Ukraine (ua)
Ukraine[1] (1998)
2.3 Financial and economic aspects
During the process of environmental and economic reforms in Ukraine, costs and payments for use of natural resources were established and financial responsibility and fees for pollution of the environment were endorsed. The partial financial support for biodiversity conservation is provided through institutions and organizations, the State Budget of Ukraine, regional and local budgets, extra-budget conservational funds (e.g., the Vidrodzhennya Foundation) and other sources. Available financial support is directed mostly to improvement of the system of protected territories, urgent measures and actions for protection and rational use of land resources, development of field-protecting forests and forest shelter belts, conservation and restoration of species and populations of plants and animals, environmental monitoring, development of information and education systems, etc. The financial support for these activities through the State Budget of Ukraine is provided with reference to available financial possibilities of the country. The Draft State Budget for 1997 secures 15,500,000 Ukrainian hryvnas (=USD 8,300,000) for the activities aimed at conservation of biodiversity in Ukraine.
Ukraine[2] (2003)There are a few sources of financing environmental expenditure in Ukraine: budgetary funds, enterprises’ own funds and foreign loans and grants. The partial financial support for biodiversity conservation is provided through the National Environmental Protection Fund that was established as a part of the National Budget of Ukraine in order to concentrate funds and provide financing for environmental protection and resource-saving measures, including relevant scientific research and measures aimed at reducing of the impact of human activity on health and nature. The Fund gathers charges from pollution and other funds under the current legislation that are to be received to the National Budget of Ukraine. The Fund’s administrator is the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine. Means of the Fund are to provide financial support for activities that are in conformity with the priorities of the national environmental policy of Ukraine.
Ukraine[3] (2007)
Budgetary allocations by national and local Governments as well as different sectoral ministries / 10 mln USD /year (core budget)Extra-budgetary resources (identified by donor agencies) / 0,1 mln USD (environmental fund of MEP – national level)
Private sources (identified by donor agencies) / 0,005 mln USD
Resources generated through financial instruments, such as charges for use of biodiversity / 0,1 mln USD
Ukraine[4] (2010)
B. Information on national and international funding priorities
Funds aimed at the introduction of biodiversity conservation activities at the state level comes mainly from the State budget and in specialized programs. The main funding targets for improving biodiversity comes from the budget of the National Program for the formation of a national ecological network in 2000 - 2015 years. The amount of funding the work within its framework in 2007 was 262 609 dollars. USA, in 2008 - 365 475 USD. The United States.
In general, during the reporting period were carried out conservation measures aimed at developing projects for the creation, expansion, diversion of land for the organization of the territory of the institutions of natural reserve fund, management of public inventories of natural reserve fund of Ukraine, the flora and fauna, conservation of populations of species of plants and animals and their habitats, the implementation of measures to promote eco-network.
In some areas, international projects are carried out to implement the provisions of international agreements on biodiversity. For example, in the Lviv region implemented the international project "Implementation of transboundary environmental communication in the Ukrainian Carpathians", in particular for the formation of cross-border ecological corridors to Poland for the migration of bison, bears and other wildlife in and Turkivskom Skolivskom areas. The project is funded by large herbivorous mammals (the Netherlands).
A large part of the programs that are funded from both the national budget and from international funds, terms of monitoring the status of biodiversity in Ukraine. In 2008, Ukraine took part in the development strategy for monitoring biological diversity, which was carried out under a project jointly coordinated by the International Vetlands (Wetlands International) and the European Centre for Nature Conservation (European Centre for Nature Conservation (ECNC).
Analysis of the current state of biodiversity monitoring in Ukraine showed that in general it is only in its infancy, although some of its lines are sufficiently developed and have a long history. Of these, first of all, we should mention the program "Chronicle of Nature," which for many decades since the Soviet era, is in the nature-protected sites in Ukraine. Despite significant drawbacks, in general, this monitoring program is being implemented in dozens of natural and biosphere reserves, regional landscape and national parks, an area which is about 1.7 million hectares, or about 3% of the country. Their number and total area will increase substantially in coming years. By monitoring programs include accounting and hunting animals, which is regularly held in the hunting grounds and fishing and taking into account the assessment of fish stocks that are held by more than 50 species, for each reservoir separately.
By monitoring programs also include programs that are running for public funds scientific research institutes and universities. As a rule, they are regional or local in nature and limited time frames for research topics. In addition to the above programs monitor certain groups of animals and plants of state support, there are programs that run on a voluntary basis or with the support of international foundations (IWC - International Waterfowl Census, IBA - Important Birds Area). For example, a record winter waterbird with the support of IWC is carried out in Ukraine for more than 20 years. In some cases, non-governmental organizations have information on the status of certain species of animals or plants, which is not in academic institutions or environmental public institutions. At the same time it is worth noting that the main executors or the coordinators of these monitoring programs are often academics, who are held by public bodies. In general, monitoring programs involving the public have not yet received a serious proliferation and in need of considerable assistance in its development.
Of the 95 programs, monitoring of biodiversity, for which information was collected in 2007 for international programs include 10 to national -, 4 to programs at the regional level is 26 - to local programs - 55. Of these, about one-third are associated with fitoraznoobraziem, the rest are devoted to monitoring the animals. Funding sources for the majority of monitoring programs (58%) is the state budget. A large part of the programs carried out fully or partially funds the participants in monitoring programs (19%). International grants support only 12% of the programs. The largest number of monitoring programs carried out in the western and southern regions, the smallest - in central and eastern parts of Ukraine. Spatial distribution of the programs significantly determined by the availability of research centers or nature-protected facilities. You can also assume that the cross-border and coastal areas of particular biodiversity are of great interest to researchers.
Scientific organizations in Ukraine and Russia is satisfied with the project by the Netherlands Government to establish a biosphere reserve "Meotida." On the Ukrainian side in the projected object must enter the planned national parks "Meotida" (Donetsk), "Azov" (Zaporizhia region). And the Azov-Sivash National Park (Kherson region)..
In the Donetsk region created a management plan steppe ecosystems. It was launched with the support of environmental conservation projects of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the United Kingdom. On this issue, the reserve staff are continuing research on the topic: "Study of population structure under the influence of gangs of steppe grazing ungulates and identify the most optimal conditions for the growth of populations of rare species that would enable them to be fully self-reproduction." Activity - a scientific basis for the protection of flora and fauna (biota) and natural ecosystems to natural and protected areas.
June 28, 2007 the Committee for the UNESCO World Heritage at its 31st session in Christchurch (New Zealand) has decided to include the Ukrainian-Slovak nomination "Beech forest Carpathian primeval" in the list of World Natural Heritage sites, which serve as the basis of the forest primeval Carpathian Biosphere Reserve and National Park Uzhansky. This decision will help to conserve biodiversity of the area. In 2007-2008, completed in the framework of Ukrainian-Dutch project "Primitive forests of Transcarpathia (Ukraine) as the key zone-European Ecological Network." According to studies prepared and submitted for publication a monograph "The primeval forests of Transcarpathia. Inventory control and management. " The project, on November 20, 2007 in Rakhiv an International Research Seminar on the outcome of the Ukrainian-Dutch project. The workshop was presented with a report on the implementation of the project and held a discussion. In general, the realized project helped to preserve the unique biodiversity characteristic of old-growth forests in the Carpathians.
Since the end of 2008, the National Ecological Centre of Ukraine started its work on the project "Inventory and conservation of steppe habitats of the Kiev region." The project is implemented within the framework of the Joint Work Programme under the Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation Ukraine - Netherlands in 2007-2008 between the Ministry of Environmental Protection of Ukraine and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality Netherlands.
[1]Ukraine (1998). First National Report, 32 pp.
[2]Ukraine (2003). Second National Report, Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources of Ukraine, 10 September 2003, 209 pp.
[3]Ukraine (2007). Third National Report, Ministry of Environmental Protection, 25 April 2007, 142 pp.
[4]Ukraine (2010). Convention on Biological Diversity: Fourth National Report of Ukraine, Ministry of Environment, Kiev, 2010, 80 pp.