Chairperson: Committee Secretary:

Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces Shamara Ally x2765

Tuesday, 3 June 2014,V119 (Old Assembly Building),17:00
Modise, T R ( Chairperson of the NCOP) (North West)
Tau, R J (Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP) (Northern Cape)
Mateme, Dr H E (Chief Whip of the Council) ( Limpopo)
Suka, L ( Eastern Cape- Provincial Whip)
Mlambo, E M (Gauteng- Provincial Whip)
Nzimande, L P M (KwaZulu-Natal-Provincial Whip)
Mampuru, T K ( Limpopo-Provincial Whip)
Dlamini L C (Mpumalanga-Provincial Whip)
De Beer, Northern Cape ( Northern Cape – Provincial Whip)
Nthebe, B( North West- Provincial Whip)
Labuschagne, C (Western Cape- Provincial Whip)
Mokwele, J T ( EFF-Representative) (North West)
Khawula,M ( IFP-Representative) (KwaZulu-Natal)
Gaehler, L B (UDM-Representative) (Eastern Cape)

Parliamentary Service: E M Phindela (Secretary to the National Council of Provinces), M Skolo , S Ally ( Secretariat) , Procedural Services Office, Office of the Chairperson and Legal Services Office.

1. Opening and welcome

The Chairperson of the NCOPopened the meeting at 17:00. She explained that the purpose of the meeting was to consider and adopt the proposed clustering of the NCOP Select Committees. The Chairperson of the NCOP, thereafter, afforded the opportunity to the Members of the Committee to introduce themselves.

2.Apologies (Item 2 on agenda)

No apologies were tendered.

3.Consideration of draft agenda (Item 3 on agenda)

On the proposal of Ms Van Lingen, seconded by Ms Mampuru it was AGREED: That the agenda, as presented, be adopted.

4. Establishment of Committees (Item 4on agenda)

The Chairperson explained that the composition of the Rules Committee consisted of the Chairperson of the Council, the Permanent Deputy Chairperson, and the Chief Whip of the Council, the House Chairpersons, the Programming Whip and Provincial Whips. She said that all the Provincial Whips had been duly designatedby their respective provinces.

The Chairpersonstatedthat theRules of the Council made provision for the members of politicalpartiesthat are notrepresented in the Rules Committee, to attend andparticipate in its meetings. However, the party representatives would in terms of the Rules be precluded to vote in such Meetings.

The Chairperson of the NCOP informed the meeting that the Rules Committee was requiredin terms of Rule 86(2) of the Council Rules, toconsider aproposal for the establishment of any Council committee or other Council structure.

She said that the Chief Whip of the Council, Dr H E Mateme had in that regard, prepared a document setting out the proposed clusteringof the Select committees.

The Chief Whip of the Council, Dr H E Mateme reported that the document as presented had been considered and agreed to by the NCOP Whippery. She said that the proposed clustering of committees was in line with the re-configuration of the national government departments.

Mr Suka said that following a lengthy discussion on theclustering ofcommittees, the Whippery had resolved to adopt the document as presented.

On the proposal ofthe Chairperson, it was AGREED that the following Select Committee clusters as presented be adopted:

(a)Select Committee on Education and Recreation (Arts and Culture, Basic Education, Higher Education, Sport and Recreation)

(b)Select Committee on Social Services (Health,Social Development, Home Affairs, Water and Sanitation, Human Settlements)

(c)Select Committee on Economic and Business Development (Economic Development, Energy, Labour, Transport, Public Works and Small Business Development)

(d)Select Committee on Trade and International Relations (Trade and Industry, Tourism and International Relations)

(e)Select Committee on Finance

(f)Select Committee on Appropriations

(g)Select Committee on Petitions and Executive Undertakings

(h)Select Committee on Security and Justice (Police, Justice and Correctional Services, Defence and Military Veterans)

(i)Select Committee on Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Co-operative Governance, and Traditional Affairs, Public Service and Administration, Women, Youth Development, and IGR Matters)

(j)Select Committee on Land and Mineral Resources (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, Rural Development and Land Reform, Environmental Affairs and Mineral Resources)

(k)Select Committee on Communications and Public Enterprises (Communications, Telecommunications and Postal Services, Science and Technology and Public Enterprises)

10.Closure (Item 5on agenda)

The Chairperson informed the meeting that the Select Committees were due to convene their first meetings from 10-12 June 2013, in order to elect the Chairpersons and consider other related matters.

She informed the meeting that Rule 86(4) of the Council Rules, required that women should be fairly represented on the Council committees. She added that if women are not fairly represented on these committees, the Chairperson and the delegation Heads must consider methods of achieving such fair representation.

The Chairperson adjourned the meeting at 17:25.


T R Modise, MP

Chairperson of the National Council of Provinces