8/18/10OAHE FC Meeting
1) Roll Call at 8:07pm
- Board of Directors: Brad Cruse, President; Bill Gore, Vice President; Jackie Rounds, Secretary; Tammy Cruse, Treasurer; Dennis Wieseler, Girl’s Director; Jodi Widvey, Boys Director; Deb Farnsworth, Parent Rep.
- General Members present –Jack Magee, Dawn Magee, Mike Hluchy, Tiffany Sanchez, Gon Sanchez, Claudean Hluchy, Bret Hansen, Rhonda Hansen, Bobi Adams, Kim Leiferman, Chris Derry, Sean Blanchette, Bonnie Feller Hagen, Sherri Miller.
2) Approval of Minutes – Minutes from the last meeting were placed on the website.
3) Committee Reports
- Finance Committee – Tresurer’s report = DWU camp made $4264 money went towards, goalie uniforms for all 4 high school teams, coaching shirts, for 8 coaches, warm up shirts for boys and girls. The girls shirts were a little cheaper so $11 per shirt will be reimbursed to the girls team. Money is also going to 2 – AED’s to use for travel with the High School teams and off season for use at tournaments. There is $14K in the bank to go toward new girl Oahe FC uniforms.
- Fund Raising Committee – Chair open to any volunteer who would like to help OAHE FC earn money for future uniforms, goals, balls, etc.
- Publicity Committee – Jackie Rounds will chair this. Any soccer news items you would like in the newspaper, or on the website, please forward to her.
- Rules & Regs Committee – Executive Board – Bylaws and Rules and Regulations were discussed and approved. A motion was made by Tammy Cruse seconded by Bonnie Feller Hagen.
- Summer Tournament Selection Committee – Jackie Rounds – chairman is gathering information to have parents as informed as possible. Deb Farnsworth and Chris Derry volunteered to help with this committee.
- Indoor Tournament Committee – Bobi Adams – chairperson. All facilities are reserved, rooms at the Ramkota are blocked and more hotels will be contacted. She will need many volunteers to work on this with her.
4) Old Business
5) New Business
a)Elections- nominations were asked for on the floor, no additional nominations were added. Bonnie Feller Hagen motioned for the nominations to cease and seconded by Bobi Adams. Voting took place. Brad Cruse is President, Sean Blanchette is Vice President, Jackie Rounds is Secretary, Tammy Cruse is Treasurer, Dennis Wieseler is Girls Director, Jodi Weidvey is Boys Director, Deb Farnsworth is Girls’ Parent Representative and Bobi Adams is the Boys Parent Representative. OAHE FC welcomes the new officers.
b)Registrar was mentioned to have Vicki continue doing this and possibility of increasing her pay if duties increased. Tiffany Sanchez offered to help in any way Vicki may need it.
c)Teams for next summer: a discussion of how many kids we are expecting for next Summer. The State Challenge Cup was talked about. OAHE FC is hoping to have a team or two represent Pierre. It will be a bit costly, but a great experience.
d)State Cup Committee – Needs chairman. April 29 – May 1. If team wins they must go on to Regionals in Wisconsin during mid-June. If team wins regionals, they must go onto the finals.
6) Adjourment 9:50pm