Minutes of the East Hanney Parish Council meeting 3rd January 2018

  1. Attending: Cllr J Triffitt, Cllr J Long, Cllr S McKechnie, Cllr Aram, Cllr Scott, Cllr Kirk

In attendance: G Langton (Clerk), J Stagg (Hanney News), DCllr M Barber (part).

  1. Members Declarations of Interest.

No member declared an interest in any items on the agenda.

  1. To confirm minutes of the meetings held on 30th November 2017 and 6th December 2017.

Both sets of minutes were approved and signed by the Chairman, Nov 2017 Cllr Long (p), Cllr Scott

(s). Dec 2017 Cllr Long (p), Cllr McKechnie (s).

  1. To receive: Public Participation Period.

No attendee wished to address the Council.

  1. To receive: reports from District and County Councillors (if available).

DCllr Barber reported that plans for the new leisure centre at Mabley Way had been published and had been well received thus far. He reported that work to reopen the railway station at Grove was underway, though no firm commitments were yet in place. He added that an enterprise partnership (extending from Oxford to Bristol) had been set up by Ed Vaizey MP and discussions continued, with possibilities of continuing the link through to Cambridge via Milton Keynes. More locally, he reported that central Government, in its recent budget, had proposed money to help fund infrastructure projects, though with some requirements attached to the funds. Local Authorities were in negotiations both locally and with central Government. Cllr Kirk sought clarification on the possible effects on the DC’s Local Plan Pt2, DCllr Barber thought that the development identified in

the plan could be supported and brought forward by this type of funding.

  1. To receive:
  2. P17/V3282/DIS, discharge of conditions at Wier Farm, Hanney.

The Council noted the discharge had been submitted to the DC.

  1. To consider: response to planning applications at ‘land north of Summertown (locally known as Dews Meadow):
  2. P17/V2904/RM: Approval of details for construction of 50 dwellings (Use Class C3) and

associated parking, infrastructure and landscaping, and provision of public open space. – As

amended 21st December 2017.

The Clerk reported that the Planning Officer had agreed to an extension for the response to this application, and the anticipated amendments to the associated applications, until the 11th Feb 2018 and that all 3 sets of amendments would need to be reviewed together before a response could be drafted. The Council noted that the amendments were to ecology and biodiversity and included amended plans. The Council resolved to seek a meeting with Adrian Butler to request formally that the decision needs to be put to the Planning committee as fundamental planning issues remain.

Cllr Kirk (p), Cllr Scott (s). Action Clerk.

  1. P17/V3252/HH: Proposed single-storey rear extension, Nethercot The Green East Hanney


The council noted no material objections to the proposal. Action Clerk.

  1. P17/V2765/HH: Construction of triple garage to replace existing double garage. 2 Orchard Close East Hanney WANTAGE OX12 0JD – As amended 7th December 2017 (shown on

drawing ORC.P01 E).

The Council considered the building to be too large and resolved to submit an objection based on extension of building line and blocking of light to the neighbouring properties. Cllr Long (p), Cllr Kirk

(s). Action Clerk.

  1. To receive: update progress with Kings Leases.

The Clerk reported that there had been no progress with the lease. Cllr Scott noted that the hedgerow planting had been postponed due to the recent cold weather. The Council heard a potential ‘trim trail’ had been designed and would be considered at the February meeting. The Clerk reported that he had contacted local

suppliers for quotes to install gates to protect the land and was awaiting replies.

  1. To receive: an update on the Neighbourhood Plan.

Cllr Scott reported that he had expressed his frustration at the 6-month delay in response to the PC’s request for advice from the DC to Tom McCulloch at Community First Oxfordshire. He confirmed that all draft policies had been submitted to the DC for comment. DCllr Barber offered to

lend his assistance in this matter.

  1. To receive: payments and receipts December 2017.

The Council noted the payments and receipts. The Clerk presented the Council with the bank reconciliation as follows:

On 31st December 2017:

The Council had a current account balance of£13545.23

There were un-cleared payments totalling £620.00

The current account balance including the un-cleared payments£12925.23

The cashbook showed a balance of£12925.23


  1. To consider: The budget for 2018-19.

The Council noted the draft budget. Cllr Kirk noted that the allocated funds for the Neighbourhood Plan was not sufficient and that it should be increased by £3000.00.

The Council resolved to consider the adjusted budget at its February 2018 meeting. The Council agreed that it would also consider the provision of the monthly skip and the position of the Cricket Club at that meeting.
Cllr Kirk requested the Clerk revise the precept to account for the increase in the number of dwellings in the village. Action Clerk.
The meeting closed at 21.30


Guy Langton, Clerk to East Hanney Parish Council ()