Zion Lutheran Sunday School

Parents Handbook

2014-2015 School Year

Carlea Halverson, Director of Christian Education

Brue Dorris, Sunday School Coordinator

Parish Ed Email Address:

Church Website:

Church Office: 618-377-8314

Key Points for Parents

Classes Offered …………………………………………………………………………..Page 5

Sunday School Closing / Inclement Weather ………………………………..Page 6

Registration ………………………………………………………………………………..Page 7

Use of Photos and Names .………………………………………………………….Page 7

Volunteers …………………………………………………………………………………..Page 8

Visitors and Friends………………………………………………………………………Page 9

Attendance …………………………………………………………………………………Page 9

Offerings………………………………………………………………………………………Page 10

Special Needs ……………………………………………………………………………..Page 11

Discipline.……………………………………………………………………………………Page 12

Original Issue: August 24, 2014 This handbook is available online at zionbethalto.org

Table of Contents

Purpose of this Document …………………………………………………………………………………..Page 3

Why Go to Sunday School? ………………………………………………………………………………..Page 3

My Child Already Attends Zion's Day School…

Typical Sunday School Class Routine ………………………………………………………………….Page 4

Curriculum ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 5

Classes We Offer…………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 5

Special Occasions ……………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 6

Bad Weather or Other Reasons to Cancel Sunday School ………………………………….Page 6

Before/After Class, Including Use of Gym …………………………………………………………..Page 7

Registration ………………………………………………………………………………………………………Page 7

Photos and the Use of Names ………………………………………………………………………….Page 7

Volunteers ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 8

Classroom Helper, Teacher, Substitute Teacher, Staff

Attendance ……………………………………………………………………………………………………….Page 9

Attendance Recognition, “We Miss You” Mailings, Bring a Friend

Offerings …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 10

Sunday School Missions …………………………………………………………………………………….Page 10

Compassion International, Monthly Mission Project

Special Needs …………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 11

Parental Involvement ………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 11

Take-Home Sheets, Online, Facebook, Email, Church Bulletins and The Herald

Behavior Expectations ………………………………………………………………………………………Page 12

Classroom Behavior Expectations, Disciplinary Measures

In Closing …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Page 12

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” (Matthew 19:14)

"…bring (your children) up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. (Ephesians 6:4b)

Purpose of this Document

This handbook is intended to provide information to both parents and teachers in order to help Zion Sunday School achieve its purpose to

  • Provide a safe and loving atmosphere where children can learn more about the love of God through His Son, Jesus Christ.
  • Equip and encourage parents and guardians as they guide the spiritual growth of their children.
  • Encourage members, visitors, un-churched children and similar to participate in Christian education.

Why Go to Sunday School?

There are any number of great reasons parents should bring their children to Sunday School, including these 10:

1. Age Targeted Teaching: Where else can your kids get Biblical instruction that's focused toward their developmental abilities?

2. Friends: In Sunday School, your child will build positive friendships with their peers by discovering God's Word together.

3. It's Fun: Sunday School is not Disney Land, but our teachers do work hard to teach the Bible in ways that are relevant and fun for kids.

4. Spiritual Mentors: A dedicated teacher can be a Christian role model who supports you and helps inspire the faith of your child.

5. Systematic Bible Learning: Our curriculum is designed to give a broad foundation, so children will understand how all the parts of Scripture point to Christ.

6. Praying Teachers: Our teachers consistently pray for the spiritual growth of Zion's children. Coming to Sunday School gives another occasion for God to answer those requests.

7. Big Reward For a Small Investment: If you're already coming to church, just come an hour earlier or stay an hour later. That one change will provide hundreds of hours of additional Christian education before your child graduates from high school.

8. Send the Right Message: Making Sunday School a priority shows your kids that God's Word really does matter more than leisure-time.

9. Adult Bible Fellowship: While the children enjoy their class, you can fellowship with other adults in your own Bible study group.

10. Kids Can Ask Questions: Although attending church is important, it doesn't provide an opportunity for questions and discussions. Sunday School is great for this!

My Child Already Attends Zion's Day School…Why Should They Also Attend Sunday School?

"My kids don't need to go to Sunday School because they already learn about religion at Zion's day school or at Metro East."

Have you ever heard a parent say that? Have you said it yourself? On the surface it may even sound reasonable. However, Sunday School and our Lutheran day schools are different and each serves a valuable purpose. We believe that the two together - day school and Sunday School - work to enhance each other, not simply repeat each other. Yes, many of the topics are similar, however, the setting, the different teachers (who emphasize different things), the different classmates, different activities, and similar all work toward making each a unique experience. And, most importantly, each works toward helping children grow closer to God through Christ, providing tools they will use both now and later as they begin to face the world as adults.

Please consider the value of Sunday School for your child or children … and Adult Bible Study for yourself. Regardless of our age we never want to stop growing in Christ!

Typical Sunday School Class Routine

The typical Sunday School class starts with a welcome from the teacherand attendance is taken. If children wish to give an offering a basket is present for doing so. The children then learn about the Bible lesson ofthe day and how it pertains to our world today. Usually there is a game ora craft for the class to do. The class is ended with a prayer.Occasionally we have a guest speaker visit who provides information and stories from personal experience.

On the first Sunday of each month we hold an “Opening” session for Sunday School in the school gym. Here all the classes gather to have an object lesson, learn about our upcoming mission, celebrate birthdays, including baptismal birthdays, and similar. These sessions usually last about 15 minutes then the children return to their regular classrooms. Note that children should report to their usual classroom on these days. From there, teachers will escort them to the gym and back.


All classes from Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade use the "Faithweaver" curriculum. This program is designed to

  • Help children learn about the Bible, including God's plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus,
  • Ensure application for everyday lives, and
  • Involve parents in the Christian education of their children. Faithweaver focuses on sparking faith conversations at home.

Materials are rotated every three years to reinforce the information in an age-appropriate manner as a child matures. All classes through 8th grade cover the same topic each week so it's easier for parents to discuss the topic with children.

Information and materials will be provided to parents each week so that you may discuss the lesson with your child. Doing so will strongly support their learning and be a spiritual plus for your family.

Classes We Offer

Zion offers Sunday School classes for all age groups from infant through high school. All classes meet from 9:30 to 10:30 every Sunday in the groups and locations noted below. Note that all classes except Little Lambs and high school meet at Zion's school which is located across the parking lot, north of the church building.

Beginning with Kindergarten, all classes refer to the school grade that a child is in at the time.

Class / Grade / Teachers/Helpers / Location
Little Lambs
Available for any child from infant up to the age at which they move to Pre-Kindergarten. / Mike Fitzgerald
Jennifer Batson
Christina Tiek
Macenzie Lang
Katie Ray / Little Lambs meets in a special room just inside the west door of the Worship Center. (It's next to the restrooms in the big, open area just outside of the sanctuary.)
Pre-Kindergarten (Pre-K)
All children who are age 3 as of 8/31/14 and toilet trained are welcome. / Christy Dorris
Tiffany Lubinski
Jennifer Weber
Joey Zimmer / Zion's school building at the far end of the hall in the room labeled "Kindergarten".
Kindergarten and 1st Grade / Shirley Schmidt
Kelli Lane / Zion's school building at the end of the hall in the 1st grade room.
2nd and 3rd Grade / Sandy Wilson
Heather Johnson / Zion's school building, in the basement, at the end of the hall, on the left side.
4th and 5th Grade / Mary Rakoski
Sandy Wilson / The library in Zion's school building. The library is located about mid-way down the main hall, on the right.
6th, 7th, 8th Grade / Dan Wieseman
Angie Hayes
Carlea Halverson / Zion's school building, in the basement, at the end of the hall, on the right side.
High School / Amber Scott / Youth Room (aka "Marty's") in the main church building, north side.

Special Occasions

Although most Sundays follow a similar pattern, throughout the year we do some things which are different. A few examples include the following:

All Saints Day - On All Saints Day, Sunday School children through 5th grade dress as their favorite Bible character and visit the adult Bible Study classes. There, they collect coins from the adults to be used for a mission. It's a great way to have fun and support a worthy mission!

Easter Special Celebration - On Easter morning we expand the class time to 90 minutes so the children have time for games, snacks, an Easter egg hunt and to hear about Jesus' resurrection.

Christmas Program - A week or so before Christmas day our children participate in a celebration program for parents, etc. in the evening.

Move-up day - At around the start of the new grade school year we have a special day of fun, games and snacks. Near the end of our celebration children gather with their teachers and are promoted to the next higher grade.

Special Fun Days - To help keep from falling into “samo-samo” routines, our teachers and education committee periodically designate special fun days for the kids. We still have a lesson but it's usually something from Veggie Tales followed by fun activities.

Bad Weather or Other Reasons to Cancel Sunday School

During the winter months weather can sometimes be a problem. Use your best judgment as to whether you should risk coming out into the elements. If it is questionable as to whether Sunday School is being held, please escort your children inside the church or school and ensure Sunday School is being held before leaving your child. Announcements may also appear on Zion's Facebook page. Also, during registration we ask for your email address in part so we can send an email notice ahead of time.

Before/After Class, Including Use of Gym

The school building is typically opened at around 9:20 a.m. Children should not arrive prior to this, especially during inclement weather. Upon arrival, children should report directly to their room; they are not allowed to use the gym at this time. After class is over at 10:30, younger children will typically wait for a parent or older sibling to pick them up. Older children will typically leave on their own unless a parent tells a teacher otherwise. Either way, children are not allowed to use the gym while waiting. The gym may only be used for specific Sunday School-related activities under the direction of a teacher or staff.


Memberswill register at the beginning of the new school year - typically late August or early September - or when they begin attending if that is at a later date. Visitors are encouraged to register if they begin attending regularly. Otherwise, if an emergency contact is necessary for a visitor, the contact information of the person who brought them will be used. If you have not registered your child/children for the 2014/2015 Sunday School year please see their teacher who will provide the one-page form. Or you can complete the form on Zion's Facebook page. The form provides our staff with important information such as allergies the child may have, birthdays (so we can celebrate them), emergency contact information, and the parent's preference for use of photos and names in newsletters, worship service slides, and similar. This information is very important to us so we ask for your cooperation in providing it.

Photos and the Use of Names

Parents need to let our staff know your preferences regarding the use of your child's picture or name. The process for doing this is via the registration form. With that, our policy is as follows:


Occasionally we photograph Sunday School activities for Zion-related use such as on the Zion website or Facebook page, worship service slideshows, or similar. Children are not identified by name. When a picture shows a child's face which is sufficiently visible so that the child could be easily identified by a stranger, that picture will not be used without permission of the parent or guardian.


Zion has a variety of print and online publications including the church bulletin, the Zion website, the Herald, newsletters, and similar. On occasion we use the names of children - without their picture - who are celebrating an event such as a birthday, a good attendance record or similar.


Parents lead very busy lives nowadays and our Sunday School staff respects that. However, we ask that parents understand that Sunday School is only possible because of volunteers. We all want the best possible Christian education experience for our children and, to provide that, we need the help of parents. Here are some ways you can help:

Note: We will accommodate you on any of these jobs; you choose the schedule. For example, you can volunteer just one Sunday each month or every week. Or, you can help for one quarter then step aside for the next quarter. Whatever works for you will be a bonus for us!

  • Classroom Helper - Helping in a classroom requires no preparation, you just need to be there during the hour to help the teacher. Among your duties you would help children with crafts and other activities, walk a younger child to the bathroom or to get a drink, possibly sit off to the side with a child who misses mom or dad or who needs to be separated from a friend for awhile, and similar. To repeat, if you want to be a helper only, you do not have to prepare a lesson or teach.
  • Teacher - We provide the lesson plan, activities, and other helps so you don't have to spend time trying to find a lesson. Also, all classes have more than one teacher so, as with being a helper, you can choose how often you want to teach.
  • Substitute Teacher or Helper - We always need people who are willing to fill in when a teacher knows they will not be available.
  • Staff - If you like to work in the background - as opposed to the classroom - we need you, too! This one is a bit harder to define but would involve what we call "the business of Sunday School". Contact Bruce Dorris if this sounds like something you would be interested in.

Please consider if there is a way you can help with Sunday School and don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have.


Children need to understand that their growth in Christ is something that doesn't "take a break". You can help them understand this by making a commitment to have your child/children at Sunday School on a regular basis. In fact, it helps if you make it a habit and a part of your child’s normal routine.

Attendance Recognition

For many children, achieving a goal or recognition is valuable in helping them stay with something. With this in mind, Zion's Sunday School has periodic attendance recognition days where children stand together at the opening and are given a special certificate and an opportunity to win a DQ treat card. Additionally, the names of those being recognized are listed in church publications where permitted.

“We Miss You” Mailings

Besides encouraging children to attend regularly, we like to let them know we miss them when we haven’t seen them in Sunday School for a while. We do this in a variety of ways but the most common is to send a post card, note from their classmates, or similar after an extended period of absence, typically 4 consecutive weeks. If your child receives such a note please encourage them to accept it in the manner in which it is sent; the children, teachers and staff really do miss your child!

Bring a Friend

Children typically are quick to make friends and very often form close friendships with one or two others. One very important way that a child can show their care for a friend is to invite them to Sunday School. Of course, we don't encourage taking a child away from their own church, however, many children are un-churched and we would love to be able to tell them about Jesus! And, your child may be friends with another child who is a Zion member but who does not attend Sunday School. They are encouraged to invite them, too!