K.L. Nordyke,
Kelsey L. Nordyke
1524 Humboldt Apt. 2 212 Weber Hall
Manhattan, KS 66502 Manhattan, KS 66506
(620) 222-1311 (785) 532-1171
M.S. – Animal Science (Expected date of cmopletion, January 2005)
Kansas State University
GPA: 3.6/4.0
B.S. – Animal Science (2002)
Emphasis – Livestock Merchandising
Oklahoma State University
GPA: 3.4/4.0
Graduate Teaching Assistant/Assistant Equine Extension Coordinator, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS August 2003-Present
- Assistant horse judging team coach
- Assist in teaching undergraduate students horse evaluation curriculum
- Conduct state 4-H horse activities including: examinations and senior team problems for 4-H horse skillathon, securing classes and officials for state 4-H horse judging contest, and presenting summer horsemanship clinics
- Conduct summer horse judging camps
- Coach 2004 Kansas Quarter Horse Youth Association judging team
Research Technician, Creekstone Farms Premium Beef, Arkansas City, KS
May 2003-August 2003
- Performed daily operations of a food microbiology lab concerning food safety and quality assurance including E.Coli O157:H7 testing, reading bacteria counts, and sending samples out for further testing for food born illness
- Assisted in quality assurance operations concerning carcass temperatures and bacteria control
OSU Equine Teaching Unit, Stillwater, OK
September 2001-December 2002
- Executed all duties involved in maintaining university horse herd including:
nutritional aspects, general maintenance, mare and foal care, breeding operations, and herd health
- Performed general farm labor
National Reining Horse Association Futurity and Derby Intern, Oklahoma City, OK
May and November, 2002
- Assisted in show preparation and move-in
- Assisted youth director with preparation of youth activities and coordination of trade show
- Checked for errors on judges’ score sheets
American Quarter Horse Association
Golden Key National Honor Society
KSU Animal Science Graduate Student Association
OSU Advertising Club
OSU Block and Bridle
OSU Horseman’s Association
Oklahoma State University Dean’s Honor Roll, 2002
OSU Alpha Zeta Honorary Agricultural Fraternity Pledge
Totusek Career Development Scholarship, 2002, Department of Animal Science, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.
OSU Non-Resident Transfer Scholarship, 2000, 2001, 2002
Oklahoma State University Animal Science Quadrathlon Team
Oklahoma State University Horse Judging Team, 2001
Colby Community College Livestock Judging Team, 1999
1. University Associations
Kansas State University Animal Science Graduate Student Assoc.2003-2004
Web Site Coordinator using Microsoft Front Page2004
Advertising Club, Oklahoma State University2002
Utilized Quark Express for ad design and layout
Block and Bridle, Oklahoma State University2000-2002
Little International Show committee member2001
Horseman’s Association, Oklahoma State University2000-2002
Therapeutic Riding Clinic committee 2002 Convention committee 2001
Oklahoma State University Horse Judging Team2001 Reserve World Champion Team 2001 State 4-H and FFA Horse Judging Contest Reasons Official 2001-2002
2. Teaching Assistant, Kansas State University
ASI 325 – Conformation and Performance Appraisal of Horses, Spring 2004. Course is developed to teach basic evaluation of performance and halter horses as well as reasons skills in order to justify evaluations.
ASI 326 – Advanced Horse Evaluation, Fall 2004. In-depth study of horse conformation and performance horse evaluation. Emphasis is placed on applying industry standards to evaluation skills and improving the ability to communicate effectively.
3. Assistant Equine Extension Coordinator, Kansas State University
American Youth Horse Council Source Book, fall 2003. Revised and added sources available to youth leaders through the AYHC. 2003.
Kansas 4-H Horse Panorama, 2004. Coordinated the Senior level skillathon. Developed slide exam for all levels.
Equifest of Kansas Judging Contest, 2004. Assisted in coordinating classes and tabulation of scores.
Midwest Quarter Horse Circuit, 2004. Ring steward for judge Kenny Hall.
State FFA Horse Career Development Event, 2004. Assisted in coordinating classes and reasons officials for the judging contest. Developed the exam portion of the competition. 2004.
KSU Horse Unit Stallion Advertisement, 2004 breeding season. Designed a poster in Adobe Photoshop to market breeding services to Zips White Chip.
KSU Horse Judging Camp, summer 2004. Coordinated and assisted in carrying out three judging camps for beginner, intermediate and advanced youth.
Kansas Standard of Excellence Horsemanship Clinics, summer 2004. Traveled to various counties in Kansas promoting safety in horsemanship and teaching basic horsemanship skills to Kansas 4-H’ers.
Kansas State 4-H Horse Judging Contest, 2004. Coordinated officials and secured classes for the contest.
KQHYA Judging Team Coach, 2004. Recruited and coached eight team members at the 2004 AQHYA World Show. Coordinated work-outs at various ranches in the Pilot Point, Texas area.
Kansas State Fair, 2004. Served as ring steward for Kansas 4-H horse show judges.
4. Horse Show Judge, 2002 to present. Judge open and 4-H horse shows throughout Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma.
Nordyke, K.L. 2003. American Youth Horse Council Source Book.
Nordyke, K.L., Voge, J.R. 2004. 2002 AQHA World Championship Show Judging Contest Video.
Nordyke, K.L., Voge, J.R. 2004. The Danish Ribbon Grouping System for Kansas 4-H Horse Shows. Powerpoint demonstration for Kansas District Horse Show Judges.
Keegan, A.D., Voge, J.R., Snyder, G. Nordyke, K.L. 2004. Judging Hunter Hack. Interactive Horse Judging DVD. Dept. of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University.
Nordyke, K.L., Voge, J.R., Snyder, G. 2004. Judging Trail. Interactive Horse Judging DVD. Dept. of Animal Sciences and Industry, Kansas State University.
Dr. Steven Cooper,
109 Animal Science Building
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
Dr. Joann Kouba,
128 Weber Hall
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66502
Dr. Robert Kropp,
101 Animal Science Building
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK 74078
Mrs. Julie Voge,
214 Weber Hall
Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506
Ms. Abby Keegan
1815 Vermont Ave.
Wilton, Iowa 52778
Ms. Amber Moffett
222A Animal Sciences Building
2029 Fyffe Road
Ohio State University, Columbus OH 43210-1095