Pennsylvania Certification Information
It is the responsibility of each applicant seeking Pennsylvania certification to obtain, complete, and submit appropriate materials to the Pennsylvania Department of Education.
Contact:Pennsylvania Department of Education
School Leadership and Teacher Quality Division
Links – Click on “Teachers, Administrators and Certifications,” then on “PA Certification,” then on “Out of
State Prepared.” Register and apply for certification using (TIMS), the on-line Teacher Information
Management System. The PA initial teaching certificate is: “Level I.”
When applying, you need to obtain:
- Certification fee;
- FORM 338A, “College/Univ. Verification“ - (Download/print from PA website): Send form to TCNJ Certification Office for completion. We will return the form to you within 5 working days.
TCNJ Certification Office
106 EducationBldg.
PO Box 7718 e-mail –
Ewing, NJ 08628-0718 phone (609) 771-2396
- a complete official TCNJ transcript in a sealed envelope, from TCNJ’s Office of Records/Registration.
Be certain your TCNJ Degree and degree date have been posted to the TCNJ transcript.
- for administrative (principal/supervisor) certification, include copies of professional certificates held
and provide verification of three years professional experience.
- GPA–Bachelor’s and/or Master’s degree transcript must indicate a GPA of 3.0 or higher.
Pennsylvania Teacher Testing Program
1. BASIC Skills tests in reading, writing and mathematics
All Students who completed Bachelors’ Degree programs need PAPA tests by “ES Pearson.”.
Completers of instructional graduate programs do not need basic skillstests for PA certification.
PAPA = Pre-Service Academic Performance Assessment
Register at for reading, writing and math Modules # 8001, 8002, and 8003.
Tests may be waived wth SAT scores: 1550 SAT total, with at least a score of 500 in each section.
SAT scores must be sent directly from ETS to the PA Dep’t of Education.
2. Certification in K-12areas (art, music, health phys ed, DHH)also require:
Praxis II, Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge - test 0511/5511 - Qualifying Score - 150
3. Page 2 lists tests required in each specific area of certification:
Licensure Area Test(s) Required Score Testing source
Art / Art: Content Knowledge 0134 / 5134 / 158 / ETSBiology (secondary ed) / Biology: Content Knowledge 0235 / 5235 / 147 / ETS
Chemistry (secondary ed) / Chemistry: Content Knowledge 0245 / 5245 / 154 / ETS
PK-4 (generalist) / Pre-K – 4 Module 1 – Child Dev., Assessment, Profession. 8006
Pre-K – 4 Module 2 – Lang, Soc. St., Arts 8007
Pre-K – 4 Module 3 – Math, Science, Health 8008 / 220
220 / ES Pearson
Any Grades 4-8 certificate / Grades 4-8 Core Assessment #5152 includes 3 Modules:
5153 Pedagogy; 5154 Engl.L.A,.Soc St ; & 5155 Math,Sci / 152-164 / ES Pearson
Grades 4-8 English
Language Arts / Subj. Concentration - ELA 5156 / 163 / ES Pearson
Grades 4-8 Social Studies / Subj. Concentration - Social Studies 5157 / 157 / ES Pearson
Grades 4-8 Mathematics / Subj. Concentration - Mathematics 5158 / 182 / ES Pearson
Grades 4-8 Science / Subj. Concentration - Science 5159 / 163 / ES Pearson
English (secondary ed) / English Language, Literature, and Composition: Content
Knowledge 0041 / 5041 / 167 / ETS
Health & Physical Education / Health & Physical Ed: Content Knowledge 0856 / 5856 / 146 / ETS
Mathematics (secondary ed) / Mathematics: Content Knowledge 5061 / 160 / ETS
Music / Music: Content Knowledge 5113 / 158 / ETS
Physics (secondary ed) / Physics: Content Knowledge 0265 / 5265 / 140 / ETS
Reading Specialist / Reading Specialist 5301 / 164 / ETS
Social Studies (secondary ed) / Social Studies: Content Knowledge 0081 / 5081 / 157 / ETS
Spanish / Spanish: World Language 5195 / 168 / ETS
Special Education - PK-8 / Special Education : Core Content Knowledge & Applications
0354 / 5354 / 151 / ES Pearson
Special Educ. - Hearing
Impaired – Visual Impair. / Sp Ed. Education of Deaf & Hard of Hearing Students 02 72
SP Ed Teaching Students with Visual Impairments 0282 / 160
163 / ETS
Technology Educ. / Technology Education 0051 / 159 / ETS
Elem & Sec. School Counselor / School Guidance & Counseling 5421
( PAPA tests are n needed for Graduate-level s. counselor program) / 156 / ETS
Principal / Educational Leadership: Administration & Supervisor 6011 / 163 / ETS
Supervisor / Educational Leadership: Administration & Supervisor
0411 /5411 / 143 / ETS
Additional information:
PA required tests list with Qualifications
PA Educ. Certification Tests (PECT) - ES Pearson test registration
Praxis Test– teaching: administrative:
TCNJ Elem. Educ. program completers may apply for PA PK-4 OR PA gr. 4-8 certificates (content area-specific) .…
Content-specific tests:arerequired for each 4-8 certification: see above.
TCNJ Early Ch Ed/Elem (dual) program completers should contact the TCNJ Certification Office for information if both PA
PK-4 AND 4-8 certification is sought.
TCNJ Spec. Ed. Program completers must apply for PA PK-4 certification in order to be Spec. Ed. PK-8 certified.
PA 338V form (teaching experience) is not needed for initial certification applicants.
PA. Policies are subject to change Dec. 2013