July 2017
AFT professional staff employees serving in multi-year contracts shall complete, with their supervisors, the Annual Performance Appraisal System (APAS) Form for the appraisal period of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 (note: this calendar applies to the professional staff employees in multi-year contracts who are not undergoing reappointment). Division Goal(s) and/or Unit Goal(s), Employee Outcomes, Achievement Targets and Measures should be discussed and established and the APAS Form for the next appraisal period should be prepared at this time. Note: the APAS for the next appraisal period should be prepared as close to July 1st as possible to ensure that job expectations are clear for both employee and supervisor.
Note: The complete and evaluated 2016-2017 APAS and the prepared 2017-2018 APAS shall be submitted to the Office of Employee Relations on or before November 3, 2017, in accordance with the calendar dates below.
Wednesday, November 1 (on or before)
AFT professional staff employees serving in multi-year contracts shall submit to the appropriate supervisor his/her APAS self-appraisal for the period of July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017.
Wednesday, November 8 (on or before)
Supervisors completing the APAS Forms shall consult with their Managers regarding their assessment of the professional staff they supervise.
Wednesday, November 15 (on or before)
Supervisors shall hold formal assessment meetings with each professional staff employees they supervise regarding the APAS for the period of July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 (hereinafter 2016-2017 APAS Form). At this time, the Results and/or Analysis, Action Plans and Supervisor Comments should be assessed on the APAS. In addition, the Division Goals and/or Unit Goals, Employee Outcomes, Achievement Targets and Measures must be prepared for the next appraisal period of July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018, if this has not already been done. Job descriptions should be dated and revised if necessary.
Wednesday, November 15 (on or before)
Supervisors shall note their recommendations in writing on the 2016–2017 APAS forms and forward all reappointment documents to the Administrative Officers next in line, including a copy of the APAS Form for the next appraisal period, July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018.
Friday, December 1 (on or before)
The Administrative Officer next in line shall note his/her recommendation in writing on the 2016-2017 APAS Forms and forward all APAS documents to the Division Head.
Friday, December 15 (on or before)
The Division Head shall note his/her recommendation in writing on the 2016-2017 APAS Form and forward all reappointment documents to the Office of Employee Relations. All signed and completed APAS Forms received by the Office of Employee Relations are placed in the employees’ personnel files.
Note: At every level of review, candidates must be notified in writing if there is a negative recommendation and he/she may request a meeting with the supervisor making the recommendation. The meeting shall be held before the final recommendation is submitted to the administrator next in line. It is the option of the candidate to request the presence of a union representative at the meeting as an observer/advisor only. The candidate will be given at least 48 hours prior notice of the scheduled meeting unless waived by him/her. Candidates may also respond in writing and such information will be attached to the APAS packet and included in his/her personnel file.