000 Computer science, information, general works

001 Knowledge

001 Kunnskap

001.2 Scholarship and learning

001.2 Vitenskapsteori


001.3 Humanities

001.3 Humaniora

001.4 Research; statistical methods

001.4 Forskning



001.409481 Forskningspolitikk – Norge

001.42 Research methods

001.42 Forskningsmetoder

002 The book

002.09 Bokhistorie

003 Systems

003 Systemteori

003.5 Theory of communication and control

003.5 Kybernetikk

003.8 Systems distinguished in relation to time

003.85 Dynamic systems

003.857 Chaotic systems

003.857 Kaosteori

004 Data processing Computer science

004.09 Datamaskiner – Historie

Computere – Historie

004.019 Psychological principles

004.019 Interaksjonsdesign

Interaktiv design

004.6 Interfacing and communications

004.67 Wide-area networks

004.678 Internet (World Wide Web)

004.678 Internett

006 Special computer methods

006.6 Computer graphics

006.69 Special topics in computer graphics

006.69 Fargestyring

020 Library and information sciences

020 Biblioteker

022 Administration of physical plant

022.4 Stacks and shelving

022.4 Bokhyller [rettes]

025 Operations of libraries, archives, information centers

025.5 Services for users

025.52 Reference and information services

025.524 Information search and retrieval

025.524 Litteratursøking



030 General encyclopaedic works

030 Faktabøker


050 General serial publications

050 Tidsskrifter


058 General serial publications in Scandinavian languages

058.82 Julehefter – Norge

060 General organizations and museology

069 Museology (Museum science)

069 Museumsteori

Museer – Teori


069.09 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

069.09481 Museer – Norge – Historie

Museumsvirksomhet – Norge – Historie

069.5 Collections and exhibits of museum objects

069.53 Maintenance, conservation, preservation, restoration, display, arrangement, storage, transportation

069.53 Utstillingsteknikk – Museologi


070 Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing

070.5 Publishing

070.57 Kinds of publications

070.573 Specific kinds of books

070.57309481 Billigbøker – Norge

Pocketbøker – Norge

080 General collections

081-089 General collections in specific languages and language families

084 General collections in French, Occitan, Catalan

084.1 Franske essays

085 General collections in Italian, Sardinian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaeto-Romanic

085.1 Italienske essays

100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology

109 Historical and collected persons treatment of philosophy

109 Filosofihistorie


110 Metaphysics

111 Ontology

111 Ontologi

Virkelighet – Filosofi

111.8 Classical properties of being

111.85 Beauty

111.85 Skjønnhet – Filosofi


Estetikk – Filosofi

114 Space

114 Rom – Filosofi

115 Time

115 Tid

Tid – Filosofi

120 Epistemology, causation, humankind

121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)

121 Erkjennelsesteori

126 The self

126 Bevissthet – Psykologi [???]

128 Humankind

128 Filosofisk antropologi

Mennesket – Filosofi

128.2 Mind

128.2 Sinnet – Psykologi [???]

128.2 Erkjennelsesteori Feil

128.3 Attributes and faculties

128.33 Reason and rationality

128.33 Rasjonalitet

Rasjonelle valg

130 Parapsychology and occultism

130 Okkultisme

133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism

133.4 Demonology and witchcraft

133.43 Magic and witchcraft

133.44 Spells, curses, charms

133.44 Amuletter

133.43 Magi


133.4309 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

133.43092 Hekser

133.5 Astrology

133.5 Astrologi

133.52 Signs of the zodiac

133.52 Dyrekretsen


140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints

140 Ideologi

142 Critical philosophy

142.3 Kantianism

142.3 Kantianisme

142.7 Phenomenology

142.78 Existentialism

142.78 Eksistensialisme

149 Other philosophical systems and doctrines

149.9 Miscellaneous systems and doctrines

149.94 Linguistic philosophies

149.94 Språkfilosofi

149.97 Postmodernism

149.97 Postmodernisme – Filosofi

150 Psychology

150 Psykologi

150.1 Philosophy and theory

150.19 Systems, schools, viewpoints

150.195 Psychoanalytic systems

150.195 Psykoanalyse


152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives

152.1 Sensory perception

152.14 Visual perception

152.14 Visuell persepsjon – Psykologi

152.145 Color perception

152.145 Fargepersepsjon

153 Conscious mental processes and intelligence

153 Bevissthet

Kognitiv vitenskap

153.1 Memory and learning

153.14 Mnemonics

153.14 Mnemoteknikk



153.15 Learning

153.15 Læring – Psykologi

153.152 Methods of learning

153.152 Situert læring

153.154 Transfer of learning

153.154 Kunnskapsoverføring – Psykologi

153.3 Imagination, imagery, creativity

153.35 Kreativitet


153.35 Kreativitet – Teori [unødv. kvalifikator]

153.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment

153.4 Tenkning

153.43 Reasoning

153.43 Problemløsning


153.7 Perceptual processes

153.7 Persepsjon – Psykologi

154 Subconscious and altered states and processes

154.6 Sleep phenomena

154.63 Dreams

154.63 Drømmer

154.634 Analysis of dreams

154.634 Drømmetydning

155 Differential and developmental psychology

155.4 Child psychology

155.4 Barnepsykologi

155.41 General topics of child psychology

155.412 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, psychological drives

155.412142 Romoppfattelse – Barnepsykologi

Rompersepsjon – Barnepsykologi

155.7 Evolutional psychology

155.7 Evolusjonspsykologi

156 Comparative psychology

156 Komparativ psykologi

158 Applied psychology

158.1 Personal improvement and analysis

158.1 Livskvalitet – Anvendt psykologi

Selvutvikling – Anvendt psykologi

Tidsbruk – Anvendt psykologi

170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)

172 Political ethics

172.4 International relations

172.42 War and peace

172.42 Krig – Etikk

Krig – Filosofi

174 Occupational ethics

174 Arbeidsmoral




179 Other ethical norms

179.1 Respect for life and nature

179.1 Miljøfilosofi

190 Modern western and other non-eastern philosophy

191 United States and Canada

191 Amerikansk filosofi

193 Germany and Austria

193 Østerriksk filosofi

Tysk filosofi

194 France

194 Fransk filosofi

195 Italy

195 Italiensk filosofi

198 Scandinavia and Finland

198.1 Norway

198.1 Norsk filosofi

198.9 Denmark

198.9 Dansk filosofi

200 Religion

200.8 History and description with respect to kinds of persons

200.82 Kvinner – Religion

200.9 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

200.9 Religionshistorie

201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology

201.3 Mythology and mythological foundations

201.3 Mytologi


201.303 Mytologi – Oppslagsverk

Myter – Oppslagsverk

201.4 General classes of religion

201.44 Shamanism

201.44 Sjamanisme


201.5 Interreligious relations

201.5 Pluralisme – Religion


202 Doctrines

202.1 Objects of worship and veneration

202.11 God, gods, goddesses, divinities and deities

202.11 Gud – Sammenlignende religionsvitenskap

202.114 Female goddesses

202.114 Gudinner

202.4 Creation and cosmology

202.4 Skapelsesmyter

Skapelsen – Sammenlignende religionsvitenskap

203 Public worship and other practices

203.5 Sacred places and pilgrimages

203.5 Hellige steder [religion generelt]

203.509481 Kultsteder – Norge

Valfartssteder – Norge

203.7 Symbolism, symbolic objects, sounds

203.7 Religiøse symboler

208 Sources

208.2 Sacred books and scriptures

208.2 Hellige skrifter

Hellige tekster

220 Bible

220 Bibelen

222 Historical books of Old Testament

222.1 Pentateuch (Torah)

222.11 Genesis

222.11 Første Mosebok

230 Christianity Christian theology

230.1-.9 Doctrines of specific denominations and sects

230.41 Luthersk teologi

232 Jesus Christ and his family Christology

232.9 Family and life of Jesus

232.904 Jesus as teacher and exemplar

232.904 Jesus Kristus – Virkningshistorie

232.91 Mary, mother of Jesus

232.91 Maria

Jomfru Maria

232.96 Passion and death of Jesus

232.963 Crucifixion and death

232.963 Korsfestelsen

235 Spiritual beings

235.3 Angels

235.3 Engler

235.4 Devils (Demons)

235.4 Djevler


239 Apologetics and polemics

239 Apologetikk

Kristen polemikk

240 Christian moral and devotional theology

242 Devotional literature

242 Tidebøker

246 Use of art in Christianity

246.5 Icons, symbols, insignia

246.53 Icons

246.53 Ikoner – Kristendom

246.55 Symbols

246.55 Kristne symboler

246.558 Crosses and crucifixes

246.558 Kors – Kristne Symboler


247 Church furnishings and related articles

247 Prestedrakter

248 Christian experience, practice, life

248.2 Religious experience

248.22 Mysticism

248.22 Kristen mystikk

248.29 Other religious experiences

248.29 Visjoner – Kristen mystikk

250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders

255 Religious congregations and order

.001-.009 Standard subdivisions

255.009481 Klostervesen – Norge

260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology

263 Days, times, places of religious observance

263.04 Special topics of days, times, places of religious observance

263.042 Holy places

263.042481 Hellige steder – Norge [innen kristendommen]

Valfartssteder – Norge

264 Public worship

264.02 Roman Catholic Church

264.02 Katolske kirke – Ritualer

270 Historical, geographic, persons treatment of Christianity Church history

270 Kristendommen – Historie


270.09 Areas, regions, places in general, persons

270.092 Helgener

270.6 Period of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, 1517-1648

270.6 Reformasjonen

273 Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history

273.1 1st-2nd centuries

273.1 Gnostisisme

280 Denominations and sects of Christian church

281 Early church and Eastern churches

281.9 Eastern Orthodox churches

281.9 Ortodokse kirke

281.94-.99 Treatment by continent, country, locality

281.947 Russiske ortodokse kirke

Russisk-ortodokse kirke

Ortodokse kirke – Russland

289 Other denominations and sects

289.6 Society of Friends (Quakers)

289.6 Kvekere

289.8 Shakers

289.8 Shakers


290 Other religions

292 Classical religion (Greek and Roman religion)

292 Gresk-romersk religion

Hellenistisk religion

292.07 Roman religion

292.07 Romersk mytologi

Romersk religion

292.08 Greek religion

292.08 Gresk mytologi

Gresk religion

292.1-.9 Specific elements

292.13 Klassisk mytologi

292.38 Riter – Gresk-romersk religion

Mysteriekulter – Gresk-romersk religion

293 Germanic religion

293 Germansk religion

Norrøn religion

293.13 Norrøn mytologi

293.2114 Gudinner – Norrøn mytologi

294 Religions of Indic origin

294.3 Buddhism

294.3 Buddhisme

294.34 Doctrines and practices

294.342 Doctrines

294.3421-.3424 Specific doctrines

294.3423 Døden – Buddhisme

294.343-.344 Public worship and other practices; religious experience, life, practice

294.3437 Buddhisme – Symboler [Omvendt?]


294.3438 Buddhisme – Ritualer [Omvendt?]

294.39 Branches, sects, reform movements

294.392 Mahayana Buddhism (Northern Buddhism)

294.3925 Tantric Buddhism

294.3925 Tantrisk buddhisme

294.3927 Zen (Ch’an)

294.3927 Zen


294.5 Hinduism

294.5 Hinduisme

296 Judaism

296 Jødedommen

296.4 Traditions, rites, public services

296.4 Jødedommen – Ritualer

296.46 Use of the arts and symbolism

296.46 Jødedommen – Symboler

296.7 Religious experience, life, practice

296.71 Religious experience

296.712 Mysticism

296.712 Kabbala – Jødisk mystikk

297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith

297 Islam

297.1 Sources of Islam

297.12 Koran and Hadith

297.122 Koran

297.122 Koranen

297.3 Islamic worship

297.3 Islam – Religiøse skikker

Islam – Symboler

299 Religions not provided for elsewhere

299.1-.4 Religions of Indo-European, Semitic, Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic, North and West Asian, Dravidian origin

299.1 Religions of Indo-European origin

299.16 Celtic religion

299.16 Keltisk religion

299.3 Religions of Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic origin

299.31 Ancient Egyptian religion

299.31 Egyptisk religion

299.455 Samisk religion

Samisk mytologi


299.5 Religions of East and Southeast Asian origin

299.51 Religions of Chinese origin

299.512 Confucianism

299.512 Konfucianisme

299.514 Taoism

299.514 Taoisme

299.56 Religions of Japanese and Ryukyuan origin

299.561 Shinto

299.561 Shinto

299.6 Religions originating among Black Africans and people of Black African descent

299.67 Specific religions and movements

299.675 Voodoo

299.675 Voodoo

299.9 Religions of other origin

299.93 Religions of eclectic and syncretistic origin

299.93 Nyreligiøsitet

New Age

299.935 Anthroposophy

299.935 Antroposofi

300 Social sciences

300.1 Philosophy and theory

300.1 Samfunnsvitenskap – Teori

300.3-.9 Standard subdivisions

300.72 Samfunnsvitenskap – Metoder

301 Sociology and anthropology

301 Sosiologi

302 Social interaction

302 Sosial interaksjon

Kollektiv handling


302.2 Communication

302.2 Semiotikk


Kommunikasjon – Sosiologi

302.201 Kommunikasjonsteori

302.22 Kinds of communication

302.222 Nonverbal communication

302.222 Kroppsspråk

Ikke-verbal kommunikasjon





302.2223 Symbols

302.2223 Symboler

302.23 Media (Means of communication)

302.23 Massekommunikasjon



Visuell kommunikasjon [ryddes i forh. til 741.6]






Ikoner – Visuell kommunikasjon

302.2309485 Piktogrammer – Sverige

302.231 Digital media

302.231 Informasjonsteknologi og samfunn

Internett – Sosiale aspekter

Informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi – Sosiale aspekter

IKT – Sosiale aspekter

303 Social processes

303.3 Coordination and control

303.3 Makt – Samfunnsvitenskap

303.4 Social change

303.48 Causes of change

303.482 Contact between cultures

303.482 Tverrkulturell kommunikasjon


303.483 Development of science and technology

303.483 Teknologisk utvikling – Sosiale endringer

Teknologi og samfunn

Teknologisk utvikling

303.4833 Communication

303.4833 Informasjonsteknologi – Sosiale aspekter

303.49 Social forecasts

303.49 Fremtidsscenarier

303.6 Conflict and conflict resolution

303.66 War and peace

303.66 Fredsbevegelser


305 Social groups

305.2 Age groups

305.23 Young people

305.2309481 Barn – Norge

Barndom – Norge

Oppvekst – Norge

Barnekultur – Norge

305.235 Young people twelve to twenty

305.235 Ungdomskultur



305.3 Men and women

305.3 Kjønnsroller


305.31 Men

305.31 Maskulinitet



305.310904 Maskulinitet – Populærkultur – 1900-tallet

Mandighet – Populærkultur – 1900-tallet

Menn – Massemedia

305.4 Women

305.409 Historical, geographic, persons treatment

305.40952 Geishaer

305.42 Social role and status of women

305.42 Feminisme

305.43 Women’s occupations

305.4309481 Kvinnearbeid – Norge – Historie

Kvinneyrker – Norge – Historie

305.5 Social classes

305.55 Middle class (Bourgeoisie)

305.552 Intelligentsia

305.552 Kreativitet – Sosiologi

Intellektuelle – Sosiologi

305.56 Lower, alienated, excluded classes

305.562 Working class

305.562 Arbeiderklassen


305.8 Ethnic and national groups

305.8 Minoritetsforskning

305.805-.89 Specific ethnic and national groups

305.89272 Beduiner

305.891497 Sigøynere

305.89455 Samer

305.896 Etiopia – Etnografi

305.9 Occupational and miscellaneous groups

305.906 Persons with special social status

305.9069 Persons with status defined by changes in residence … (osv.)

305.90691 Persons with status defined by changes in residence

305.906918 Nomads

305.906918 Nomader

306 Culture and institutions

306 Kultursosiologi

Populærkultur – Sosiologi



Kulturindustri – Sosiologi

306.0904 Livsstil – 1900-tallet

Populærkultur – Historie – 1900-tallet



306.0952 Populærkultur – Japan

306.0955 Populærkultur – Iran

306.0973 Populærkultur – USA

306.1 Subcultures

306.1 Subkulturer




306.3 Economic institutions

306.3 Forbruk – Sosiologi


306.30995 Økonomisk antropologi – Oseania

Byttehandel – Oseania

306.4 Specific aspects of culture

306.4 Kulturstudier

306.409481 Kulturpolitikk – Norge

306.42 Sociology of knowledge

306.42 Intellektuelle – Kultursosiologi


306.44 Language

306.44 Sosiolingvistikk


306.45 Science

306.45 Vitenskapssosiologi

306.46 Technology

306.46 Materiell kultur


306.461 Medicine and health

306.461 Menneskekroppen – Sosialantropologi

Medisinsk antropologi

306.48 Recreation and performing arts

306.481 General topics of recreation

306.4812 Leisure

306.4812 Opplevelser – Sosiologi

306.7 Sexual relations

306.7 Seksualitet



306.70904 Kjærlighet – 1900-tallet

Seksualitet – 1900-tallet

Erotikk – 1900-tallet

306.70938 Seksualitet – Antikken

Kjønnsliv – Antikken

Erotikk – Antikken

306.74 Prostitution

306.74 Prostitusjon

306.77 Sexual and related practices

306.778 Transvestism

306.778 Transvestittisme


307 Communities

307.7 Specific kinds of communities

307.76 Urban communities

307.76 Byutvikling – Sosiologi

Byliv – Sosiologi


320 Political science (Politics and government)

320.01 Philosophy and theory

320.01 Politisk filosofi

320.5 Political ideologies

320.53 Collectivism and fascism

320.53 Totalitarisme

320.54 Nationalism

320.54 Nasjonalisme

321 Systems of governments and states

321.05 Nation-states

321.05 Nasjonalstater

321.8 Democratic government

321.8 Demokrati

322 Relation of the state to organized groups and their members

322.4 Political action groups

322.40222 Politiske plakater




325 International migration and colonization