First Year Progress Report
Provost’s General Education Course Development Grant Competition
As the first year of your two-year project draws to a close, we would like you to provide a progress report regarding your course preparation, not least to evaluate the effectiveness of this competition. Please provide us with the following data so that we can furnish the Provost’s Office with an update on your progress at that time. We encourage brief and well-focused answers. Please insert them directly into this word document and forward it to by DATE TBA.
1. Name of instructor(s) and course title.
2. Year in which you first receive your grant.
3. When is your course scheduled to be taught?
4. Has it been approved by your department, school, GEOC, and Senate? If so, for what Content Area(s)/ Competencies? (See the course approval sequence )
5. How many students will the course accommodate?
6. List your student learning objectives as they pertain to General Education at UConn in general and our Content Areas and/or Competencies in particular: You may also find the information on student learning outcomes developed by GEOC helpful:
7. In what ways will each of these student learning objectives be assessed?
8. If one or more of the competencies (W etc.) are being considered, in what ways are you addressing them?
9. List the ways in which the students are to be engaged in their learning activities,
e.g., classroom, lab, field work, etc.
10. Explain how any of these activities might be considered innovative.
11. How could this course serve as a model for changes in other Gen Ed courses?
12. What information about the effectiveness of learning in your course will you be collecting in your formative surveys? (Typically held around the 3rd/4th weeks)
13. Recognizing the limitations of the OIR (Office of Institutional Research) student evaluation form, what other information would you like to collect with your course’s summative survey? (Close to the end of the semester)
14. Within the context of this course design, what personal and/or professional development has occurred?
15. What do you see to be the challenges in the implementation of your course?
16. What resources or environment do you need to successfully implement your course? (Type of classroom, types of technology, seating, desk types etc.)