Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group
Funding Subcommittee
Meeting Minutes / June 13, 2016

1.  Call To Order

A.  Allen Metheny, Chairman, convened the Funding Subcommittee meeting for the Delaware Homeland Security Terrorism Preparedness Working Group (DHSTPWG) at 12:30 p.m. in the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) Training Classroom. The following documents were provided to all meeting participants:

1)  Meeting Notice and Agenda

2)  DHSTPWG Funding Subcommittee Meeting Minutes, May 9, 2016

3)  Reallocation Summary

4)  Projects Unfunded List

B.  An introduction of all committee members and DEMA personnel was conducted.

C.  Minutes from the May 9, 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved. (Motion Approved: Robert Newnam; Second: Kevin Sipple – Passed Unanimously)

2.  Old Business

A.  Current Grant Status FY 14/15

1)  Mr. Arnold Maas presented the current status of the FY14 and FY15 Homeland Security Grant Programs. FY14 is going well, and despite there being what seems like a large amount left, much of that funding is currently going through invoicing and being processed. FY15 funding is being spent down already and is in good shape.

3.  New Business

A.  Reallocation Requests

The following reallocation requests were approved by the subcommittee.

FY14, PW, Investment 8, SHSP

The Subgrant FY14-016 has been closed out with a remaining $11,220.00 in the budget line. The money will be moved to PUF and will be available for use. (Motion Approved: Joseph Hughes; Second: Sandra Ennis-Alexander – Passed Unanimously)

B.  2016 THIRA Introduction and Methodology

Renee Hupp discussed the upcoming THIRA process and how DEMA is making an effort to have it be a more usable tool for group and state partners. Tim Sexton asked when the new tool would be available. Ms. Hupp and Mr. Maas stated there were a few more finalizations to make and then it would be sent out to all discipline leads. As these spreadsheets come back, individual interviews will be established to go through the information and expand on it, as well as assess the score. All of this data will be available for use in planning efforts, funding justifications, or other grant opportunities. Mr. Ray Holcomb asked if any radiological items will be looked at for this THIRA. Ms. Hupp said any radiological scenarios could be developed this year, however if anyone working in that realm had pre-existing information which could be applied to a current scenario, it would be welcome. This will be an iterative process that we are looking to improve upon based on discipline and stakeholder feedback.

C.  Review and Consideration of Unfunded Projects

Mr. Maas presented the group with a number of projects that were placed on a Projects Unfunded (PUF) list for the group to consider if yearend funding becomes available. Mr. Joe Hughes stated he thought the list should be vetted more by DEMA and only projects that can actually meet timelines and grant requirements should be presented for future meetings. The group was also presented with an option to allow DEMA staff to reallocate funds and purchase equipment for PUF projects within the FY14 HSGP funding calendar as needed to ensure proper use of funding and rapid action for end of grant cycle purchasing. DEMA staff would coordinate with the sub-committee chair for these purchases and such purchases would not require full committee vote. (Motion Approved: Robert Newnam; Second: Jamie Bethard – Passed Unanimously)

D.  Open to Floor

Mr. Tim Sexton brought up a re-allocation/re-direction of already assigned funding to the Office of Animal Welfare (OAW) Delaware Animal Response (DAR). Mr. Maas acknowledged it had fallen off the agenda, but Mr. Tony Lee recommended it come before the subcommittee for approval. The funding would be used to lease a Tahoe from State Fleet Services to tow their trailer equipment. Mr. Robert Newnam made a motion to accept it as the funding was quickly running out; however it was clarified that this was for FY15. Ms. Jane Walmsley said this did need to be expedited as Fleet was currently holding the vehicle for her. Mr. A.J. Schall wanted to remind the subcommittee of previous discussions revolving around a smart use of funding. This would be something that we are signing up to fund for multiple years and if the funding is removed, what happens? Mr. Sexton stated that it would be a similar document governing the leasing of the vehicle to Public Health where it is contingent on grant funding. Ms. Sandra Ennis-Alexander was wary about moving forward with authorizing this re-direction due to not having a complete understanding of why it is needed. Mr. Jamie Bethard stated that DFW has been having issues with the Tahoe’s pulling their trailers and suggested more research. Ms. Walmsley and Mr. Sexton said the trailers would be below the towing capacity of the Tahoe as described by Fleet Services. Mr. Metheny asked for a motion to vote, none was provided. It was recommended to send the request back to DEMA for decision.

Mr. Tim Sexton then discussed the recent fire in his development and how he had never seen anything quite like it. He thanked the fire crews that were in attendance at that event and recounted how the neighborhood was able to come together and evacuate people and other hazards that could have caused further issues. Mr. Kevin Sipple chimed in and said the neighborhood was great, but maneuvering around was very difficult for fire apparatus due to narrow streets, people crowding around, and street parking. Mr. Bethard echoed those sentiments. Mr. Newnam said this is a wide-spread problem throughout the state and encouraged us to ask town officials to push for wider streets or to at least look at the area you plan on moving to with that in mind.

4.  Next Meeting – The next meeting is scheduled for July 11th, 2016 at 12:30 p.m. at DEMA.

Attachments: Attendance Roster

Note: All Meeting Handouts are available upon request.

Minutes approved electronically by Allen Metheny.

Name / Agency
Voting Members
Allen Metheny / Subcommittee Chair
Jamie Bethard / DNREC
Sandra Ennis-Alexander / DTI
Ray Holcomb / DSHS/OSEC
Monroe Hudson / DPS
Joseph Hughes / League of Local Governments
Marny McLee / Citizens Corp
David Mick / Kent County Department of Public Safety
Robert Newnam / Delaware State Fire School
Suzanne Raab-Long / DE Healthcare Association
Robert Schoonover / SCEMS-Proxy for Sussex EMA
Tim Sexton / Division of Public Health
Kevin Sipple / Kent County Public Safety
Lisa Tanielian / DDA
Funding Subcommittee Guests
Jane Walmsley / DAR
Delaware Emergency Management Agency Staff
A.J. Schall / DEMA Director
Shaun Diggs / Terrorism Preparedness Management Analyst
Renee Hupp / Terrorism Preparedness Planner
Arnold Maas / Terrorism Preparedness Planner
Paige Fitzgerald / DEMA T&E
Thomas Nesbella / DEMA T&E

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