Year 3 Curriculum Overview

Autumn Term / Spring Term / Summer Term
How can you help your child this term? / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities and ideas to develop your child’s learning. / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities and ideas to develop your child’s learning. / Please check the VLE on a regular basis for homework opportunities and ideas to develop your child’s learning.
English / Texts used: Meerkat Mail, Stig of the Dump, Cave Baby and Stickman.
In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use correct punctuation and improve simple sentence structures, to recognise nouns, verbs and adjectives.
In reading we will be developing the following skills: how to follow plots and settings and respond to these, how to proof read our work to make sure it makes sense.
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills: the use of peer assessment and group speaking.
In spelling we will be developing the following skills: consolidation of Year 2 letters and sounds, high frequency words, compound words, superlatives and topic vocabulary. / Texts used: Dragon stories, Myths and Legends, Poetry
In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use correct punctuation and develop more complex sentence structures, to write poems, how to edit and improve writing.
In reading we will be developing the following skills: how to retrieve information from texts
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills: how to read aloud and perform texts, group speaking.
In spelling we will be developing the following skills: high frequency words, commonly mis-spelt words, suffixes, verb endings and topic vocabulary. / Texts used: Playscripts and Non-Fiction
In writing we will be developing the following skills: to use correct punctuation and develop more complex sentence structures, to write playscripts, how to organise non-fiction texts.
In reading we will be developing the following skills: how to retrieve and record information, to review and reflect on texts that we have read.
In speaking and listening we will be developing the following skills: points of view for debate and group speaking.
In spelling we will be developing the following skills: high frequency words, prefixes and topic vocabulary.
Mathematics / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: learning the x2, x5 and x10 tables, mental methods for - +, understanding the relationship between addition and subtraction, using number lines and partitioning numbers.
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: naming and recognising properties of 2D and 3D shapes, fractions of simple shapes and numbers. / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: learning the x3 and x4 tables, mental methods using partitioning, understanding the relationship between division and multiplication.
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: data handling and interpreting graphs of different scale, measuring time to 5 minutes, length (mm, cm, m) and mass (g, kg) / In mathematics we will be developing our number fluency through: learning the x3, x4 and x8 tables, understanding the relationship between division and multiplication, division with remainders.
In geometry and measures we will be developing our skills in: measuring duration of time, relationship between analogue and digital times, finding the perimeter and area of simple shapes.
Science / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills in: describing and identifying rocks, light and shadows, how to carry out fair tests. / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills in: forces and magnets, plants and their needs, how to plan and carry out a fair test. / We will be covering the following areas to develop our scientific skills in: animals including humans, how to plan, carry out and record a fair test.
Computing / We will be covering the following areas to develop our computing skills in:
Keyboard usage, safe internet research, coding. / We will be covering the following areas to develop our computing skills in:
use of the Ipad, digital imagery using music and sound, presenting information and safe internet research. / We will be covering the following areas to develop our computing skills in:
use of data bases and data handling, coding, programming, messaging, blogging and internet safety.
RE / We will be studying the following faiths/religions/festivals: Christianity, Jesus and his ministry, Christmas. / We will be studying the following faiths/religions/festivals: Judaism, the Torah, artefacts and worship, Easter. / We will be studying the following faiths/religions/festivals: Jesus and his disciples, miracles of Jesus.
History and Geography / We will be developing the following skills: interpreting evidence and facts from the past, how has life changed for us?
The time in history that we will be studying is: the Stone Age to the Iron Age / We will be developing the following skills: using and interpreting maps, finding out about locality.
The geography that we will be studying is: British Isles and Maps in our local area. / We will be developing the following skills: interpreting evidence and facts from the past, how has life changed for us in our local area?
The time in history and the geography that we will be studying is: World War 2 for children in Stockport and Romans in Britain.
Art, design and technology / We will be developing the following skills: observational drawing, sketching and collage.
We will be learning about the work of: Stone Age cave paintings.
We will be making stone aged dwellings / We will be developing the following skills: pattern, clay modelling, designing and making.
We will be making moving monsters using pneumatics / We will be developing the following skills: landscapes, watercolours and paint effects.
We will be learning about the work of: Janet Bell and landscapes.
Gymnastics dance and games. / We will be developing our skills in: Gymnastics and Dance
High Five and Cross Country / We will be developing our skills in:
Gymnastics and Dance
Striking and Fielding Games / We will be developing our skills in:
Athletics and Circuit Training
Stockport County football
Music / We will be developing the following skills in: Rhythm, pulse and Ostinato
Animals and Music / We will be developing the following skills in: Music and art
Composition using pentatonic scale / We will be developing the following skills in: Class pieces and performance
Steel drums
MFL / We will be developing the following skills in French:
Greetings/Cultural Differences
Pets/French Christmas Story / We will be developing the following skills in French:
Introducing yourself/French names/Gender (masculine and feminine)
Colours/Opinions/Word order/Easter / We will be developing the following skills in French:
Understanding a story in French/
Age and numbers
Saying ‘I would like’ and using connectives to extend sentences.
PSHE / We will be developing the following skills:
Forest Schools
School Council / We will be developing the following skills:
Forest Schools
Friendship and self-esteem / We will be developing the following skills:
Restorative Approaches
Looking back and forward
Sex and Relationships