in North West Leicestershire / correspondence and enquiries:
38 Barroon, Castle Donington
Leicestershire, DE74 2PE
Parish Clerk: Samantha Lockwood


NOTICE IS GIVEN that a Meeting of Breedon on-the-Hill Parish Council will be held at 7.00pm (or following the Annual Parish Meeting if later) on Monday 9th May at The Breedon Community Hall, Main Street, Breedon. Members of the Council are summoned to transact the following business.

Signed ...... Samantha Lockwood, Clerk1st May 2016


1 Election of the Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year

2 Appointment of a Vice Chairman of the Council for the ensuing year

3 To appoint representatives on the following external committees:
Donington Park Race Track Liaison Committee
Quarry Liaison Committee
Breedon Aggregates Trust

OPEN FORUM: Members of the public are welcome at all meetings of the Council and may speak at the invitation of the Chairman at the start of the meeting only

4 Attendance and apologies

5 Code of Conduct - Councillors’ Declarations of Interest

6 To approve the minutes of the previous meeting of the Council

7 Any matters to be raised with the County Councillor.

8 Any matters to be raised with the District Councillor.

9 Police, crime, safety

(a)Police report.

10 Chairman’s Report

11 Administration & Finance

(a)Clerk's Report.

(b)Cheques for approval:

PayeeReasonCheque NoAmount

John HallPlay Area Bench and War memorial pointing101516£485.00
2CommuneSocial Media Upgrade101517£180.00
LRALCLRALC and NALC 2016/17 Membership101518£254.89
Roots ChoirChoir for Beacon Lighting101519£70.00
S LockwoodApril Salary and expenses101520£563.81
Castle Donington PCPhotocopying Donation101521£40.00

AONParish Council Insurance 2016/17101522£477.26

(c)Comments Register.

(d)To update the bank mandate.

(e)To confirm the Parish Council Insurance renewal for 2016.

12 Local Council and Community Affairs

(a)To discuss the relevant wording for the plaque which is to be placed in the Queens Commemorative Garden on The Green.

(b)To consider ordering a brass plaque commemorating the Queen’s 90th Birthday occasion to fit to the beacon pole.

(c)The Parish Council to confirm whether it should formally ask Severn Trent Water if it has any future development works with regards to Tonge sewerage?

(d)To discuss future village bulb planting to extend the flowering season.

(e)New play area equipment: Cllr D Camp to report on further information received from suppliers.

(f)The Parish Council to consider and resolve to make an application to Leicestershire County Council, for an Order under Section 53(2) of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981, modifying the Definitive Map and Statement for the footpath which runs from Berry Avenue, Breedon on the Hill to Doctor’s Lane, Breedon on the Hill. If agreed, the Parish Council to resolve to serve notices on the relevant landowners that it intends to make such an application.

13 Planning

(a)Planning Applications: consider and respond to the following:
16/00360/OUTM: Erection of 27 dwellings (Outline application - all matters reserved except for part access) at Land At Worthington Lane, Breedon On The Hill, Derby.

16/00345/VCI: Variation to conditions 1, 5 and 7 of 15/00900/VCI to vary landscaping and boundary treatments to plots 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 plus provide an internal boundary treatment to plot 1 at The Limes, 22 Main Street, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AN.
16/00496/COM: Proposed two storey office building and single storey office at Breedon Quarry, Main Street, Breedon On The Hill, Derby, DE73 8AN.

16/00473/AIR: Proposed extension to staff car park at Land To The South Of DHL Cargo Terminal, Ashby Road, Castle Donington, Derby.

(b)Planning Decisions notified since the previous meeting:
16/00290/COM: Change of use of agricultural land to lorry park (County Council application 2016/CM/0071/LCC) at Cloud Hill Quarry, Stocking Lane, Breedon On The Hill. – PLANNING PERMISSION.

14Representatives’ Reports.

15Miscellaneous Correspondence (to note and made available for Councillors' inspection)

(a)Electoral Review of Leicestershire: Final Recommendations.

16Next meeting will be held on 6thJune at 7.00pm.

17 Other matters/items for future Agendas at the Chairman's discretion