Croatia’s most Sustainable D4U Glamping project:
How can it support several national parks and set highest standards for tourism supporting the Sustainable Development Goals?
October24 – 25, 2017
Proposed Venue:
(International participants arrive the day before- October 23 -in Zagreb)
October 24: Morning in Zagreb– start of workshop
Afternoon – Plitvice Lakes National Park
October 25: Otočac to Senj
Language:English (translation Croatian/English?)
Expected Participants:Representatives of Castel Solutions and LT&C,Representatives of the Government ofCroatia (Ministries of Tourism and Environment; National Parks Directors), Representatives of the Regions ### and Communities ###, Conservation NGOs/Experts, Tourism Business/Experts,
Participation by invitation only.
Moderator:Peter Prokosch
Questions the workshop attempts to answer
(if not otherwise indicated, presenters will provide a short, ca. 10 minutes, introduction and leave about 5 minutes within their slot for discussion):
October 24:
Opening Speech:
Croatia’s role and profile in sustainable tourism and conservation (20 min)
NN, Representative of the Government of Croatia
What is Linking Tourism & Conservation (LT&C) and what do we want to achieve with the workshop? (20 min)
Peter Prokosch, Chairman and Founder of LT&C
Outline of the planned Glamping Project (30 min)
Haris Dervovic,Castel Solutions and Project Leader
Coffee/Tea Break
How could the Sustainable D4U Glamping Project fit into Croatia’s contributions to the 10YFP Sustainable Tourism Program of UNWTO?
Blanka Belošević, Croatia’s Focal Point in UNWTO
How is the national park system in Croatia functioning today and how could support from tourism contribute to its further development?
NN, Representative of national park’s authority
October 25:
The Plitvice Lakes National Park: How it could function as a leading example of a well-managed park supported by tourism?
NN,Director Plitvice Lakes National Park
How would regions in Croatia benefit from the Glamping Project?
NN,Representative of Region ###
How would communities hosting a Glamping site benefit the Project?
NN, Representative of a targeted community
How will local producers and service providers be involved and can demonstrate highest sustainability standards?
NN,local producer or service provider
What are the expectations of investors into the Project?
NN,Representative of investors
Plenum discussion and summarizing for common ground
(green marked: participation confirmed)
The Workshop will be divided into two sessions, one in Zagreb with focus on governmental representatives, national tourism board, etc. (October 24), and the other at local future glamping sites around Otočac and Senj, focusing on local/regional representatives (potentially) involvedin/supportive to the project (October 25).
For participants staying longer,excursions may be organized October 26/27 to surrounding national parks and other targeted sites for the Glamping Project.
A more detailed agenda will follow as soon as participants are clarified.
Linking Tourism and Conservation (LT&C) is a Norwegian registered(Org. Nr. 813329972) and internationally engaged non profitorganisation:
Address: Kystveien 2, N-4841 Arendal, Norway
Members of the Board:
Dr Peter Prokosch (Chair and Co-Founder, Norway):
Ottar Nakken (Co Founder, Norway):
Diana Körner (Seychelles):
Denise Landau (USA/UK):
Sergio Chiarandini (Italy and Thailand): / Bank Account Details
Bank Name: Cultura Sparebank
Pb. 6800
St. Olavs plass
N – 0130 Oslo, Norway
Name on the Account: Linking Tourism & Conservation
Bank Account Number: 12540595168
IBAN: NO8712540595168