World Geography Syllabus


Teacher: Coach Vernor

Teacher: Mrs. Collard

Room: A-109


Welcome to World Geography! My name is Coach Vernor. You may be asking yourself, “What is World Geography”? Well, the purpose of World Geography is to understand and relate location, movement, region and the human environmental impact on the history of nations and the groups that inhabit them. This course puts heavy emphasis on the past, present and future of the world’s social, economic, and political events as they may be affected by the world’s geography. If you have ever wanted to travel to see interesting places in the world, or if you have ever had an interest in other people or cultures, you have the makings of a World Geographer. Now don’t let anyone tell you that World Geography is a bunch of memorizing states, capitals and countries. Instead of this boring approach, let’s use this time to explore the world, take a virtual trip around the world, and visit exciting destinations. You know, the kinds of places people pay a lot of money to visit on vacation. Let’s look at the cultures, religions, peoples and ways of life. I hope that by the end of this class you have a much better understanding of the diversity our world has to offer, and how important knowledge of that diversity is for you.

·  Course Goals

o  To have an understanding of the world we live in.

o  To understand the importance of World Geography.

o  To integrate World Geography into your life.

·  Student and Teacher Responsibilities:

o  My responsibilities as your teacher:

1) Provide you with the information you need to be successful.

2) Provide a safe environment for you learn.

3) Show courtesy and respect to my students.

o  Your responsibilities as a student:

1) Be on time and prepared for class.

2) Show courtesy and respect to your fellow students and the teacher.

3) Work hard and don’t give up!

·  Daily Class Schedule:

o  Bell-Work, Daily Objectives, Announcements, and “Other Tidbits.”

o  Vocabulary

o  10-15 Minutes of Instruction & Notes

o  Individual Work, Group Work, Project Work or Study Time

o  Every Friday Quiz/Unit Test

·  Materials Needed Every Day:

o  3 Ring Binder

o  Pen/Pencil

o  Spiral Notebook

o  Turn in Colored Pencils and a Box of Tissues with your name on them for a daily grade.


·  Plagiarismis offering someone else's work as your own, whether that’s one sentence or entire paragraphs. This can be from an Internet source, book, magazine, or the writing of other students.

·  What happens if you are caught plagiarizing? There is a zero tolerance policy in effect. You will receive a failing grade for the assignment. Your parents or guardians will be contacted, and the principal will be alerted through an office referral.


·  If you are absent from a class for ANY reason, YOU must ask your teacher for the make-up work. Your teacher WILL NOT approach you with missing work. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!!

·  Check the “Make-Up Work” folder. Also, if you have questions about being absent, ask them in the last 10 minutes of class, or just come by before/after school.

·  If you miss more than 4 days of school in one semester, you must make up those school days in a manner determined by your Assistant Principal.

Major Assignments:

·  Notebook: All of your notes must be kept in your Freshman 3 Ring Binder. All warm-ups (a.k.a. “Bell Work”) and objectives must be kept in your spiral notebook, and they must be dated. Every Friday, your 3 ring binder and spiral notebook will be checked for a daily grade. This is the only way I will grade your notes and it is the best way to study for tests.

·  Tests: We will take a test at the end of every unit over notes and vocabulary.

·  Benchmarks: Fall Benchmark Exams will be taken during the week of October 17-21 & the Spring Benchmark Exams will be taken during the week of February 27- March 2.

·  Semester Finals: Fall Semester Exams will be taken during the week of December 14-16 & the Spring Semester Exams will be taken during the week of May 29-31.

·  World Geography EOC Exam (STAAR): May 7-17


·  Tests 40%

·  Daily Work 50%

·  Benchmark 10%

·  EOC Exam 15% of Final Grade

Grading Periods:

·  October 21, 2011 – End of 1st 9 Weeks

·  December 16, 2011 – End of 2nd 9 Weeks

·  March 9, 2012 – End of 3rd 9 Weeks

·  May 31, 2012 – End of 4th 9 Weeks

o  Progress Reports will be sent out every 3 weeks.

Expectations – C.H.A.M.P.

1)  When you enter the room, get in your assigned seat and begin the warm-up.

2)  Bring your materials with you every day.

3)  Keep your hands, feet, books, and objects to yourself.

4)  No profanity, rude gestures, cruel teasing, or putdowns.

5)  Follow directions.

Late Work Policy – Zeroes Aren’t Permitted (ZAP):

·  Turn in work on day assigned.

·  Any work turned in after the assigned date will have 25 points deducted.

·  If a number of zeroes (0) accumulate in the grade book, an automated phone call will be sent to notify the parents/guardians.

·  Mandatory after school detention will be issued on Thursdays to complete missing assignments.

·  Any missing or incomplete assignments not turned in at the end of the 3 week grading period will result in a permanent zero (0).


·  Teacher Tutorials: Tuesdays & Thursdays 2:33-3:15pm (unless otherwise set by teacher)

·  Extended Day: Mondays, Tuesdays, & Thursdays 2:45-4:45pm in library

o  Transportation is provided

o  First Session is September 6th

Tardy Policy:

·  When the tardy bell rings, teachers will close their doors and you must report to the nearest AP office to obtain a pass.

·  On the pass:

o  Your Name, Time Issued, # of tardies, Consequence

·  Consequences:

o  1st - 3rd Tardy: Warning

o  4th - 5th Tardy: Detention

o  6th - or more: Referral to Assistant Principal

Dress Code:

·  Please refer to the Dickinson Independent School District Student Code of Conduct 2011-2012 Handbook or look up on the district website at


·  I will issue you hall passes each 9 weeks which allows you to leave this classroom a MAXIMUM of 3 times. Don’t ask unless it is an emergency, never ask while I am teaching, or within 10 minutes of a bell.


Please Complete and Return to Teacher

For Parents/Guardians:

I have received the World Geography syllabus from my student and we both understand this course’s expectations.

Parent/Guardian Printed Name


Parent/Guardian Signature






For students:

I have read the World Geography syllabus and I understand what is required for this course.

Student Signature
