Zone F House Rules
- In accordance with the District One House Rules, we shall be known as Zone F of District One consisting of the following clubs: The Kinsmen Club of Aylmer, The Kinsmen Club of Delhi, The Kinsmen Club of Dorchester & Area, The Kinsmen Club of Port Dover, The Kinsmen Club of Greater London, The Kinette Club of London, The Kinsmen Club of St. Thomas, The Kinsmen Club of Simcoe, The Kinette Club of Simcoe, The Kinsmen Club of Tillsonburg, The Kinette Club of Elgin-St. Thomas and The Kinette Club of Tillsonburg.
- As members of Zone F, we recognize our governing force to be the National General Operating By-Laws, Policy and Procedures Manual and The District One House Rules.
Officers and Duties
- The incoming Deputy Governors shall be responsible for distributing copies of the updated house rules to each of the Presidents before September.
- The immediate past two years of records and files shall be kept for reference purposes for the current Deputy Governor and all other past records shall be returned to the respective Deputy Governor for his/her disposal. Minutes from Zone Conferences are not to be destroyed but are to be kept in a binder for future reference. Financial reports shall be kept for seven years for incorporation purposes.
- Zone Deputy Governors shall circulate 30 days after the zone conference a copy of that conference’s minutes. They will have 10 copies of the last year’s minutes available on the day of the current zone conference.
- The host club shall pay for the Deputy Governor and his/her traveling companion’s meal for their first visitation and any event that he/she is specifically invited to attend to represent the Association.
- The Deputy Governor shall be seated at the head table at all club visitations.
Zone Conference
- Zone Conference shall be held between February 15th and March 31st of each year. Approval of the requested date must be given by the Governor of the year.
- At least 30 days prior to Zone Conference, the Deputy Governor shall forward a call to Zone Conference and a copy of the agenda to each club in the Zone.
- The Deputy Governors and two Zone Executive meals shall be paid from Zone Conference Expenses.
- The Zone Conference hHost Club shall arrange for a recording Secretary who will forward the minutes of the Zone Conference to the Deputy Governor for distribution.
- The Zone Conference Host Club shall arrange for judges for the Speak-Off and Joke-Off competition.
- The Zone Conference Host Club shall purchase gifts for the judges, limiting them to a cost of $10.00 each and a meal if applicable.
- The Zone Conference Host Club shall provide a token gift to the District Governor and the Vice-Governor representatives.
Zone Awards
- The recognized Zone awards are as follows:
- Kinsmen and Kinette Speak-off
- Kinsmen and Kinette Joke-off
- Kinsmen and Kinette Junior and Senior Bulletin
- Kinsmen and Kinette Quill
- Kinsmen and Kinette Rookie of the Year
- Kinsmen and Kinette of the Year
- Dave Russell Memorial Individual Service Award
- Eric Glover Memorial Fellowship Award (last presentation to be in 2022).
- The winners shall receive recognition to be determined by the Deputy Governors and the executive to honour their accomplishments.
- Amendments to the Zone House Rules may be made by a 2/3-majority vote of the delegate in attendance at the Zone Conference.
- Proposed amendments shall be received by the Deputy Governor at least 60 days prior to Zone Conference. A copy shall be sent to each club at least 30 days prior to the Zone Conference by the Deputy Governor.
- The Zone F House Rules shall be revised, if required, by a committee of the Deputy Governors and at least 3 Past Deputy Governors.
Zone Assessment
- Each member of the Zone shall be assessed an annual fee of $5.00 for Zone Dues to help cover the Deputy Governors’ expenses for the administration of Zone business.
- The Zone Assessment will be based on the February 28th national roster. Billings will be sent to clubs by March 15th, and are payable to Zone F Kin by April 30th.
- The Zone Assessment shall consist of three parts:
- $5 per member for zone administration costs
- $1 per member for zone awards program
- An equal share per club to cover registration and hotel costs for the incoming Deputy Governor(s) to attend spring convention. Conditions are:
- Any DG-elect having these convention costs covered by other means is not eligible for these zone funds (e.g. club President)
- Maximum funds available will be $200 per Deputy Governor-elect
- Business of the spring convention must be attended
- To defray the cost of Spring Convention for the Incoming Deputy Governors, each Club in the Zone shall be assessed an equal portion of the cost not to exceed a total of $200.00 for each of the Kinsmen deputy Governor and for the Kinette Deputy Governor. (For example: 8 Kinsmen Clubs $25, 7 Kinsmen Clubs $28.60 to the Kinsmen Deputy Governor. 4 Kinette Clubs $50.00 to the Kinette Deputy Governor. Incoming Deputy Governor’s to be paid at Spring Convention when all conditions are met.
Automatic Fines – 25 Cents
- Not wearing a Kin badge.
- Not wearing a Kin pin.
- Having an alcoholic beverage at the table when meeting is called to order.
- Arriving to the meeting after the call to order.
- Advertising in any form at the meeting.
- Misaddress to the chair during the fining session of the meeting.
- Speaking from the floor before being recognized by the chair.
- Chirping, disrupting the meeting or holding your own meeting.
- Not addressing a member as Kin or without their highest title. (I.e. Life Members)
- Throwing an object or missile during the meeting.
- Swearing, belching passing gas during a meeting.
- Not wearing proper business attire. (No sweatshirts, jeans- Unless part of the theme).
General Meeting Rules
- Any official regalia taken from the Head Table MUST NOT be taken from the meeting room.
- No Smoking in the meeting room at any time.
- Maximum fine is $2.00 per offence to a total of $5.00.
- Automatic Fine session shall begin at the Call to Order and end at the beginning of the business portion of the meeting.
General Meeting Rules cont’d:
- Sergeant-at Arms is not to be disputed for any automatic fines and if a dispute is called, the fine may b doubled by the chairperson.
- Proper change for each fine is the responsibility of the individual member. Any over payment because of incorrect change will be considered payment of that fine only and not for any future fines.
- Members shall be considered Out of Order for not paying a fine and shall not be recognized by the chair, but can continue to accumulate fines until all fines are paid.
- The Chairperson may not be fined and cannot fine another member unless the gavel is passed for a fee of $1.00
- A member with a Change of Status (major life change) shall be fined at the discretion of the chair, to a maximum of $2.00.
- The business portion of the meetings shall be conducted using Nations Guidelines.