossing Union Street, then carrying on. Turn left on to Pocock Street and pass Blackfriars Crown Court.

Turn left into Sawyer Street (Bob Sawyer, Pickwick Papers) then right along Copperfield Street.

Near the end of Copperfield Street: All Hallows Church Garden is on the left. Go in through the entrance. Go right at the end of the street then left, and cross Southwark Bridge Road at the first pedestrian crossing.

Go into Mint Street Park** Then turn sharp left up Caleb Street and cross over Marshalsea Road (named after the old local Debtor’s Prison; it was possible to be imprisoned for debt up to the middle of the 19C) to go up Ayres Street.

(** if the local down and outs are in the park drinking cheap cider, don’t go in but retrace your steps back over the crossing, turn right and then go left into Ayres Street. If they are not there, cross the park via the left hand side and exit far left).

Pass The Lord Clyde pub. Turn right into the alley just beyond White Cross Cottages. Exit the far side of the Gardens and turn left along Redcross Way. Go over Union Street and

carry on. Pass Cross Bones Graveyard to the right.

The Boot and Flogger is on the left.

Cross over Southwark Street (pedestrian crossing to the left) and continue up Redcross Way. Turn right into Park Street. Go under the railway. On the corner opposite 13 and 15, walk through the low entrance way on the left into Brew Wharf Yard.

Turn right at the end and walk down Stoney Street to return to Borough Market.