September 14-15, 2017

Hilton St. Charles Hotel, 333 St. Charles St., New Orleans, LA

Thursday, September 14

9:00am-NoonBoard ofDirectorsMeeting

12:45pm OpeningRemarks

1:00pm-2:15pm What Keeps You Up at Night?

Back by popular demand, we will kick off our Publishers’ retreat with live Q & A sessions on what concerns you the most about the business we are in. Bring your burning questions and the group will answer with solutions that are working in their respective markets.


2:30pm-3:45pmCustom Publishing and Non-Traditional Revenue

Here from our special guest, New Orleans Magazine Publisher/CEO Todd Matherne on how he uses his existing media business infrastructure to go after custom publishing jobs in his community, leveraging his sales people’s relationships to offer printing and marketing services and creating new business. Also hear how New Orleans magazine is repurposing content to create SIP’s (special interest publications) that are selling out and adding serious revenue to this successful media business.

4:00pm-6:00pmTour of French Quarter (Ann to give links to 1-2 tour options)

6:00pm Group Dinner

Booked at Muriel’s on Jackson Sq. $65 per person, 3 course meal. Open bar sponsored by Publication Printers.

Friday, September 15, 2017

8:30am-9:30am GroupBreakfast

9:30am-10:45am Creating and Retaining a Strong Sales Force

Hear from Bill Ganon of Connect2Sell Training on how to manage turnover and create a culture of excellence to build a sales team and stopping the revolving door. By creating the right internal culture and structuring compensation plans that offer short and long term incentives, Bill will guide us through where to find the best media sales reps, how to manage Millennials and how to motivate and retain them for lasting success.

10:45am-11:00am Break

11:00am-Noon Financial Standards

The results of the PMA Financial Standards Surveys will be discussed as a group and, if possible, breakouts into smaller groups to dive deeper into group averages, medians and individual variance questions. Learn how other PMA publishers in your circulation category are performing above or below the averages and what you can learn to tighten up your bottom line.


1:30pm-2:30pmOvercoming Objections and Creating Value

A panel of PMA Publishers will discuss how they have adapted to overcome objections from clients and prospects and how they have created compelling packages to win high revenue contracts. They will also address how to work with ad agencies and how to create ROI reports that assure advertisers and agencies that marketing to parents through local parenting media creates lasting value for their brand.


3:00pm-4:30pm Best Ideas

Hear the best new ideas from each participating publisher or hear how they took a tried and true idea and put a fresh spin on it to generate more business. Need an idea? Consider what you and your team have accomplished this year in categories like special advertising sections, inserts, e-Books, sponsored content, digital directories, events, promotions, marketing, community partnerships or maybe a way you saved money by redesigning your publication/website, restructuring your sales team, hiring freelancers, renegotiating your rent or distribution drops or a way you incentivized your team that got them fired up for success! A Best Ideas book will be given to each participant. You must enter at least 1 idea to participate- more are always welcomed.

4:30pm-6:30pmFree time to explore New Orleans

6:30pmGroup Dinner

Award winning restaurant Domenica. $55 per person. Open bar sponsored by Publication Printers.