14875 version 3
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Make horse shoes in the forge by hand
Level / 4Credits / 10
PurposePeople credited with this unit standard are able to demonstrate safe working practices in a farrier's workshop, and forge horse shoes by hand.
Subfield / EquineDomain / Farriery
Status / Registered
Status date / 25 September 2003
Date version published / 25 October 2007
Planned review date / 31 December 2011
Entry information / Open.
Replacement information / This unit standard and unit standard 14593 replaced unit standard 1605.
Accreditation / Evaluation of documentation and visit by NZQA and industry.
Standard setting body (SSB) / Primary Industry Training Organisation
Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP) reference / 0018
This AMAP can be accessed at
Special notes
1Legislation relevant to this unit standard includes but is not limited to the Health and Safety in Employment Act 1992, and its subsequent amendments.
2All work practices must comply with industry standards, and not contravene the Code of Recommendations and Minimum Standards for the Welfare of Horses, Code of Animal Welfare No. 7, available from
3Industry standards are defined as work having been performed within Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) regulations, and performed in a timely manner, which has an economic outcome for the farrier. Such work must not require any immediate adjustment.
Elements and performance criteria
Element 1
Demonstrate safe working practices in a farrier's workshop.
Performance criteria
1.1Personal protective equipment suitable for the job is selected and worn in accordance with industry standards.
Rangeprotection to – body, head, hair, eyes, ears, lungs.
1.2Loose body accessory items are protected or removed when working in the workshop in accordance with industry standards.
Rangechains, rings, watches.
1.3Protective footwear is worn in accordance with industry standards.
1.4Machinery is operated according to manufacturer's specifications.
Element 2
Forge horse shoes by hand.
Rangeshoes – hand fullered, deep seated, graduated heel, plain stamped, bar.
Performance criteria
2.1Steel is cut to required length in accordance with the size of horses foot.
Rangecold set, hot set, hacksaw, guillotine.
2.2Steel heated in the forge is at a temperature which enables forging.
2.3Standard fore and hind shoes are forged on the anvil for the individual horse in accordance with industry standards.
Rangebalanced toe and branches, level, smooth, indiscernible hammer marks, seated, heels shaped, nail holes, clips.
Please note
Providers must be accredited by NZQA, or an inter-institutional body with delegated authority for quality assurance, before they can report credits from assessment against unit standards or deliver courses of study leading to that assessment.
Industry Training Organisations must be accredited by NZQA before they can register credits from assessment against unit standards.
Accredited providers and Industry Training Organisations assessing against unit standards must engage with the moderation system that applies to those standards.
Accreditation requirements and an outline of the moderation system that applies to this standard are outlined in the Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP). The AMAP also includes useful information about special requirements for organisations wishing to develop education and training programmes, such as minimum qualifications for tutors and assessors, and special resource requirements.
Comments on this unit standard
Please contact the Primary Industry Training Organisation if you wish to suggest changes to the content of this unit standard.
New Zealand Qualifications Authority 2018