Measurement Uncertainty for Mechanical Testing field
Date: / 16 September 2015
Time: / 9 am – 5 pm
Venue: / SPRING Singapore
1 Fusionopolis Walk
#01-02 South Tower, Solaris
Singapore (138628)
Pinnacle 1 & 2 Meeting Room (Level 1)
Fees: / SGD 267.50 per participant (inclusive of GST)
Lunch and 2 coffee breaks will be provided.
Trainer: / Mr Wan Hone Kong

Organised by:


The objective of this course is to provide participants with fundamental of metrology relating to mechanical testing, understand the methods and approaches to estimate measurement uncertainty (MU).

Course Outline

1.  To understand basic statistical tools for estimating measurement uncertainty.

·  Metrological traceability

·  Report results and uncertainty

2.  To understand the methods and approaches for measurement uncertainty estimation using principle of ISO Guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement (GUM).

·  Specification of measurand

·  Identify sources of uncertainty

·  Quantify the components of uncertainty

·  Convert uncertainty data into standard uncertainties

·  Estimate combined uncertainty and expanded uncertainty

3.  To provide step-by-step instructions, worked examples and exercises on the estimation of measurement uncertainty for measurements relating to:

·  Dimension

·  Hardness

·  Pressure/ Force

As the course will include exercises (calculations) in estimation of measurement uncertainty, participants are encouraged to bring their laptops with MS Excel or appropriate calculating devices.

Who should attend?

·  Technical staff of laboratories involved in applying or maintaining accreditation requirements in the areas of mechanical testing.

·  Members of SAC Technical Committee and Technical Assessors in the areas of mechanical testing.

About the trainer

Mr Wan obtained his Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) from National University of Singapore in 1985. He has over 10 years of experience in managing a calibration laboratory specialise in electronic and some mechanical and dimensional calibration. He is largely responsible for the statistical analysis of calibration results and estimation of measurement uncertainty using GUM. Currently, he is involved in accreditation activity as external lead assessor in SAC. In line with the initiative of SAC, he would share his practical experience with managers and professionals who are interested in estimating the measurement uncertainty for the measurements done in the laboratories.

Registration Form

Please register the following participants for the MU course (Mechanical Testing) on 16 Sep 2015:

* Indicate the name(s) to appear on the certificate(s).

*Name of Participant 1



*Name of Participant 2



*Name of Participant 3





Contact Person (Name, Telephone and email)


Bank: Cheque No.:

Total Amount

All cheques should be crossed and made payable to “SPRING Singapore”. No invoice will be issued. Tax receipts will be issued upon clearance of cheques. SAC reserves the right to cancel, postpone or make changes to the courses due to unforeseen circumstances.

Please send the completed registration form via email to and mail the cheque to:

SPRING Singapore

2 Fusionopolis Way

#15-01 Innovis

Singapore 138634

Attn: Ms Angie Ng

A confirmation email will be sent before the course date. Closing date for registration is on 21 August 2015.