TUESDAY, April 12, 2010

Board Members

P-Carol Scott, President

P-Kristen Manz, Vice President

P-Michelle Townsend, Treasurer

P-Kate Osborn, Parliamentarian

P-Rhonda Day, Recording Secretary

A-Giovanna Martinez, Corresponding Secretary

P-Eugene Dupont, Principal

P-Melissa Bolding, Assistant Principal

P-Rachell Hood, Teacher Representative

P/A-Jennifer Brian/ Chelsea Hendrickson, Hospitality

P/P/P-Carol Evan/Shannon Peters/Carol Young, Ways and Means

P/A-Sally Roden/Wendy Pollack, Publicity

P-Heather Brandt, Gifts

A/A-Nazanin Sarkari/Medinee Aranke, PTO Membership

P/A/P- Laura Campbell/Pert Mosley/Lucianna James, VIPS

P=Present A=Absent


  1. Call to Order (Carol Scott)

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.

  1. Approval of Minutes

There were was a motion made to approve the March minutes by

Carol Evans and seconded by Kristen Manz. The March minutes were approved.

  1. Treasurers Report (Michelle Townsend)

The current ending balance is $100,402.54.

Michelle asked that if you have any reimbursement request to please get them in as soon as possible.

Michelle passed out a copy of the approved budget from May 26, 2009. In house programs budget was raised to $8,200 (raised $200) and parent appreciation budget was raised to $1,150 (raised $350). Both of these line items were approved in the February meeting.

The May 25th board meeting will be the budget meeting.

Michelle is looking into changing banks to Encore Bank. We currently have 2 accounts. One of which is a savings account.

  1. Old Business

Mrs. Stamback and her staff of the extended day program would like hospitality to recognize the staff when they celebrate various monthly events.

Only employee transfer students can use extended day. Other transfer students (non employee) are not allowed to use the extended day program.

The love and logic course has been well attended. Looking into the possibility of providing the course again.

The new and revised school wide Field Day is Friday, May 7th.

  1. New Business

We will have the presentation of the 2010-2011 PTO board at the beginning of the choir program on Thursday, May 6th. Laura Campbell, Jennifer Brian, and Kristen Manz volunteered to be greeters for the meeting/program.

May 11th is the PTO board transition meeting.

May 25th is the PTO 2010-2011 budget meeting.

  1. Chair Reports
  1. Administration (Eugene Dupont)

Mr. Dupont expressed his appreciation for all of the volunteers who helped with the auction. It was a huge success.

We will evaluate the school wide field day. We will determine if this should be a joint school/PTO event, school event only, or PTO event only regarding expenses.

The revenue from field day this year will go to the P.E. department. This will also be re-evaluated.

Ms. Bonnett is the winner of the $25 attendance incentive award.

Mr. Dupont invited volunteers to join the CBLT the upcoming school year.

Kindergarten registration is currently going on.

Pre-K registration is May 4th and 5th.

Mr. Dupont discussed the school budget for the 2010-2011 school years. Our projected enrollment for the school year is projected to be 592. Since the enrollment is below 600 we will have a part-time assistant principal and part-time reading specialist.

We did not have any RIF in our school.

There will no longer be bus service to CME starting the 2010-2011 school years.

The city has proposed to put sidewalks behind CME by the bayou. We are not sure when this project will begin.

The district has also reduced number of employees in the maintenance department down to 6 employees.

There will be a district wide PTO president and VIPS meeting on May 29th.

  1. Teacher Representative(Rachell Hood)

Ms. Hood thanked the PTO on behalf of the teachers. The PTO assistance help the teachers do a better job.

The auction was wonderful and fun.

  1. Vice President(Kristen Manz)

The Ned Show will be the program on field day. This is a free program that promotes self esteem building and summer reading.

  1. Recording Secretary(Rhonda Day)

No Report

  1. Corresponding Secretary(Giovanna Martinez)

A card will be sent to Rinku Ray she has been diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

Cards will be sent to the following for their help with the auction: Tim Stuebenrouch and Scott Day, LeRoy Crump, Ms. McClure, Lisa Bertnick at Sweetwater, and Ernesto at Sweetwater.

  1. Membership(Nazanin Sarkari, Medinee Aranke)

We received $25 for membership.

  1. VIPS(Laura Campbell, Pert Mosley, Lucianna James)

The VIPS luncheon will be Thursday, May 6th 11:30-1:00 at Lucianna James.

We reported 1245 hours for March. The March VIPS are Viyju Ram, Heather Brandt, and Michelle Townsend.

  1. Hospitality(Jennifer Brian, Chelsea Hendrickson)

Hospitality will ask their committee to provide snacks for the teachers during TAKS.

Teacher appreciation week will by May 10th. The theme is a carryover from the auction, We Are Wild About Our Teachers. On Monday, breakfast will be served and on Friday the teachers will enjoy a luncheon. Parent monitors are needed for Friday so that teachers may enjoy their lunch together. Plans are still underway for the rest of the week.

  1. Ways and Means (Shannon Peters, Carol Evans, Carol Young)

We are Wild about our ways and means committee. The auction was a huge success.

Gross proceeds which include sponsors, cash donations, ticket sales, and auction sales total $74,300.

Expected expenses are not to exceed $15,000. Net profit could be $59,000.

This Wednesday is Chick Fil A night. The second grade teachers will be there. We have raised over $1,000 with this spirit night.

If your invoice for the auction is wrong and you overpaid. Michelle will be issuing checks for the overpayment.

The auction wrap up luncheon will be Thursday at Escalantes at 11:30.

Skeeter’s night it Thursday, April 29th. Come and raise money for the school and karaoke.

  1. Publicity (Sally Roden, Wendy Pollack)

Sally asked for poster ideas. Field Day and School Supply order form is due May 12th.

  1. Gifts(Heather Brandt)

The letter asking for the teacher request will be sent this week.

  1. Parliamentarian(Kate Osborn)

Kate passed out the list of 2010-2011 PTO board members. Induction will take place Thursday, May 6th prior to the choir program.

  1. Open Forum

Field Day is Friday, May 7th. All grade levels will participate in this fun day. Set up will begin at 6:30 a.m. Students have been asked to bring a sack lunch and change of clothes. The Ned program will be at 1:30 to wrap up the day.

If you can help, there will be a field day meeting on Thursday at 9:45.

Michelle Townsend is expecting. She is due in October. Congratulations Michelle!!

  1. Adjourn

The meeting adjourned at 10:45.

Respectfully submitted,

Rhonda Day, Corresponding Secretary