ZJPPRNT – Check Printing Program

ZJPPRNT is a job-submission process that prints checks from a formatted pchk file generated from program ZFRCHEK. ZJPPRNT is run from Banner screen GJAPCTL.

In GJAPCTL (Printer Control field), always use printer name DATABASE.

This program is only necessary if you are still printing student refund checks. Mount your checks and then run ZJPPRNT.

ZJPPRNT Parameter Values

01 Printer Code

Enter the Banner Printer Code. This printer code can be found on screen GTVPRNT. This may not be the UNIX printer name that you use with the DTAE menu. Using the example below when printing checks from the DTAE menu, you would know the check printer name as ibm6400. However, in Banner, the Printer Code is always used. You may have to consult with your Technical Support staff to get your correct Printer Code for your Banner checks printer. You should always use the same Printer Code each time you print student refund checks. The example value for this parameter is: IBM6400

Information for the Printer Code located on screen GTVPRNT.


IBM6400Banner Check Printerlp –dibm6400 @

02 Check File Name

Enter the check file name that you want to print. You can find this check file name at the bottom of your ZFRCHEK check register. The example values for this parameter is : /tmp/pchk20070810100609

Always remember to precede your check file name with /tmp/.

Information located at the bottom of the check register (use the Check File Name)

Register File Name /tmp/preg20070810100609

Check File Name /tmp/pchk20070810100609

ACH File Name /tmp/pach20070810100609

ZJPPRNT Processing


ZJPPRNT generates only a log file. The .log file displays the report parameters, including the Program Version, used and also gives error messages that may occur during processing. Always use DATABASE in Printer Control.

Example ZJPPRNT .log file when Printer Code and File Name is correct

PARAMETER (1) = saisusr


PARAMETER (3) = 70910


Successfully Connected to Oracle in ZJPPRNT

Job number is: 379

End of Job for ZJPPRNT

Version 1.3


Printer COMMAND lp -d ibm6400

File Name /tmp/pchk20070810100609

Example ZJPPRNT .log file when Printer Code and/or File Name is incorrect

PARAMETER (1) = saisusr


PARAMETER (3) = 70910


Successfully Connected to Oracle in ZJPPRNT

PARAMETER (1) = saisusr


PARAMETER (3) = 70909


Successfully Connected to Oracle in ZJPPRNT

enq: (FATAL ERROR): 0781-161 Argument /tmp/pchk20070620140454 is not an accessi.

enq: errno = 2: A file or directory in the path name does not exist.

End of Job for ZJPPRNT

Version 1.3


Printer COMMAND lp -d ibm6400

File Name /tmp/pchk20070620140454

NOTE: If your checks do not start printing and your .log file looks good, the printer may be down. You may have to contact technical support.

For Technical Support Staff

Files for upload






Upgrade instructions

Run script /u02/app/Dtae/Menu/Mods/zjpprnt_para.sql as sql user SATURN.

If Class Updating - Each user must have maintenance access to the object ZJPPRNT. Give


If USER ID Updating - Each user must have maintenance access to the object ZJPPRNT. Give

BAN_DEFAULT_M on ZJPPRNT to the Banner user needing access to this report.